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In Charles's arms, Alexandra trembled, her tears soaking his shirt as she poured out her painful memories

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In Charles's arms, Alexandra trembled, her tears soaking his shirt as she poured out her painful memories. The weight of her past seemed unbearable, the scars on her heart visible through her eyes. His embrace tightened, offering her the solace she desperately needed.

 Alexandra found the courage to share the fragmented pieces of her past. "Charles, it's my fault," she whispered, her voice cracking, tears flowing. "If only I had realized she was drinking that night... maybe she would still be alive."

Charles cupped her face tenderly, his gaze unwavering. "No, Lex, it's not your fault," he insisted, his words a lifeline amidst her turmoil. "You couldn't have known. It was a tragic accident."

But the guilt clung to her, a heavy burden she carried. "I should've seen the car coming," she choked out, "but I was so focused on leaving, I-,"

Charles held her close, the strength of his arms reassuring. "We can't change the past, Lexi," he said gently. "It's not your fault Mon Ange."

She paused, her breathing uneven. "After the accident, I woke up in that hospital bed, but I couldn't remember much. Pieces of my life before the crash were missing, like someone had erased them. It's still a blur." Amnesia had turned her own life into a mystery she had to solve. Charles absorbed her words, understanding the confusion she had faced. Her vulnerability made his heartache, and he held her even tighter, his warmth a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions. 

He nodded, understanding the frustration of those missing pieces. "That must have been incredibly tough," he empathized. "But you've come so far, and you're still pushing forward."

Lexi found comfort in his words, the weight of her experiences lightening ever so slightly. "Lewis and Tom," she continued, "they were there for me after the accident. They helped me piece things together, fill in some of the gaps."

Charles acknowledged their importance. "They're good friends," he said, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "It's important to have people who stand by you in tough times."

Charles listened intently as Alexandra recounted the aftermath of the accident. The weight of her words hung heavy in the room, carrying the pain and sorrow of those difficult times.

"He blamed himself," Alexandra's voice trembled slightly as she spoke about her father, "drank himself into a hospital bed. He was broken, Charles, and I couldn't do anything to help him."

Charles held her hand, his grip offering comfort as she shared her family's heartache. "It's not your fault, Lexi. You were just a teenager. You couldn't have predicted what would happen."

Alexandra's expression grew somber, revealing the depth of her brother's pain. "James was traumatized," she explained. "He confided in me later, saying he knew something was wrong that night. He knew Mum was drunk, and he decided not to go with us. He thought she needed to sleep it off and leave the next morning. When he heard her start the car..."

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