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Three weeks had passed since the birth of Hugo Verstappen, and life back in Monaco was beginning to find its familiar rhythm for Charles and Alexandra. Amidst the joy of welcoming their godson into the world, they found themselves back at the racetrack, this time not as competitors, but as proud spectators.

Theo was making his debut in the world of karting, and Charles and Alexandra couldn't have been more excited. Standing alongside James and Eleanor, their eyes were fixed on the track where Theo's little red bull sponsored kart zipped around the corners with remarkable speed and precision.

"He's doing brilliantly," Alexandra whispered, her voice tinged with pride as she watched Theo navigate the track with skill beyond his years.

Charles nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "He's a natural talent," he said, his gaze never leaving the track. He sent a loving glance toward his wife. "Just like his Aunt."

Lewis, who had joined them at the racetrack, cheered alongside them, his heart swelling with pride as he watched his nephew tear up the track. "Go on, Theo!" he shouted, his voice ringing out over the roar of the engines.

As they watched Theo race, his determination and passion evident at every turn, Charles and Alexandra couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over them. It seemed like only yesterday that they were the ones out on the track, chasing their dreams and pushing the limits of what they thought was possible.

But now, as they stood on the sidelines, cheering Theo on as he chased his own dreams, they realized that their own journey was far from over. 

As Theo's kart continued to race around the track, Alexandra's excitement bubbled over, her eyes shining with anticipation as she turned to her friends. "Guys, if Theo gets a podium today, he'll win the championship!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pride.

Charles watched Theo's kart with a sense of admiration, the familiar number 16 in red letters standing out against the backdrop of the track. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride knowing that Theo had taken inspiration from Alexandra's F1 car for his livery, choosing to race under his number as a tribute to his uncle's legacy.

But as they cheered on Theo, their attention was suddenly drawn to a familiar figure making her way towards them. With a gasp, Alexandra quickly recognized her surrogate, Kate, who was heavily pregnant and due any day. They had pleaded with Kate to take it easy, but apparently, the determined woman hadn't listened.

Rushing to Kate's side, Alexandra offered her a reassuring smile, her concern evident in her eyes as she helped her join the group. Commandeering a nearby stool for Kate to sit on, Alexandra couldn't help but scold her gently. "Kate, what are you doing here? You should be resting!"

Charles echoed her concern, his brow furrowed with worry. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Kate grinned, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I couldn't miss watching Theo become a champion," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement.

The group shared a collective smile at Kate's words, their hearts warmed by her unwavering support for Theo. As they watched, Lewis quietly made his way towards Kate, checking on her well-being with a sense of quiet concern. James and Alexandra exchanged a raised eyebrow at the gesture, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond between them.

As Lewis and Kate continued to exchange whispers, their heads close together in conversation, Charles and Alexandra couldn't help but notice the growing camaraderie between the two. They had observed Lewis spending more time with Kate lately, and while they had no reason to be concerned, it piqued their curiosity.

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