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WILLOW WAS DAYDREAMING while looking out the car's window. Next to her in the driver's seat was her mom, softly singing along to a 90's song playing on the radio. She has always loved the car ride to Cousins. She enjoyed the comfortable silence between them and the anticipation of new summer experiences.

But this time, her feelings were a bit different. There was an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness in the pit of her stomach. Willow was nervous to see a specific person since the events of the last time she saw him. 

That last night of the previous summer was a night she couldn't get out of her head for the entire year. She really hoped things hadn't changed between her and Jeremiah, but she already knew that after what happened, that was impossible.

"We're almost there! Ten minutes to go." her mother, Cecelia, brought her back to the present.

"I can't wait to drink with my girls again. You know how wild we can get," Cecelia said to her with an excited smile on her face.

The bond those three had was unbreakable. Susannah, Laurel, and Cecelia were best friends since they were kids, they were like "blood sisters." That's what they always said.

"And I can't wait to throw Belly into the pool again. Seriously, I feel like it will be a bad summer if we skip belly flop on the first day." Willow laughed at how silly that sounded, even though she actually believed it to be true.

Parking in the driveway of the summer house felt like finally arriving home.

"Looks like we got here before the Conklins," Cecelia observed.

"That's a first," Willow commented.

When Willow got out of the car, the summer air hit her face. Not only did it feel like home, the salty air even smelled like home.

She was getting her bags from the trunk when a car horn was heard from behind her.

Belly got out of the car and ran straight to Willow into a crushing hug. The two girls giggled while hugging. 

It wasn't that they don't see each other often. Back home, they live extremely close to one another, they even go to the same school. They were just excited to be finally here. What they kept talking about throughout the entire year is finally happening. 

It's summer and they are back at Cousins with everyone.

"I have to tell you what happened!" Belly said.

"We saw each other less than a day ago, how did something happen already?" Willow questioned, smiling.

Willow was too busy catching up with Belly to notice that Jeremiah was the first to come and greet them. 

However, once Susannah made her appearance, Willow immediately went up to her and Laurel.

"My lovely girl, you look stunning," Susanah gawked at her, kissing the top of her head.

Willow hugged them both, giggling. She's engulfed with an overwhelming feeling of happiness whenever she's around them.

As she turned to greet Steven, she saw that Jeremiah had picked up Belly in his arms, making her feet lift off the ground, and was spinning her around, both with huge smiles on their faces. They looked so happy. 

Willow felt her smile fall a little while watching them and a poke in her heart.

When Jeremiah let Belly down, that's when he saw her. Willow was standing there looking at him. 

Blood immediately rushed to his cheeks. She had that effect on him always.

She noticed but decided to ignore it. She instead focused on his features. How could he look even more alluring than before? She didn't think that was possible. Willow couldn't take her eyes off him. His fresh tan was visible. His curly, dirty blonde hair has always been her weakness. But those eyes...

OUT OF THE WOODS, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now