•PART 2•

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After 3 days

Author pov
Jk keep having gift from that stalker
And now literally he seing the gift that his stalker
Send him

Jk: A bracelet, why she gave me bracelet
He took out the note

"This is because u have wear to show all u are taken and i love u so much baby"
Ur lover....

Jk: Fucking bitch
*I am so frustrated rn i throwed the bracelet somewhere and idk where ever it goes*

Aww my baby , *laughs like a maniac*
Baby don't worry u will be with me any time soon

Author pov
His stalker had kept the camera in his house and
Doesn't even know it everywhere he goes she
Sees him ,
Author pov ends

Jk: Lets sleep now , i am tired
Jk laid on soft mattress and instantly fall asleep

Someone came and laid beside him , she knows
He is in deep slumber , she kept pecking his face
And gave long smooching peck on his lips
And then covered him properly and gone out
Of his house

Jk pov
I woke up feeling sun rays hitting on my face
Aish why this morning come so fast i wanna sleep moreeeee *pout*

??: Good morning sweetie
Did sleep well
Jk: Aish in morning she is irritating me
??: I hope u slept well
See u soon
Jk: What does she mean by *sEe yOu sOoN*
Let it be , lets get ready

Jk got ready for going in his shop

Jk dress he weared 👇

He locked the door of his house and went toward his shop while driving

His tattoo shop

Jk: wlc mam *smiles*
??: Thanks ,
Jk: what design do u want for ur tattoo
*he sbowed mny designs*
??: Do u make these on ur own
*he showed her all the design and quotes *
Jk: Yes
??: okay *smirk*
??: This one
Jk: Oo quote one okay

If you wanted, I would burn down the world for you.

He started to do his work the girl who is wearing mask
Smirked and looked at him carefully at his every details , his jawline his doe beard intensive black eyes
That can ruin every girl on her own , his hairs
His every inch of his body

After sometime
Jk: All Done *he sighs*
??: thank *she paid his payment and went out*
Jk got a call

??: Hey baby
Jk: what do u want
??: U *smirk*
Jk: Huh !!
??: Have u noticed something on ur desk
Jk looked at his desk

*it was me *

Jk: what does that mean
??: that girl was me *smirk*
Jk: What the hell *shocked*
??: How sexy u were looking , *smirk*
Jk: U *he cut the call*
What the actual Fuck

I shook my head and continued working


JK enjoyed watching the movie, now he is making coffee for himself and started to do his work on new designs of tattoos,


Jk stretched his body and closed the tablet and
Went to his bedroom to sleep

He laid on bed covered himself from duvet and slept instantly

To be continued

•𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧•Where stories live. Discover now