▪︎PART 3▪︎

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Jungkook pov
I woke up feeling sun rays hitting my face, ugh....
I sat up and looked around WTF......
Its....its not my room .....its not my bedroom than
Who's bedroom is it.... *shocked*

?? : its my bedroom babyboy *said while coming inside*Jk: And who the fck u are *starring at her* ??: Ur pretty stalker babyboy *smirk* Jk: Why did u bring me here *angry* ??: Lee min Y/n Jk: What !! ??: my name Jk: Lee min Y/n Y/n: Yes babyboy *s...

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?? : its my bedroom babyboy *said while coming inside*
Jk: And who the fck u are *starring at her*
??: Ur pretty stalker babyboy *smirk*
Jk: Why did u bring me here *angry*
??: Lee min Y/n
Jk: What !!
??: my name
Jk: Lee min Y/n
Y/n: Yes babyboy *smile*
Jk: S.t.o.p.c.a.l.l.i.n.g.m.e b.a.b.y.b.o.y *deep angry voice*
Y/n : Ur deep voice i am in love with it ugh *smile*
Jk:*confused* why did u bring me here tell me
Y/n: Cause from now on u will live with me , i am tired of climbing up ut wall and then doing all time parkour
To be with u at night *rolls eyes*
Jk: What u do *widen eyes*
Y/n: Yes u heard right !!
Jk: Open Me *struggling*
Y/n: No !!
Jk: Wae !!
Y/n: First u will stay with me !!
Second U have to come with me to meet my parents
Third U will tell them we are in relationship thats obviously gonna be real after some time but yeah for now jst tell them lie
U will agree and will say yes for all this then i will untie u *smirk*
Jk: I ain't going to agree with ur bullshit rules *angry*
Y/n: otherwise i have 2nd plan babyboy *smirk*
Y/n kept a knife infront of his neck coming closer
Jk: remove this *looking at knife*
Y/n: what if i not *smirk*
Jk: Ngh.... *Angry*
Y/n: *chuckled* Aww my angry baby so cute of you when u are angry love *smile*
Jk: You are a psychopath *greeting teeth*
Y/n: *eyes turn dark* DON'T CROSS YOUR LIMIT
Yes i am psycho , PSYCHO FOR YOUR LOVE
Jk: How did became so obsessed with me !!
Y/n: When you were working in my tatto studio
Remeber !! Shin Tatto Shop !! I just saw you while i was in my cabin cause very less i came in the shop and check everything!! But when i saw you i just became obsessed with you !! Actually i am CEO of Min Corporation ltd !
Jk: Huh !!
Y/n: Now quietly Eat the breakfast with me !! Wil you !!
Jk: Yeah okay !! *rolled eyes*
Y/n: Don't roll your eyes !! I will make you roll your eyes pleasuring you !!
Jk: Aish *shrugged*

At dining table
Y/n and jungkook were eating breakfast silently, no one spoke , jungkook played with the food ,

Y/n: Eat the breakfast Honey . *concentrated on her food*
Jk: Oky
Y/n: Who the fucker shout like this in morning *angry*

Y/n got up and went to see

Lisa: Yahh don't shout i just came to meet you na *pout*
Y/n: Yah yah see who is saying who shouted rn
*rolled eyes*
Lisa : Who is he y/n *looked at jk*
Y/n: My boyfriend *smirk looking at jk*
Lisa : WTF you son of bitch , you didn't told me you are dating huh !! Thats to much wrong *shouts*
Y/n: Control your tongue lisa !! *glare at her*
Lisa: Yahh !! You first didn't told me about your dating
Now telling me to control my tongue !! *scoff*
Y/n: Can't you just come and eat breakfast quietly huh!!
Lisa : Okay !!
Jk: *whispers* Both should get their Therapy

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