• PART 4 •

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??: why my princess is being angry bird humm !! Tell who made you angry !!
*a man said taking 5yrs old girl into his arms*
Lee min Y/n

Y/n: Pwappa i wanna play too !! *angry pout*
Mr Lee : With whom my baby
Y/n: With that *pointing at guns*
Mr lee : *shocked* with that !!
Y/n: ywesh !!
Mr Lee : Okay !! You can play but only then when you will be 15 yrs old Dear !! But for now play with these plushie which i bought for my baby
Y/n: Yahhh

Emi : Literally she is total copy of her father
Mrs Lee : Yeah!! She do the things that her father used to doo !! I can't help with this !! *chuckles*
Emi : Miss do you had your medicine!!
Mrs Lee : Yes emi !!

Mr and Mrs Lee only daughter of their Lee min Y/n she is totally a copy of her father, her father is a mafia leader and CEO of Lee Min Ltd and her mother is secretary of the company !! There marriage was love marriage , mrs lee gave birth to y/n after 5 yrs , they all were soo happy after y/n came in their life !! Y/n 's dad wants to leave mafia world , and stay with his family !! But fate was not in his side , after yn grew up your father can't leave mafia world cause he is only leader and if he leave , he and his family can be in danger thats why he promised himself that he will never tell you about his work but one day you got to know when your mother and father was talking and after that you asked your father to train you and you can became the nxt person who will take the throne of mafia world and rule over the world , it was already seen as the fighting and all was in your gene so you started to be trained as well as you vompleted your study , and became CEO and mafia queen , and abt your dad he does not deal with that world work, you have said him to only see the company work nothing more , you are cold , you have pychotic nature , and from your aura you seemed very dangerous, no one can tell you were that soft y/n, now you were cold and merciless y/n that everyone know

End of flashback

Emi : Thats the reason why she behave and act like this !! But uk she is soft too , once you get attached with her , you will see the soft y/n again !! I can say this because i am close her , after her family

Jk: Oo !! But why is so obsessed with me !!
Emi : Dear , i can't actually why but yea its her mature when she wants something she will get it no matter what !!
Jk: Aish !!

"EMI !! suddenly y/n voice was heard and both ran to see what happened

Emi : Yes Y/n!!
Y/n: Mom is not picking up my calls nor dad
Emi : They both must be busy
Y/n: Idk !! I am going to them and you mr jeon jungkook stay here , if you wanna live and don't wanna die !! *threaten him*
Jk: Yea !!

Y/n went out to her parents house

Y/n parents house
Mr lee : yea jagi this so wrong huh !!
Mrs lee : You did the same things ! Huh
Mrs lee : Y/n!!
Y/n: Oo my god !! I was scared
Mr lee : from when my y/n started to be scared huh !!
Y/n: *scoff * dad you know only for you both i am always tensed !!
Mrs lee : Y/n come and have a seat ! See how bad you are sweating , did you came running
Y/n: Yea !!
Mr lee : Good *smiles*
Mrs lee : What good huh !!
Y/n: offo stop and where are your phone huh !!
Mrs lee : in bedroom why
Y/n: go and see
Mr lee : I will go and see ,you both talk

Mr lee went and saw mny missed calls from y/n

Mr lee : why are so much miss calls from you y/n, is everything okay !!
Y/n: Yahh , everything is okay i just called mom to ask her about her health !!
Mrs lee awed at her daughter
Mrs lee : You just came running because i was not picking up the calls , o my dear
Mrs lee hugged y/n and she hugged her back
Y/n: i thought something happened to you ,
Mrs lee : nothing is going to happen with me , when i have so supportive and so good daughter *smiles*

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