▪︎PART 5▪︎

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'How can this happen , can't you look clearly huh '

Y/n said being angry on guards because she kept a person in her basement as he was of her enemy gang and till now she just torture him , but today when she was working , she was told about the person ran away
She ordered her all men to find that person and bring him alive , as she wants him to see the devil before his death .

Y/n: Now go and find him in any cost , if you all came without him you will not see the next day !! And you know what I say I do *coldvoice*
Guards : Okay maam

Guards went out and Yn looked at the clock seing the time , its 8:00 o clock in morning means Jungkook would be waked up till now . Y/n got up and headed toward her room , Y/n saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully, she don't want to disturb his sleep so she let him sleep as Yesterday night he argued with her for going out for work but she didn't agreed for it .

Emi : Yn !! A person came to meet you
Yn: who Emi
Emi: idk
Yn: okay let him to my office and yea don't wake jk rn
Emi: okay
Y/n went out and came in her office

??: Ms Yn can I come in
Y/n: come in
??: Myself Mr Luna CEO of hazed company
Yn: ok
Luna : I want you to share ur interest in my company
Yn: And the specific reason *coldvoice*
Luna: Uhm....
Y/n: Let me tell you mr Luna!! You fucking deal with killing innocent people for no reason then dr.g them too much am I right mr Luna *coldvoice*

Mr Luna was now sweating too much as he didn't know you know this things , he saw you giving him dead glare and now he is cursing himself to come here ,
Yn: Stop cursing yourself Mr Luna it's not worthy

Y/n got up and went to him clutched the jaw tightly that it hurts him , You made him got up and kicked him making him stumble , you again punched him and he ran out this time . Making you chuckle darkly as you always like when your prey run away and you always have fun in this ,
'Run mr Luna run ,how much you will run , it's my kingdom , where you can't run , I will catch you anyway and you will be dead when I catch you , it's totally a fun '
Y/n came outside and laughed darkly seing Mr Luna on ground and guards surrounded him , making it look like a cage ,


Y/n: how are you feeling mr Luna being caged huh !!
Luna : Plz...plz....I beg you leave me....Yn leave me
Y/n: Ms Lee min Yn!! WHAT YOU WILL SAY
Luna : Ms...Lee...min...Yn
Yn: Good !!
Luna: plz...leave..me...I beg you PLZ

Luna : I am sorry but plz I beg you I will not come here again I will not do bad things plz !!

All looked at the voice where it came from
And saw Jungkook standing angry

Yn: Babe you woke up !! *sweetvoice*
Jk: First answer my question
Y/n: Emi plz take him in his room , babe we will talk later okay i am coming in 15min *sweetvoice*

Emi: Let's go dear !!
Jk: But emi
Emi : Plz...
Jk: Aish okay
Jk went to his room

Y/n: Now no-one can save you from me mr Luna *smirk*

While on Jungkook side

Jk pov
I can clearly hear the voices that are coming from down as that person being tortured , why this bitch is like this hurting innocent people I hate it I seriously don't like it

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