01: 2079: Over a Blazen Sky

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Hello there! 

Thank you for choosing to pick up NanoTec: Flight to a Distant Star. This chapter has been rewritten on the 22 September 2016 at the request of my head writer. Well, to be honest, I never particularly liked the way I wrote the original either.

To new readers, welcome! To old readers, thank you for sticking around to this day. I really appreciate it. I hope you all enjoy the new and improved Chapter 1!

*End of Author's Note. *

For ages long before, and for many more to come, the human race have always looked up to the stars. The question always remained, when will they begin to travel among them. From the beginning of the 1950s was when the space age begun. Countless testing and experimentation have been conducted. Breakthrough after breakthrough, through the sweat and blood of many, many brilliant men and women, through the countless failures and lives lost, they have brought the technology and wisdom to change the world. 

Curiously enough, a strange entity etched itself in human history in January of 2015. ICY Products, together with that entity, began as an ice cream company. They were the most technologically advanced in those days and were influential in their town's politics. InterCon followed second in the late 2020s with their marvel inventions and ideals. Some say that it stole technology from ICY but, nobody really knows. This was when ICY Products lost their monoploy of the local economy and disappeared from the playing field.

InterCon gave the world a new incentive to go to war over. A revolutionary new element. Everyone always fights over new things. This one was no exception. The bombs fell, and everything went to hell. The Earth Coalition Government, or EarthGov, emerged soon after and united the crippled planet together under a single a red banner of hammer and sickle. They strove to find humanity a new home. Or so they said.

Money was poured into space flight. Many saw it as the salvation for mankind. It was in its own sense, but many others had other ideas. ICY Products, previously thought to have melted away (no pun intended) long ago reappeared and began actively supporting EarthGov in a new secret project, despite being on terrible terms with them. InterCon however, stood idle.

Alas, the fruits of their labors finally ripened. All the investments, all the resources and more importantly, all the hopes and dreams of humanity finally showed results. After the audacious amounts of research and administrative work, EarthGov was ready to announce it's biggest project since the last mass bombing of the planet's surface. The final frontier, SkyLab2.

Story Arc 1: Over a Blazen Sky.

TKE was an official working for EarthGov as an engineer and a particle physicist. His job was of high status and pay, that is if he even received a salary to begin with.

He was of average build, about 175 cm tall and 21 years old. He had short black hair and a pair of equally black eyes. He had no name but his code initials, TKE. As a result, he was often referred to as "Teeke", the Head Engineer.

As he sat in his office contemplating the final plans and date for the launch of the final module of the kilometer long and wide SkyLab2, his office door burst open with a bang.

"Hey Teeke!", resounded the shrill voice of TKE's assistant, Clanedd.

She was someone one could say was "happy-go-lucky", always easily distracted but is serious when need be. She was a 156 cm tall freshman about 19 years old. Her short light brown hair held to her left head with a cat shaped clip. She flew into the room.

"Have you seen Mr Saegen, our manager, recently? I hear that he..."

"Get to the point please, I do not have time. And please do not refer to me as that during work." TKE interrupted hastily.

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