03: 2090: Windy Landscape

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Rewritten on 7 Oct 2016


*End of Author's Note*

The wind blew across the barren lands. The year was 2090 and still nothing grew out of the cracked earth. Radioactive isotopes from the previous nuclear runs were embedded within the ground. InterCon Overcast Mach-X Bombers streaked across the sky above a single man standing alone in the desert. The dry wind blew across the cape he wore over his lead shielded suit. Bearing the emblem of an ice cube on his back, he clutched his only dog-tag and stared longingly up into the sky.

"The time has now come..." he said with a smile.

TKE and Claev stood in the MAXIS containment chamber. Instruments of various purposes stood around the core.

"My, my..." Claev commented. "This is one extraordinary artifact! I have never seen such abnormal readings before. This is really out of this world!"

TKE spoke rather monotonously, "Well I highly doubt that MAXIS is from our universe, doc."

MAXIS stood still in the middle of the room, plasma swirling around its blue mass. The radio readings on the RIG data-logger spiked, almost as if MAXIS was trying to communicate. It was at this moment the swirling mass of plasma drifted towards the only window in the room.

Claev sighed. "I think MAXIS is tired of our analysis. Let us leave her be. We will continue another day."

He headed towards the door with the closely trailing TKE.

Now walking down the hallway back to the R&D sector, TKE looked out the station's crystal clear glass windows. Staring back at him was the dusty brown ball that was once planet Earth. Little mushroom clouds sprouted from what used to be Central America. And from there, a smoke spiral stretching into the sky.

"A rocket launch? Is EarthGov sending something up again? Not to mention all those explosions." TKE mumbled to himself.

"Luckily I'm up here. I never want to go back down there again. All my friends are here too. Especially..."

His thoughts were interrupted by the loud, rapid footsteps of Clanedd running towards him.

"...Te... Sir, you are needed in the room of operations. Sorry for the late notice but Mr Saegen wants to speak to you." Clanedd said amidst rapid panting.

"OK, thanks Clanedd. I guess I will see you around?"

Clanedd nodded and ran off. Hyperactive as usual, TKE thought to himself as he briskly made his way to the Command Sector.

Sitting at the Head Engineer's seat, TKE waited for Saegen to begin his briefing. He was feeling a little nervous as Saegen never called for meetings over such short notice and the white walls of the meeting room did not help ease his anxiety. Claev sat at the Head Scientist's seat fidgeting, almost sharing the same anxiety with TKE. There were some other people seated across him and beside him, obviously of rank as well. Some of them were deputy scientists, security and even a few geologists were present too.

Saegen, in his white lab coat and highly unnecessary sunglasses walked into the brightly lit room. With a serious tone he began.

"Gentlemen, I apologize for such an unexpected calling but I have some important news to share."

Thank god it is not another emergency, TKE thought to himself.

Saegen continued. "The R&D department have decided to put forward a new project regarding the Alcubierr's Drive. This time, we are going to man a FTL capable starship!"

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