3. Musical Statues

1.6K 3 1

"The first challenge is musical statues. The aim of this endurance based challenge is to remain still/silent whilst being tickled." Announced the voice.

The rules are as follows:
1. All contestants will dance while the music is playing.
2. Once the music stops, all contestants must try to remain still/silent while being tickled.
3. If a contestant moves their position or laughs they will be sent to tickle jail where they will be tickled until the end of the challenge.
4. The first group to send all 5 contestants to tickle jail will be eliminated from the competition.

A loud siren is heard indicating start of the challenge. The first song is "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. All the contestants are dancing away to the music. Suddenly the music stops and all contestants are frozen in position. As the tickling started, each contestant tried hard to remain still/silent but quickly laughter broke the silence as 10 contestants lost their position and are sent to tickle jail. The second song is "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa. The remaining contestants start dancing again before the music stops and another 10 contestants laughed and are sent to tickle jail. By this point only 1 contestants from each group remains. The third song is "Dance the Night" by Dua Lipa. Laughter can be heard over the song from the tickle jail. Once the music stops, the final 5 contestants prepare to be tickled. The first contestant to laugh or move will eliminate their whole group from the competition. All 5 contestants are determined not to lose but one contestant can't resist any longer and starts laughing. A loud siren is heard indicating the end of the challenge and the losing group is eliminated from the competition.

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