5. Blindfold Tools

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"The third challenge is the blindfold tools. The aim of this guess based challenge is to guess the tool being used to tickle you whilst blindfolded."Announced the voice. For this challenge the remaining 10 contestants are split into 5 pairs.

The rules are as follows:
1. Each pair will compete against each other, taking turns to be the tickler and ticklee.
2. The tickler will blindfold the ticklee before choosing their first tool.
3. The tickler will tickle the ticklee for 1 minute with their chosen tool. Then the ticklee must guess the tool that was used to tickle them.
4. Each correct guess will be 1 point. The contestant with the least points after the 5 rounds are complete will be eliminated.

One pair prepares for the challenge. The choices to tools include feather, electric toothbrush, hairbrush, paintbrush and pinwheel. Once the ticklee was blindfolded, the tickler choose their first tool the paintbrush and started tickling the underarms. The tickler stroked the brush around in circles which made the ticklee laugh. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered wrong. In the second round, the tickler choose the pinwheel and tickled the ribs. The tickler slowly rolled the pinwheel over each rib which made the ticklee giggle. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly. In the third round, the tickler choose the feather and tickled the belly. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered wrong. In the fourth round, the tickler choose the electric toothbrush and tickled the bellybutton. The vibrations made the ticklee laugh and squirm. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly. In the final round, the tickler choose the hairbrush and tickled the feet. The tickler quickly scrubbed the brush up and down the soles of the feet which made the ticklee scream with laughter. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly.

Then the contestants switched roles. Once the ticklee was blindfolded, the tickler choose their first tool the pinwheel and started tickling the feet. The tickler rolled the pinwheel up and down the soles of the feet and under the toes which made the ticklee laugh loudly. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly. In the second round, the tickler choose the feather and tickled the legs which made the ticklee giggle. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered wrong. In the third round the tickler choose the paintbrush and tickled the belly/bellybutton. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered wrong. In the fourth round, the tickler choose the electric toothbrush and tickled the underarms. The vibrations made the ticklee laugh and squirm. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly. In the final round the tickler choose the hairbrush and tickled the feet as revenge. The tickler quickly scrubbed the brush up and down the soles of the feet which made the ticklee scream with laughter. After 1 minute, the tickler stopped and asked the ticklee which tool was used. The ticklee answered correctly.

At the end of the challenge both contestants had 3 points. "As a result of a tie, both contestants will be blindfolded and tickled with a tool. The first contestant to correctly guess the tool will win and the other contestant will be eliminated." Announced the voice. The pair of contestants were both blindfolded and tickled on their feet with an electric toothbrush. Both contestants laughed loud and hard as the vibrations of the brush moved around the feet and under their toes. After 1 minute, the first contestant guessed correctly which meant that the second contestant was eliminated from the competition.

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