Eli Part. 1

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I should've seen this coming. Since the accident in the cafeteria, the schools hottest and smartest people, which happen to be non-exclusively considered jocks, haven't been able to leave me alone. By no means do I consider that a bad thing, seeing as two weeks ago I drooled over their footsteps. Never publicy, but hey, I'm aloud to have crushes too.

Now, I'm guessing that caused a disparage in the athletic performances of their specific crafts. Which would explain the angry hoarde of the dumb jocks that've grown the balls to threaten me with pain if their team's winning streak is affected.

"We don't need all that faggoty shit happening in the locker room!" One jock piped.

"Somthing isn't right with them, and it's your fault!" Spoke another.

I cross my arms, about fed up with them. "Boys, look. What Walter, Tanner, and Eli choose to do with their time is beyond my control. But they're good enough to where I'm sure you won't have any problems on the field."

The five jocks that had me cornered looked at each other, and I assume their putting all their brains together to come up with one complete thought. Fucking idiots.

"We don't wanna see you near em' any more!" One yelled.

"Yeah!" The rest of the pack agreed. I swear to God, this is like trying to teach a dog to speak English.

"I thought I told you I had no control over what they do. Did that not register in your poor excuses for brains yet? Hold on, we'll give it a minute to see if it finally clicks." I retort with a hint of venom edging my voice. A meaty fist scrunches my shirt at the collar, and pushes me into nearby lockers.

"If we see you with any of em' again," The idiot looks back at his pack of fools for approval, in which they nod with dumb smirks. "We're gonna get you, hard."

With that, his meaty clamp releases my wrinkled up shirt and smacks the hands of the other four jocks, who congratulate him with words and pats on the back. After getting my back unglued from the wall, I walk to my classroom with furrowed eyebrows, upset that no one saw that because we were at the back of the building. I only needed to use the bathroom, not run into Primus neanderthal and his pet apes.

"God dammit," I mutter, "Fucking idiots."

Mid-stride, I hear my name echo throughout the hallways, "Matt!"

I look back to see Eli jogging toward me. Where are the jocks? They can't see me with Eli! They couldn't have gotten that far away. Indeed, I spot one of the jocks watching me from the other end of the hall.


"Hey," I croaked nervously as he slings his arm around my shoulder. He cocks his head.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing," I reply quickly. "Gotta go." I run down the hall in hopes of getting away easy with the jock beaming from the other end of the hall. But as soon as I turn the corner, I run into another familiar face. I stop just short of slamming into a broad, chiseled chest covered by a tight t-shirt that hugs the remainder of his muscles.

"Tanner!" I yelp in surprise. His lips twitch into a grin.

"What's up?" As if he sees through me, he suddenly asks, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I say quickly, to which he narrows his almond shaped, alluring, dough brown eyes. "Gotta go!" As I try to run away, his hand prevents me from doing so by wrapping around my arm.

He yanks me into his chest, "Tell me what's wrong." As soon as I knew it, Eli turned the corner, short of breath from chasing after me.

"Matt." He says in a low, irritated tone. I wrestle free from Tanner's grip, but I'm sure I only escaped because he let me go. Those jocks are going to kill me now, which I'm not so afraid of. It's mostly that I'll be inclined to defend myself, get suspended, and have this bullshit show up on my record. Or something else stupidly avoidable.

"Jesus," I mutter, running from the teens that call after me. I'm sure they're chasing me.


I run into something else, but this time it sent my flying backwards and landed me flat on my ass. "Ouch." I whine, rubbing my sore ass.

"Dammit, Matt," Walter leans down and helps me up. What the hell are the chances I ran into the three people in the fucking world that I was trying to avoid? "You gotta be more careful."

"Three times the charm." I complain. I get up and face three very unhappy looking teenagers. "Hey guys, so I'm actually.. um.. not, trying to see ya'll right now. So maybe you can stop chasing after me? I'll explain later."

From the puzzled looks seemingly glued on all three of their faces, I let out a lenghty sigh and diverged from them. "Nevermind." I said. "See you guys later."

Luckily, none of them chased after me, but ass I turn the corner again, I'm met with the band of ADHD chimpanzees themselves.

"Aw, dammit." I complain, looking back to see if any of my saviors werestill following me. No such luck, it's just us in this bum-fuck hallway.

"Dammit is right, dumbface." They walk me backwards until a solid surface prevents me backing up any more. His arm pushes the wall behind me, which I just found out was actually a door, and I trip and stumble backwards. Oh no, we're in the bathroom. They'll have their free reign, and no one will see it, there'll be no photographic evidence this event occured. Shit!

"We warned you," A jock from the horde spoke up. From nowhere, two over-sized arms threw a pair hands into my chest, knocking the breath from my lungs. I'm hurled backwards, landing on my ass once again. I crawled away from the group, desperately trying to force air back into my lungs.

"Guys, stop.." I plead. But nothing but laughter, and high-pitched mimicry were my response.

"Leave him alone," A familiar voice comes from behind the group. I look under their legs to see Eli scowling at the pack of idiots furiously. He locks the door and walks up to get face to face with the nearest jock.

"We're doing this for you, man. Believe it or not." The jock said.

"No you're not. You're selfishly motivated by your own interests," Eli told them, sizing up the jocks one by one. Not going to lie, I'm a little turned on by Eli's behavior right now.

The jock laughs, and it's obvious he's about to throw a punch at Eli. Eli ducks under his sloppy fist, and in the meantime delivers five to six clean blows to his abdomen. He sweeps his leg under the jock, knocking him off his feet. He shows of by checking his collar when he stood upright again.

The other jocks bullrushed him, and they scuffled for about five minutes, but Eli won them all over. They got a few good hits in, but Eli now stood over a beaten bunch of groaning jocks.

"Holy shit," I muttered. "Where'd you learn to do that?" 

"I've been in Muay Thai and various Wing Chun classes since I could walk," He replied helping me up to my feet. I felt helpless now, and sympathetic as his rubs his ribs, wincing at the most likely bruised muscles. A cut splits his lip slightly inbetween the middle of the bottom one.

"Oh my God, Eli," I said, "I'm sorry for getting you into this mess,"

"Don't be." He replied simply.

The door to the bathroom bangs loudly, and the squeaky voice of an the Assisstant Principal seeps through.


Does he not know he has a key to every door in the building? Eli unlocks and opens the door, revealing an intensely reddened and shaking AP. He looks about ready to explode.


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