Chapter 3

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     The next two days were spent unpacking and hanging out with my dad. Soon after that, I was off to school. It was my first day, but it was March. Right in the middle of the second semester. I pulled in with my truck and parked it further away from everyone else. When I got out someone told me I had a nice truck, but I ignored it considering it was sarcasm.

     I walked in and I found all of my classes. It was pretty self explanatory, plus there were signs in the dark halls for where the rooms were. I walked into my first block and was already greeted by my new teacher. After having to speak in front of everyone about where I came from, I shamefully sat back down in my seat. I disliked being put on the spot. My next block was spent in gym class where we played volleyball. I accidentally hit a blonde guy on his head and ran off to him to apologize. He told me that it was okay, but he seemed to be in a daze looking into my eyes. I asked again if he was okay and he told me not to worry about it. He introduced himself as Mike and shook my hand. After having some side chatter, a girl named Jessica came up to us. I could already tell from her tone of voice that she was envious and didn't like me talking to Mike. I ignored it and they invited me to lunch with them. When I sat down, Mike and Jessica's friends kept asking questions about me, but I caught on. I was a little glad that they were interested. It was almost enough to make me feel like I actually mattered. And yeah, I was making new friends, but for some reason the void feeling I had in my heart didn't leave me. Everything I tried didn't help it at all, and it was frustrating to not feel so secure. Just as I began to zone out, I saw something bright out of the corner of my eye. I looked over my shoulder and out the window to see two couples walking into the cafeteria from the outside, and one loner in the back.

     "Who are they?" I asked.

     "The Cullens," Jessica's friend, Angela, replied.

     "They're um Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago," Jessica stated.

     "They kind of keep to themselves," Angela said.

     "Yeah, because they're all together," Jessica finished, "like together, together,"

     At that moment, a tall blonde woman came into the cafeteria with a muscular boy. He had black hair and brown eyes, the same eyes as the blonde. After they came in an average sized girl came in with short brown hair which was cut in layers and up to her neck. Behind her was a blonde guy with a straight face who twirled her around. I soon learned their names to be Rosalie, the blonde girl, Emmet, dark haired brute, Alice, short, brown haired girl, and Jasper, blonde boy. After they all passed by, one was left behind. He only wore black opposing the rest of the group who wore white. He had chiseled features, and his light brown hair curled away from his face. He honestly didn't look like he wanted to be here, and I don't blame him.

     "Who's he?" I asked.

     "That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care, you know?" Jessica stated.

     I let my eyes follow him to his seat with the rest of his family. Once he sat down, his eyes darted to mine, but grew a look of confusion on them. And light irritation. I took note to stay away from him and keep to myself.

     I soon had my class afterwards, and walked to the room with Mike. We came in and I walked in front of a fan while greeting my teacher Mr. Molina. I looked over to see that Edward boy watching me with dark brown, almost, black eyes. Then, he took a sharp inhale and covered his nose and mouth. I was obviously offended, and took a sniff myself. I could still smell the fresh perfume that I put on earlier that day, so I was pretty confused. My teacher told me to take an empty seat and the only one available was next to Edward. I dreaded it, but had to sit next to him. I took my seat and he looked incredibly aggravated, still holding his hand to his nose and mouth. Soon, he calmed down and put his hand on the lab table. The class was spent with him watching me with furrowed eyebrows. I tried my best to ignore it, but it really creeped me out. I could see him watching me out of the corner of my eye. Thankfully, after a long hour of biology, class ended. Not even when the bell rang, just before it did, he jumped from his seat, grabbed his things, and walked out of class. I ignored it and just finished the rest of my day at school.

     Once I got home I threw my bag on my bed, and sighed relief. It wasn't the best day, but it wasn't the worst. I guess I found some friends, and I knew who to stay away from. That Edward boy gave me the creeps, and any sane person would just leave him alone. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.

     I sat on my bed and got my books out to do some homework. My father then came in and leaned against the door frame.

     "Hey, how was your first day?" he asked.

     I sighed, "It was fine. I guess I made some friends to be around,"

     I opened my textbook and began to read a bit while talking with him.

     "Is that it?" he asked, disappointed.

     "Well... I guess so. Other than that, there's the Cullens." I looked up at him from my work.

     "Yeah. I know their father, Carlisle. He's a good guy," he assured.

     "Well his kid, Edward, wouldn't stop staring at me. Not to mention that he was a little rude, too," I said.

     "He might have his eyes on you, y'know?" he shrugged at the suggestion.

     "I already dislike him. He gave me bad vibes," I returned to my work.

     "What about Jacob? Billy's son?" he asked.

     I looked up at him and shrugged, "I think he's better than Edward, at least. I like him,"

     I could see a small smirk turn up on his face, "Good," he mumbled, "I'll leave you to your homework,"

     He left my room and closed the door for me. I was glad he was invested in my life, but my mind couldn't help it. I began to think about my mother and how she's never called or texted me once since I got here. What did you expect? I thought. She could care less. I soon finished my work and went straight to bed.

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