Chapter 20

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A/N: I have returned yet again. Idk who that girl is in that photo, so strange, but pretend it's you lol.

     The next day, Jacob and I went to the field where the fight would be taking place. He went shirtless to cover my scent better. It was a damp day, but the weather never mattered. All that ran through my head was fear for us all, but Jacob always reassured me that everything would be okay. Edward met with us along with Jasper. We began going over the plan again.

     "We need to lure the newborns with Y/N's scent, but it has to end here." Jasper stated, 

     "Edward will make the campsite for you far in the mountains, but he wouldn't be able to mask your scent."

     "Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward commented to Jacob.

     "Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob retorted.

     "Her scent will be masked if you carry her, Jacob." Jasper said.

     "Done." he smiled.

     "I don't like this." Edward said.

     "The newborns don't want his scent. Just hers. It'll work." Jasper assured.

     "Let's try it then." I shrugged.

     I placed myself beside Jacob, and he bent down to pick me up, His arms went right under my knees and back, and lifted me up weightlessly. He glared at Edward who watched him carefully, and he told Jake to run. He turned around and began to run with me in his arms. He took me past the treeline and deep in the woods. My arms held onto his neck securely as we moved, but after a while he decided to cool it and walk for a bit.

     "You're gonna ask me to sit out of the fight, aren't you?" he said, smirking.

     "Well, I've definitely thought about it." I scoffed, "But I know you'd say no."

     "I don't have a choice, anyways. Since I let Sam be alpha male, I gotta listen to the shots he calls." he stated, crushing some twigs under his feet.

     "Since you let Sam be alpha?" I asked.

      "I didn't want to be in a pack, let alone its leader," he responded.

     "Huh. Chief Jacob." I chuckled.

     He smiled, "Opted out. But every choice has its consequences. Some more than others."

     I hummed to myself as he kept walking. I rested my head on the nape of his neck as we walked. It was a nice walk considering it was only a test run. We soon returned to where my home was, and he put me down.

     "Aw, the rides over." I sulked.

     He laughed, "I'll give you more."

     I smiled and gave him a hug goodbye. He kissed my cheek and ran back into the forest to go back home. When I turned around I saw Alice leaving my home and saying goodbye to my father.

     "Okay, Alice. Don't be a stranger." My father called after her.

     "Okay," she giggled at him and turned to me, "Your alibi for the battle has been arranged."


     She nodded, "I told your father that our whole family's going camping this weekend, so you and I are having a sleepover at my house. Charlie's going fishing anyway."

     "Charlie? You guys are on a first name basis now?" I smiled awkwardly.

     "Me, he likes." she smiled.

     I nodded and she left in her black Volvo. I greeted my dad, and prepared for the next day. When I woke up, Jacob texted me to meet him at a specific spot just a few kilometers away. I got my stuff packed and ready, and I left the house. After walking for a while, I saw him in the distance with Edward talking. They both looked uncomfortable, but once they saw me they relaxed.

     "Hey guys." I greeted.

     "Hey gorgeous." Jacob said as he swung an arm around me.

     "Better get going. Alice says there's a storm coming." Edward said.

     "Yeah, I can feel it." Jacob said.

     "I'll see you in a couple of hours." Edward said to me.

     I nodded, and he left with his equipment on his back. Jacob then swung his arms under me and picked me up without strain.

     "I get another ride." I said smiling.

     "Enjoy yourself while you can." he smirked.

     He then began to run with me in his arms through the forest. We climbed higher and higher to meet Edward at the spot. As we got higher, it got a bit colder, but his body heat warmed me up. Once we did reach the meeting spot, Edward was waiting with the tent already set up. Jacob put me down on the grass and Edward watched us. I smiled at him shortly before turning back to Jacob.

     "You should get going before the storm hits." I said, sadly.

     "No, I'm staying. You'll need my connection to the pack to keep tabs on what's going on."

     "Wait, you're not gonna fight?" I questioned eagerly hoping for a "no."

     "Seth will let me know in the morning. He's not happy about missing the action, but it'll keep him out of trouble." Jacob responded.

     "Let's get you inside." Edward said.

     I turned to him, and followed him inside the tent. Jacob gave him a dirty look, but stayed outside on watch duty in the freezing cold. Must be nice having a high body temp. Nighttime came sooner than expected, and the winds outside were a little rough. Snow was falling rapidly as I sat there with a blanket. I was shivering cold from the weather, and my teeth were grinding on each other.

     "I should've picked a site lower down." Edward said, as he watched me shiver with my knees to my chest.

     "It's fine." I said, shakily.

     I sat holding my knees hoping the blanket would do me some justice, but it didn't serve well.

     "I wish I could do something." he muttered to himself sadly.

     I then heard the zipper become undone, and Jacob walked in shirtless as usual. He bent down as he came inside, and zipped the tent back up.

     "I can hear your teeth chattering outside," he said, "Don't want you to get sick."

     Edward watched with a certain pain behind his eyes along with jealousy. Jacob came over to me and laid down. He rested on his elbow and I moved from my sitting position and latched onto him on the ground. I curled up into him as I laid there and he kept a protective arm over me and the blanket. My face was pressed against his collarbone and my hand stayed on his chest absorbing his body heat. My shivering soon subsided and I was able to close my eyes and keep warm with him.

     "You're freezing, Y/N." Jacob commented as he rubbed my arm to keep warm, "relax, you'll warm up soon." he soothingly said, "Faster if you took your clothes off."

     "Jake." I laughed a little and lightly tapped his shoulder.

     "Survival 101." he mumbled, smiling.

     His smile faded as I closed my eyes and pressed closer against his chest. I then felt him rest his cheek in a loving way on my hair. I could feel his warm breath on my head as he held me, and the beating of his heart was enough to put me to sleep. I could still feel Edward's gaze upon us as he held me. 

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