Chapter 21

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     The next morning I woke up without Jacob by my side. I grew concerned since he didn't wake me or say anything, but Edward left me alone in the tent too. I got up from my lying position and went outside to be greeted by Seth Clearwater, one of Jacob's pack members, but he was in his wolf form. Once I got out, the once clear mountain we were on was covered in snow. It was odd considering it was almost the end of summer, but the high altitude must've frozen the water that came down and turned it into snow. The sun shone today, and the heat began to melt it.

     "Right. Hey, Seth." I greeted.

     He nodded in response, and Edward came around the corner.

     "Did he leave?" I asked.

     "Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward responded.

     Seth understood and ran off behind us.

     "I'm sorry if it was awkward last night for you." I said turning to him.

     "It's alright. I know how he feels about you." he said.

     I looked off in the distance, and back to him.

     "You read his mind?"

     He nodded.

     "What was he thinking?" I asked curiously.

     He chuckled a bit, "Lovely things, I can assure you."

     "If you say so." I shrugged, smiling.

     "But he does care a great deal." he added, looking away.

     He had a sad look on his face as he talked about Jacob's feelings towards me. I could tell he was bothered.

     "What're you guys talking about?" a voice rang from behind us.

     Jacob stood there glaring at Edward.

     "Nothing, really." Edward said.

     "With the way you're making her smile, it must be something," he retorted.

     "It was nothing, Jacob. I was just asking him what you were thinking last night since he can read minds."

     "So you're both picking at my brain?" he said, "Is it that you don't trust me?"

     "What? Jacob, no!" I exclaimed, "I was just curious."

     He had a pissed look on his face. It was mixed with jealousy and hatred for Edward. I don't know why he was acting this way, maybe they exchanged words last night while I was sleeping.

     "You've been chasing after her this whole time." Jacob said.

     Edward stayed silent not confirming nor denying.

     "Why don't you tell her what you told me?" Jacob said to Edward.

     "Tell me what?" I asked, looking at both of them.

     Edward looked down almost ashamed, and refused to make eye contact with me.

     "He's in love with you." Jacob stated.

     "What?" I asked in disbelief.

      Edward looked at me with a pleading look. He was embarrassed and full of regret. Probably from telling Jacob that he did. I was right, they did speak last night. It seemed that Jacob was accusing Edward of hitting on me, and he takes me smiling with Edward as a threat.

     "Guys, come on. This isn't the time." I said.

     "This isn't important to you?" Jacob snapped.

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