Chapter 34

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The next morning, the posters were the first thing I laid eyes on. I smiled as I stretched getting out of bed. I stood up and brushed my hair as well as taking a shower. I put some cloths on and walked out of my apartment and running down the stairs. I combed my hair with my fingers as I pushed the glass doors open revealing the postman.

I got onto my bike and rode down the street before reaching the building. I got off and saw Adeline talking to Helena and crying. Helena had a worried expression on her face as she turned to me before smiling...

"Johnny! It is your child!", Adeline yelled as she took out some photos and documents.

I felt my heart pound as he stared at Adeline and then at me. I had a blank expression on my face as I ran on into the forest managing to wipe all my tears away. It is his child after all...

I sat on the edge of the cliff and stared down at the water glowing as the morning sun shined upon it. He let me down... He ruined me and left me incomplete... There is no cure for deadly kisses... There is just poison left in you that bubbles in your blood uncontrollably. Tears streamed down my face but I had a sad smile on my face.

What was I to do? I had attitude, I had temper, I had a little freakiness in me, but... I'm not complete...

I was complete before I met Johnny... I think... I honestly wish that everything was back to as it used to be. Yes I was a social outcast at school but I was proud of my title.

I sighed as more tears fell onto my lap as I stared at my bracelets that had no hearts left on it, same as my necklace...

I went back to the building as I watched Adeline hug Johnny. Johnny had a wide smile on his face as he hugged her tightly, not letting her go.

Later that day, at break, I went down to the cliff where I had time to think... Where I was left alone...

I suddenly heard noises so I peeked down from the edge of the cliff. I saw Adeline and Johnny French kissing.

I watched them and they didn't notice me staring down at them. I was frozen... I couldn't move, I couldn't speak...

I cried silently and sat down on the edge of the cliff. I continued to stare out at the water as I watched them kiss from the corner of my eye. I walked down the stairs towards the beach before taking my heels off. I stepped onto the sand and looked over at Adeline who was on top of Johnny as she eagerly kissed him.

I felt my blood boil furiously as I walked down the shore...

Johnny and Adeline suddenly broke away as they stared at me embarrassed. Johnny started yelling after me.

From now on, I pretend that they don't exist, that I never met them, that I never talked to them before...

Johnny continued yelling my name loudly as he stood up and ran over to me, his shirt half unbuttoned. I looked out at the sea and he tried to get my attention. He waved his hands in front of my face. I walked into the water and kept walking until I was completely underwater.

I held my breath as I stood there, on the sand at the bottom of the sea. My hair danced in the water as I just stared in front of me, lost in my thoughts...

I swam to the surface and Johnny and Adeline were both gone.

I ran back to the building soaking wet as I sat on the concrete in the car park staring at the sky. I shivered as a warm breeze travelled around me.

I stood up and started dancing to the soft music coming from inside the building. I smiled as I twirled around as the trees across the street blossomed beautifully.

Helena stared at me as she laughed joining in...

I stopped dancing and she stared at me before stroking my hair gently, I smiled...

"You don't need to be stressed out love, Adeline's baby isn't actually Johnny's...", she whispered.

I gasped as I covered my mouth with my hands...

"What do you mean?", I asked calmly.

"One boy kept coming here to the building... Maybe he's the father, and her boyfriend...", she said.

"Oh my god...", I said before collapsing onto my knees.

I ran into the building and saw Adeline kissing Johnny...

"That baby isn't Johnny's isn't it!?", I shouted.

"What do you think you're doing insulting me like that!?", she yelled back.

I had been mistreated by many of my classmates at college, but never had the guts to fight back... This time, it'll be different!

"Oh really!? Me insulting you!? Ok, explain one thing...", I said turning to Helena who nodded that I should go ahead and finish the sentence.

"Who was that boy I saw you kissing behind the building the other day!?", I asked and Johnny frowned looking at Adeline.

"What guy!?", she asked acting innocent.

"Enough of your innocence!", I yelled.

"Ok... I bet you don't have the guts to do a little competition!", she yelled crossing her arms.

"Try me!", I yelled.

"Alright...", she said smirking.

"The first one to impress Johnny wins!", she yelled before turning around and whispering in Johnny's ear.

When it was my turn, instead of doing all the vulgar things Adeline did to him, I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"The child isn't yours... And you know it!", I said before kissing his cheek and standing next to Adeline who was acting all stuck up.

He walked over to me and whispered 'sorry' before turning to Adeline and picking her up as she giggled, everyone stared in disappointment.

That was it! All my feelings came pouring out my mouth...

"You know what!?", I started.

He turned around and stared at me, his smile fading as well as Adeline's...

"If it was going to end like this, why did you poison me? A single kiss was all it took to lure me in towards you! And I was so naive to believe in you... I once had the mind to give you my heart, you just turned out to be just another bastard, an idiot! You selfish man, you... You... I... I loved you! You left me, laying on the floor, incomplete!!!", I yelled furiously as he dropped Adeline on the ground.

"Don't talk to me... Don't look at me... Don't think about me... You are officially dead to me Depp!!!", I screamed as I cried harder than I had ever cried before.

Helena screamed when she saw me hold onto my stomach as it ached in pain. She tried to pick me up but I backed away until I hit the wall as everyone stared at me sadly, except for Johnny who had a blank expression on his face...

I screamed in pain and Helena began to cry softly as tears leaked down her face.

"You maniac!", she yelled at Johnny who suddenly became aware of what was going on.

He ran over to me before trying to calm me down, it only made things worse...

"STOP! DON'T TOUCH ME! LET GO OF ME! HELP ME HELENA! HELP ME!!!", I screamed as I punched Johnny in the stomach and he backed away.

I looked around me and suddenly collapsed onto my knees...

"I'm sorry...", I whispered before blacking out completely.

I woke up in the emergency room as a doctor checked up on me...

"Well, your prediction was incorrect... She is not with child...", the doctor said.

"Oh... Good...", I heard Helena say.

"She is pretty shocked and is in trauma... But she will be fine...", he continued.

I'm traumatized... Oh lord...

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