I keep pushing you away
cause if I'd let you stay
I hurt you in the end
since I'm like a time bomb
just waiting to explode
and I really don't want you
to get hurt by me. That's not fair.[08|23]
Der Mond sieht, wenn ich wein' | poesie ✓
Poetry[Irgendwann werden diese Worte, die Tinte niedergeschrieben auf weißen Seiten, nichts mehr als das Echo eines nie enden wollenden Schreis meiner Existenz sein.] Fortsetzung meines Poesie-Bandes "darkness in between" (kann unabhängig von einander gel...
[48] I'm a time bomb
I keep pushing you away
cause if I'd let you stay
I hurt you in the end
since I'm like a time bomb
just waiting to explode
and I really don't want you
to get hurt by me. That's not fair.[08|23]