there's this voice at the back of my head
calling me a pretty little liar
for thinking my feelings for you are dead
cause in my heart burns a firemy heart beat belongs to you
and my soul is calling your name
i just wish i could say i don't love you too
without feeling like it's a shameyou promised me another lifetime
but til then i have to muffle this voice
since secretly loving you feels like a crime
falling for you was never a choicei will stop writing poems about you
to make it easier for both of us, you know
just remember that i am feeling so blue
and without you my heart beat's slow[08|23]
Der Mond sieht, wenn ich wein' | poesie ✓
Poetry[Irgendwann werden diese Worte, die Tinte niedergeschrieben auf weißen Seiten, nichts mehr als das Echo eines nie enden wollenden Schreis meiner Existenz sein.] Fortsetzung meines Poesie-Bandes "darkness in between" (kann unabhängig von einander gel...