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(Doflamingo Trying to get some Crocgussy)



The Warlord meeting was Boring as usual... bitching and fighting was the norm. It was even worse since Jinbe couldn't come and keep everyone in order... or atleast make an attempt.

"If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?" Moria asked Kuma.

Kuma answered plainly. "I'd be a potato." He smiled.

"Is that because you're bland and uninteresting unless fried with oil?" Doflamingo interrupted them.

Kuma looked at him with a frown which made Moria see red.

Moria growled at him. "Hey, fuck you. Go bud into someone else's conversation!"

Doflamingo laughed. "Then talk quietly!"
He jumped on the table and got in the larger Warlord's personal space.
"You're so loud I bet people can hear you all the way on another island. Stop flapping that mouth." He smirked.

"Bitch!" Moria spat.

"Oh shut up! I could play Tic Tac Toe on your forehead!" Doflamingo clapped his hands at his funny insult while he laughed like a maniac.

Crocodile turned his head and tried his best not to laugh.

The blonde turned to him and smiled.

"Something funny?" He sat right in front of him. "Don't laugh Crocy."

Crocodile hissed and tried to hit Doflamingo with his hook but he caught it.
"Damn, Crocodile, what that hook do?" Doflamingo licked it making Crocodile move his hook away. He didn't want flamingo cooties on his hook.

"WAH, are they gonna fu-"




Once the stupid Warlord meeting was over Doflamingo jumped out of his chair and pushed Boa out of they way who screamed at him.
Crocodile lifted his brow. Where was that bird going?

Crocodile rolled his eyes. He stood up and went to his quarters.
A big storm was happening outside and he wasn't going out there. Everyone else had the same idea and they went to their's.

Crocodile finally made it to his room and he found it unlocked... Crocodile remembered very clearly that he had locked it...

Then he heard music.... muffled but he could tell it was coming from his room.
He looked down and saw.... Rose petals?

Crocodile grabbed the nob of the door and opened it. Romantic music hit his ears. This definitely wasn't the way Crocodile left his room... the lights were dim and there were lit candles around the room.
He looked on the floor and saw a familiar pink feathered coat...

Crocodile looked at his bed and found Doflamingo sprawled out on his bed...

Fucking NAKED—

Doflamingo was smiling. "Heyy Wani. Does the curtain match the drapes?~"

Doflamingo licked his lips. "Come on, that storm isn't going to pass for a long time. Let's have some fun."

Crocodile was at a loss... he tried his best to keep his eyes on the upper half of Doflamingo but then he found his eyes looking down.

"Hey, pervert. My eyes are up here~"

Crocodile growled. "FUCK YOU."

"OH, Fuck me?! Wow, you dirty gator!" Doflamingo said sarcastically.

Crocodile slammed the door but he couldn't walk away from it. Doflamingo was right. That storm wasn't going anytime soon. He might as well kill some time...

He opened the door again and Doflamingo turned to him and smiled.
He was also... stroking himself.


"WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA BLUE BALL ME! You make my balls so blue Crocy."

"But why are you masturbating?!–"

"Might as well jerk one in your room so I atleast having something of yours to look at."

Crocodile didn't even try to bite back after that... He just sighed and took his clothes off.

He could tell Doflamingo was staring
"Who's the fucking pervert now?"

Doflamingo smiled and made room for Crocodile. "The both of us~"

Crocodile smirked at that.



Moria growled. He wanted to rip his ears off. The walls were fucking paper thin and he could hear... EVERYTHING...




Poor Moria 😔

Poor Moria 😔

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Random DofuWani Shits and Giggles (Doflamingo x Crocodile)Where stories live. Discover now