Explaining my TWOW AUs

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for  potato_511


Second, there's a lot of AUs that my brain randomly came up with in the car/shower/late at night in my bed that I may have forgotten about

Wisdom High

I have so much to say about this au-

-Everyone is humanized except for all the Cary colors

-All the TWOWers are high schoolers

-Cary is the principal

-All the other colors of Cary (orange, pink, green) are teachers

-Riley is a really popular popstar, she also owns a diner where the meat is totally not from dogs (such a girlboss slay)

-Midnight and Juhmatok are inseparable besties (they have that "mean girl" personality sorta like iance members)

-Crafty and Spicy are chaotic best friends that drag Joseph Howard around everywhere to do chaos (Joseph Howard is the serious one)

-Spicy is the ultimate Riley fan, and Crafty ships everyone

-Mike Ramsay takes a motorcycle to school and blasts Ice Ice Baby whenever he can

-AN9K is the quiet kid

-Tantusar is the tired student council president

-Ping Pong Cup Shots is somehow always drunk

-Alex is a class clown (also a chaotic friend)

-Meester Tweester is the gamer/theatre kid

TWOW: The Aftermath

-After 25b, everyone lives on a spaceship made of space debris

-Midnight and Meester are co-captains

-The ship has a machine that can turn any matter into something else

Into the Library

-Cary walks into a library and find a secret section where the books have made a civilization

-The books live in shelves (they call roommates shelfmates)

-The gods live on top shelves

-They have to keep themselves hidden when they think someone will find them (who's not cary)

-Their goal is to not get borrowed

-Alex got borrowed and was returned late

The Ghost and the Gem

-based off a really cool fanart

-BFB crossover

-Ruby finds the pillar and the place Juhmatok fell

-She becomes friends with Juhmatok

-Nobody believes Ruby saw a ghost

AUs of AUs?

(very short and they're all for wisdom high)

-Band au is Wisdom High but the gods are a band

-80's au is Wisdom High but it takes place in the 80's (with 80's technology and music and stuff)

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