Chapter One: The start of the end.

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From the moment I met him I knew it was the start of the end, I knew that my life was over and I'd now started a new one. Everything from then on has changed. I hate and love it, he unsettles me in ways I can't perceive. nothing is predictable anymore, it feels like the day I met him was the day I was truly born, every other day before that was a distant haze, I can't even imagine life without him.


The trip to school was always dreadful, where I have a scholarship and am two years ahead. So even though I am 16 I'll be graduating this year. yay.

I hated every minute of it of the trip. 3 trains, 2 buses, and 2 miles of walking every day, unless I stay at my friend Dianna's house which was quite often but not today.

Every day I encounter a variety of people on my public transport route, some regular some not. But today, on the second bus, there was this boy. He had long dark hair that covered the top of his eyelashes, and his deep grey eyes that were glued to the book he was reading, he was clearly tall by the length of his legs but what drew me to him was that he wearing the school uniform for my school. I've never seen him before and it's not like I wouldn't have noticed him, he wouldn't have gone unnoticed by me by a long shot. That means he's new.

The bus stops right in front of my school and I climb out, and so does he. I stop outside the gates where no one can see me, in a small kind of alley to have a quick smoke. School was stressful. Every single student was part of the elite class of the rich. They all acted like complete assholes and they all were going to get into the most prestigious colleges one day without any work because 1; they go to this high school, 2; they are stupidly rich and can afford to bribe the college office into acceptance and 3; because a great majority of them are legacies.

I had nothing though, to them I was equal to the dirt they walk on.

I'm considered the lowest of the lowest, no one respected me or even treated me like a human being because I'm poor. According to the faculty, I should be grateful every day I set foot into their school since 'this is a lifetime opportunity and not many people in my situation would even dream of this and in one moment this could all be taken away' As if I didn't work my whole life to get into this school and as if I don't actually deserve to be here more than these rich snobs.

I finish the cigarette, stomp on it and head to class.


English, first period. My thoughts are louder than the teacher so I don't hear her introducing the new student, I'm out of my daze once he takes the empty seat next to me, the seat no one wanted. Why is he sitting here? Oh yeah, there are no other empty seats.

"You smell like cigarette smoke you know," he whispers leaning in while his cologne enters my nostrils and immediately I'm set out of my daze and all concentration is set on him.

"So what? do you want an award for your working senses or something?"

"Fine be like that, just wondering how you didn't get into trouble for smoking but it's cool, be a bitch." he replied with venom lacing each word in his retort. I was quite rude but was that really a reason for him to act this way? Did I really say something so harsh for him to call me a bitch? whatever I don't care two can play that game.



"I don't even know your name and you're already calling me a cunt? what the actual fuck!" I turn to face him and I notice it's the same boy on the bus. damn it. And he looks even hotter up close. Why the fuck did I have to make enemies with HIM?


"Ms. Davis you are currently interrupting my lesson and just because you get the best grades in your class, that gives you no right to interrupt my lesson and therefore take the opportunity from others to learn. Do you understand?" My teacher interrupts me before I can say anything in reply to him.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am."

"Also before I forget, please see me when the lesson is over I'd like to discuss something with you," she says with her sunny smile back on her face before continuing her teaching. I smile and nod back to her.

For the rest of the lesson I just kept my head in the books and wrote down all the notes needed.


I walked over to my teacher as she requested. The rest of the students' bodies hit me as they file out of the classroom and eventually, I get to her desk at the front of the desk where she sits writing something in her notebook.

"Is there something you would like to say to me, Miss Ebony?" I said after standing there for a while, she obviously didn't realize I was standing.

"Oh yes," she takes off her glasses and stands up from where she was sitting, "I would like you to show Mr. Genovese around the school since you do know the grounds the best." her warm smile reentering her face.

"Sorry ma'am who?" Who's Mr. Genovese? Is he new?

"Were you not listening to me this morning or do have short-term memory loss? Well, I know the latter is definitely not possible," she says with disappointment all over her face.

"Xavier Genovese," he recites his full name to me, "Nice to meet you Emari." a dark voice says behind me. I turn to see who said this only to be met by him. He was standing behind me the whole time, towering over me, and my head only reached his chest. God, why did I have to be so short? I look up at him to see that sly grin on his face looking down at him, he's enjoying this. Of course, the asshole was enjoying this. Kill me now.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes at him. "Do I have to?" I say in a slight whining tone while turning to the teacher. Honestly, I've known this man for less than an hour and I hate him. ugh.

"I'm sorry princess, what have I done to upset you?" he says in a mocking tone, "Please, accept my greatest apology." WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM? He is so infuriating! Why does he make me this way, no one has ever made me so upset and it's not like he's done anything wrong... maybe it's just his face... yes and those deep grey eyes are getting to me. He makes me insane.

"Miss Davis! Is that any way to treat a new student? You will show him around the school. End. of. story." she says in her 'stern teacher' tone.

"Yes ma'am." I turn back to face him, and his devious smile. "Let's get this over with," I say to him in a rude tone I didn't know was possible.

"After you princess."

"Don't call me that," I say as we exit the classroom, him behind me and out of earshot of the teacher.

"Even though you act like a spoilt princess? I find the name quite fitting actually." this boy will be the death of me I swear to God!

"I don't act like a spoilt princess."

"Yeah okay," he scoffs and chuckles.

"I'm serious!" I say stopping right there in the hall.

"I'll believe you when your actions say otherwise." I just roll my eyes and show him around the school as requested of me.


"And the last part of the tour would be the gym, top-of-the-line equipment, and holding top-of-the-line athletes," I say bored, I've said that line too many times to count as I am always the one showing new students around the school as if that was a requirement of my scholarship.

It's finally over, Thank God!

He stands there for a moment looking through the glass wall into the gym.

"... Any questions?"

"Nah," he says distractedly still looking into the gym, at a specific person; Damon.


A/N: Hope you like the first chapter, the next chapter will be posted next week on Sunday see you then!

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