Chapter 2

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The sound of the front door slamming shut had me hiding the flower inside the middle drawer of my small vanity

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The sound of the front door slamming shut had me hiding the flower inside the middle drawer of my small vanity.

"Y/N?" Ariya called out.

"I'm here!" I answered, leaving the flower behind.

I was sorting through my closet to find some clothes suitable to practice in when Ariya walked in.

"Hey. A few of us were planning on heading into town for dinner. Wanna come?"

"Ah, no. I'm going to head to the ring to practice a bit before it gets dark."

Her eyes were skeptical as she watched me get dressed. But before she could inflict another lecture on me, I cut her off.

"I promise I'll be home before dark. Plus, Yunho is coming with me, so I won't be alone."

The part about Yunho being there was a lie, but I knew the two of them well enough to know that she wasn't about to go hunt him down to ask if it were true. The two of them had completely different friend groups. Honestly, the only reason they conversed with each other at all was because of me. She still wasn't convinced, but her hesitance was wavering. She knew she couldn't stop me, no matter how much she wanted to.

"And I'll bring my pocketknife just in case."

"Back home. Before dusk. I mean it Y/N."

"You have my word." I swore, crossing my heart to show her I was serious.

She sighed, reluctantly nodding. I watched her retreat back through the house towards her room. No doubt to change before leaving for the night. She means well. Truly. This place didn't have a reputation for nothing. Even during the day, it wasn't completely free of danger. So, her overprotective nature was warranted and it was one of the ways people around here coped with the risk that came with the job and the location.

I wasn't dumb. I took precautions as well even though I was sure Aliya would disagree. Practicing was nonnegotiable for me however and unfortunately for most of the performers here, the only time to do so was the time between the end of the day performances and before the start of the night performances. I found a lot of comfort in being able to practice my routines. Not to mention I enjoyed the time alone.

Being out here, surrounded by other carnival and circus employees and the lively crowds the attractions drew, alone time was a luxury. I snatched my knife off the nightstand next to my bed, sliding it into the pocket of the jacket I grabbed as I made my way down the hall and out the door. Tossing Aliya a quick goodbye over my shoulder as I walked out.

I slipped on the light jacket over my top. The nights had started to get chillier again. We were coming upon the time of year when business started to slow down. As the days got colder, less people came to enjoy the festivities. While it meant less shows and less money, it was sort of a vacation for everyone who worked here. People would head out for the winter, visiting families or getting out of town for the season. Aliya and I almost always stayed behind.

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