Chapter 14

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Btw the song kinda relates to the chapter but not to much its Yesterday by The Beatles. Its one of my favorite songs by them and just wanted to share it! Sorry this chapter is so long🥲

William POV
I woke up at a hospital unable to move. "Mr. Afton? You have some visitors." The doctor said. I sighed hoping it wasnt them brats but no. It was Y/N and Henry. Honestly the only person I wanted to see right now was Y/N. They both walk into the room Henry taking a seat beside me and Y/N just standing there. Tears running down their eyes, their face had a little blood on it I'm guessing from what happened. "I'll bring back the reports." The doctor rushed out of the room. "Hey William." Henry said. "Y/N has been very worried about you and we wanted to make sure you were alright." Henry said. I tried to talk but all that came out was air. "Here." Y/N gave me their notepad to write with. (This is what Williams writing looks like) I wrote Thank you on the notepad smiling the best I could Im alright if you were wondering just. In this body cast Y/N chuckled and took my hand into theirs. I felt myself blush softly and smiled at them. "You two seem like your a thing. Are yall?" Henry asked. My face flushed. "Well I dont know." Y/N said. "We havent really made it official I guess.." Y/N added. Well I guess we could. I wrote on the notepad to Y/N. They smiled their face somewhat flushed. I dont know why but it was adorable when they flushed. I didnt know why though.. I turned back over to Henry. Yes we are. I wrote on the paper. His face pasted a happy smile on it "Im so happy for you too!" He smiled excited "Thanks Henry." Y/N smiled softly looking down at me.

God! I- Im dating him now? I didnt think we'd get together like this. I gripped his hand slightly. He saw me tense up and started to slowly rub my hand with his thumb. I flushed looking away softly smiling. Henry had started looking out the window until the doctor walked in spitting out like a rapper William injures. He got to one that J wasn't sure about. A stab wound he said. "What?" Me and Henry said in sync. I looked down at William who was still gripping my hand. He gave me that. 'Change the subject' look so I did. "Anyways! How long will it take him to get out?" I asked the doctor "about three months I would say, He's going to have crutches though." The doctor said. Me and Henry nodded smiling softly as Boseman and his kids walked in. William gave them that 'Oh great' look letting go of my hand gently. I was pissed at Jerry who was balling his eyes out. There was no reason I shouldnt be. The kid was told to get off multiple times but disobeyed his father and me. "We- We're sorry Mr. Purple Guy!" Jerry yelled loudly broken by tears "Yes we truly are sorry Afton. Dont worry about hospital bills or anything. There all covered." Boseman said. "I think the kid should pay them." I said chuckling. Henry looked at me disappointed and William wanted to chuckle but couldnt. The kid cried louder getting me a little more pissed off. Boseman stood there trying to calm down Jerry. But didnt work so he just left the room. Then Micheal and Elizabeth came in. Elizabeth was dragging Micheal in. He was yelling "NO! NOT THIS ROOM PLEASE!" He yelled "Come on! You have to see Fatha!" Elizabeth yelled back at him "NOOOO!" He yelled finally in the room. "What are you two on about?" I asked my arms crossed in a sarcastic way. "Micheal is refusing to come in here!" Elizabeth said as Micheal ran off crying. God I loved that boy but he needed therapy. Elizabeth went chasing after him and  so did Henry. "Hey William." I said grabbing his hand softly. He smiled back "Im sorry I couldn't help you... I really should have tried harder and." He gave me the 'Bend down' signal and a got down on my knees (NO NOT LIKE THAT YOU DISGUSTING PEOPLE WHO TOOK IT THAT WAY!!) He cupped my cheek telling me in a way that it was alright. He softly mumbled "Its f-fine." He said softly his voice cracking in every way possible. I smiled softly crying. He smiled softly too. "Im staying here for the night." I said to him "I told the doctor and he said it was ok considering I was the only one." I smiled softly to him as he looked at me. You could see the loving gaze in his eyes as he smiled softly mumbling "o- ok." His voice gently but cracky. The doctor brought in an extra bed for me to sit in. "Here you go Mx. L/N!" He said smiling "Thanks." He walked out of the room. I kissed Williams forehead. "Good night" I said smiling letting go of his hand to walk over to my bed. He smiled softly back telling me with his actions 'Good Night.'
I woke up the next day. William still asleep. I smiled softly to myself. I walked out of the room to go to the cafeteria to grab me some breakfast. There were waffles. I grabbed one for me and got William a chocolate milk since I didnt exactly know how he ate. I brought it back up to the room William awake now. He was writing in my journal as I sat the chocolate milk down. "Just let me know when you need it ok?" I smiled sitting down at the little desk with a chair beside Williams bed as I ate the waffles. William looked jealous, I just giggled and continued to eat the waffles. I want some:( he said putting the sad face behind his words. "I dont know how to give them to you" I chuckled softly. He tapped on a feeding tub. I knew you hand to blend the food to get it in the tub. "I dont have a blender to blend it dingus" I said smiling at his idiotic moments. He looked away sad and continued to write in the note book showing me the writing. It was a poem.. (I wrote this poem/ song btw:D)

I Don't Know.
I dont know what going on.
I dont know what to say.
Maybe if I should sit back,
And enjoy the waves?
The waves of life.
Crash upon my body.
It feels warm.
Until I drift off.
Into the wide sea of Humanity
It scary.
But satisfying. In a way thats odd
I dont know what to do.
So I drift.
Slowly and slowly
Going where my path takes me.

Damn. I thought to myself. "Thats really good William." I smile softly at him as he smiles back. "Do you want music?" I asked him as he nods.

By: The Beatles

He hummed along to the song. I drifted off into my own mind. How did I exactly get here? I thought. The song placed in the background of my thinking. I dont know why I have been placed here. What did I do? Not saying that I did wrong but just what happened? I will never know but right now all I knew was Williams humming and the fact that I was dating a lovely man like him.
GOD IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS SO CRINGE😭😭😭😭 I TRIED SO HARD 😭😭🔫🔫 but I hope yall enjoyed it and the song:D please listen to it if you havent I feel it is an amazing song!
(1320 Words!!!)

Can You Keep A Secret? William A. X Reader (Blueycapsules)Where stories live. Discover now