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Billies POV


1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement



"You know only a fast person will be able to achieve that"

"I'm pretty sure a turtle could beat you"

"Why did you even sign up if you know you don't have what it takes"

"You! Really you think with those legs of yours you have what it takes? C'mon be serious"

I laughed. That's all I could do just laugh. Their words couldn't hurt me and I wouldn't let it get to me. I was strong, I was. Wasn't I?

Despite the critical comments made from everyone,  I decided I would sign up for track. I had never been the fastest frog growing up but it was the pride inside of me that wanted to prove not only to myself but to everyone I could do it. Even if it meant running everyday I would do it.

"Alright everyone we will start out with tryouts, I want to see where everyone would be a good fit at. We will start out with sprinting, carry it over to hurdles, shotput and then distance" Coach Gardner stated.

"-if you want to try out for sprinting go ahead and make your way to the track field so we can start with 100m run"

I wish my friends would have joined me so I wouldn't feel as alone but it's okay. Everything was going to be fine.

"Sooo Billie?"

I look up and see Anthony standing in-front of me.

"-what made you want to join track?"

"I always wanted to try it out"

"But you do realize you have to be fast in order to do track, right?"

Andrew Jenkins. Out of everyone I least expected to talk to me that way, I didn't expect him. We had always a close friendship growing up but after his parents separation during early freshman year he just started distancing himself more and more. As much as I tried to keep in touch the friendship always felt more one sided. I had not spoken to him since last year so this caught me off guard.

"I know that. I might not be the fastest frog out there Andrew, but I will be. It takes strong determination and perseverance to want to accomplish this and I know I can"

"Right. Well best of luck then Billie" he stated walking away and making his way over to his friends that were already at the track field.


"Alright everyone I have collected all I needed from every one of you. I will post the results tomorrow on the announcement board by the gym"  Coach Gardner said.

Everyone started grabbing all their belongings and walking over to the parking lot to leave.

"-Billie Saunders" I turned around realizing Coach Gardner had called me.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Let's chat" she motioned me over to her. I walked over to her knowing what where the next words that followed. I should've known better.
I should've done better. Why am I not better.

"-Now Billie, you might be thinking hmmm I know what's she is about to tell me. Do you?"

"You can say that"

"Well then what am I going to tell you?

"I didn't make the cut?"

"And you think I would tell you that instead of letting you find out tomorrow?"

"Expect the worst, hope for the best?"

She laughed. I had never seen her laugh. Coach Gardner always had the most neutral face anyone could have. No emotion what's so ever, this surprised me.

"Billie, do you own a watch?"

"No... why?"

"Well I would recommend for you to invest in one"

"What does that mean?"

"To start believing in yourself"


..The next day

Those words continued playing in mind all night, and all morning. I had always repeated that quote in my mind, expect the worst, hope for the best. It was true. I couldn't allow myself to believe the best in things because what if in reality things are the worst. Now I'm let down.

I walked over to the gym, anxiously awaiting to see the track sheet.

I had assumed I would be the first one there since I left class a few minutes early, but everyone else also had the same idea. As everyone else scans the sheet, searching for their name, I am doing the same.

Billie Saunders ..........................3200m

I had made the team. But distance. That wasn't so great but all I knew was I had made the team. I had made the track team.

"Probably going to take you 3 hours to finish that don't you think?" Andrew stated. I looked at him, still wondering what was up with his comments.

All I could was laugh. I nodded and walked away. How could a person that was once so close to you just turn into a mean person towards you.

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