Chapter 1

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With one last push, the couch was finally in its proper place. Wolf and Ghost let out a sigh of relief, knowing that most of their work was done at this point.

Their home was now fully furnished thanks to raising enough money from their new jobs as apprentices. No more resting on the hard floor for them.

Ghost looked around, proud of the progress they've made as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. The only thing left was the box of decorations sitting on the dining table. All they had to do now was put the decorations in their proper place and their home would be finished.

It was hard to believe that it had been a few months since they came to this kingdom. Seemed like yesterday there were found in the forest.

Ghost looked over to Wolf who had walked into the kitchen. "How about a quick break before we put up the decorations?" she suggested.

Wolf nodded, walking over to her roommate with two cups of water. "Yeah. Some fresh air sounds nice right about now."

Ghost took the water offered to her and followed Wolf outside. They sat in front of the door.

The cool and gentle breeze was a warm welcome to the warmer atmosphere inside. Wolf and Ghost watched the usually busy streets of Castle Town as they enjoyed their drinks.

Those that passed by them seemed just as active and cheery as they usually were.

Ghost was glad that there wasn't a single mercenary in sight. A sign that they were keeping up their end of the bargain. If she was being honest with herself, she wasn't completely at ease until they had finished what Zelda had tasked them with and left the kingdom. Especially with the glances she would get from the if she passed by any of them.

But now there was none of that. She was here surrounded by new and better friends, living the life that she's wanted ever since she took an interest in magic.

Ghost's train of thought was interrupted when she saw a girl among the streets. A face she wasn't that familiar with. She watched as she stopped one of the shopkeepers. Whatever conversation they were having made the shopkeeper point in their direction. The girl seemed to have nodded in thanks before making her way over to Ghost and Wolf.

Wolf was quick to notice that they were being approached as well. The girl's light auburn hair was in a braid, laying over her shoulder. Her skin was a warm golden brown.

"Is there something that we can help you with?" Ghost asked as the stranger approached.

"Yes um..." the girl fumbled around with the map in her hands for a moment before showing it to Wolf and Ghost. Just with a glance, they were able to tell that it was a map of Hyrule. "I'm looking for Hyrule Castle. I was told you two would know the way from here."

"Do you have business with the princess?"

"Yes. My name is Margot. I come as a messenger for my kingdom." the girl, known as Margot explained.

Ghost studied the visitor in front of them. She wore a simple white button-up blouse and a black skirt that reached her knees. There didn't seem to be any indication that she was concealing a weapon anywhere. Matter of fact it seemed that the only thing she had was the map.

Ghost glanced at Wolf who gave her a nod. This girl in front of them couldn't do any harm even if she wanted to. Ghost then gave her answer.

"It's not far from here. We'll take you there."

Margot's brown eyes widened with hope. "Will you? Oh, thank you so much!"

Once they had put their cups away inside, Wolf and Ghost escorted Margot to the castle. During the walk there, Margot couldn't help but look around in awe at the scenery surrounding her. It was so beautiful and lively here.

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