Chapter 15

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Margot's pace only slowed when the front door of her house came into view. She stopped and took a breath when she was in front of it.

From the moment she accepted this job to go to Hyrule, this moment was inevitable. The most she could do was make the most of it.

Bracing herself, Margot knocked on the door. She waited a few moments before it opened, revealing her mother on the other side. If it weren't for the small silver streaks in her mother's hair, most would think that they were sibling rather than mother and daughter.

Margot smiled as her mom's eyes widened at the sight of her. "Hi mother. I'm back."

Immediately a sigh of relief left the woman's lips. "Oh, thank the gods you're back. You're not hurt are you?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Then you're lucky."

Before she knew it, Margot was ushered into the house, her mom not letting go of her arm, as if she was afraid her daughter would run off the moment she let go. There in the living room, she saw her father and grandfather sitting on the couch. Her father stood up and approached her. His brown hair also having some streaks of gray to it. His hazel eyes also shown nothing but relief at the return of his daughter.

"I see you made it back safe and sound." he said. "It must've been a long and tiring journey."

"Actually I quite enjoyed it." Margot began, using her free arm to take her journal out of her bag. "I wrote everything I experienced down in here. There are also some photos as well. I can't wait to tell you about the trip. Hyrule and it's people are-"

She was soon cut off by her mother's crushing hug.

"Yes, dear. I'm sure you're just as glad as we are that you're back. Do us a favor and sit with your grandpa while we finish cooking dinner."

Her mother planted a kiss on her forehead before finally letting her go and making her way to the kitchen. Her father soon followed. But despite the fact that they were out of sight, Margot could hear the comments of her parents as they cooked.

"Honestly the nerve of Xero to suggest that she go off all on her own to do something like this!" her mother grumbled. "They should've placed that task to a knight... or at least a seasoned traveler."

"Just be glad that she returned safely and something like this won't happen again." her father assured.

Hearing that caused Margot to sigh.

Honestly she holds no resentment to her parents. Loves them just like any child would with loving parents. She knows that their worries come from a good place. Still, she'd like for the day where she can just talk to them about this adventure she had, as well as her dreams to travel.

Soon her grandfather spoke up. "You said you wrote everything down? I'd love to see."

Hearing that, Margot couldn't help but smile. No matter what she could rely on her Grandpa Hugo to make things better. She sat next to him and began telling him all about her journey back here, as well as everyone that she met and befriended along the way. All the while, Grandpa Hugo nodded along smiling as he heard the tale.

If there was anything that the two of them had in common,

"Seems like you enjoyed yourself quite a bit during your little adventure." Grandpa Hugo mused. "This is proof that young folks shouldn't be stuck in one place. This world is meant for exploring."

"Yes. But..." Margot trailed off, the memories of the not so sweet parts of the journey replayed in her mind.

Seeing her spark of joy fade, her grandfather soon became worried. "What is it Mar-Mar?"

"Well..." Margot glanced over at the kitchen, making sure that her parents wouldn't be able to listen in. It was only when she was sure that they couldn't hear her over the clamoring of pots and pans, that she continued. But in a softer tone. "While the journey was fun, there were some obstacles along the way."

She then goes into detail about everything that stopped them from progressing through the journey smoothly. The bandits and how they seemed to have expecting them, the ship suffering an unusual amount of damage, and then the attack of the stone creatures the night before they arrived. During her explanation, she pulled out the piece of stone with the rune etched onto it. What she had kept from what remained of the stone creatures. "I can't help but think all these events are connected somehow."

Grandpa Hugo simply nodded as he was told everything. "I see. Yes, when you put it all out like that, one can't help but think there was something going on behind the scenes. If you want, feel free to use my old office to try and find some clues. I'm sure the stuff in there still have some use."

A small wave of relief and hope washed over Margot. Having access to her grandfather's old office wasn't exactly giving her all the answers, but it was definitely a start.

"Thank you, grandfather."

"Anything for my favorite granddaughter."

"I'm your only granddaughter."

"Then less competition for you."

The two then burst out laughing. The only thing that cut off their laughter was her grandfather's sudden fit of coughs. Margot grabbed the cup of tea sitting on the table in front of them and lifted it to his lips. Grandpa Hugo nodded in thanks before taking a sip.

It wasn't long until Margot's parents appeared from the kitchen, carrying two trays of food. While they were distracted handing out food, Grandpa Hugo slipped a silver key into Margot's pocket.

"You can sneak in once everyone's off to bed." he whispered. "That way you're not disturbed."

Margot nodded and as she enjoyed her dinner, she began making her plans for tonight.

One way or another she was going to find out whether or not these events really were related.

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