slowly unwrapping.

13 0 0

The next morning.
Chorollo and y/n were both at the same room as yesterday.
They woke up at same time. None has said a work.
"We shall head out." Y/n said finally breaking the silence .
"Sure."chorollo replied.
"Any new works ? We have been here for a long time."y/n asked getting up as they both walked towards elevator or something they say. Transporter.
"Have been thinking. Are there any business meeting in nostrade family."Chorollo asked pressing the elevator button.
"Yeah big ceremony next Friday. A old fashioned ball(a dancing hall).
"Are you planning in going?"chorollo asked looking at y/n.
"Does it matter?"y/n ask.
"What do you mean.?"
"Since you all are neons bodyguards you all will be going. And i don't think I will be going."y/n said closing her eyes.
"Hmm"Chorollo said secretly smirking.
You are going. He thought to himself.

Time skip to the troupe's hideout.
"So tomorrow is the mafia party."feitan said.
"What is our plan boss." Shizuku asked.
"We the bodyguards in nostrade are of course going. And you guys can be hidden in places. Or search anything valuable to steal ."chorollo answered.
"But I think we will have a lot of trouble searching."answered Machi .
"Yeah why not kill-"
" I will giving you all invisibility."y/n said cutting of feitan who was about to say (kill everyone).
"Killing will be easier."phinks asked pushing me to my edge.
"Boss, I will be asking for a day off in party day."y/n said.
"Well you think you can  fight all of us at once."feitan asked raising his eyebrow.
"Its not my thoughts it's fact."y/n replied.
By looking at his eyes everyone could tell that feitan was ready to kill. While  a smirk was plastered in y/n's face.
"No fighting between troupe members."Franklin added ruining the fun.
"But a trial can work right♣️"
They all looked at hisoka, then at chorollo. To Which Chorollo just nodded. He wanted to see y/n's fighting techquies as well.
"So hisoka will be fighting y/n?" Shalnark asked.
"No I will."phinks and feitan replied at same time.
"No since hisoka gave the idea , he will be one fighting. Technically speaking."shizuku said fixing her gasses.
"I don't see problem by that."hisoka said with a smirk.
The both went outside to fight while rest of the troupe members were audience.
Y/n and hisoka both went to fighting position.
Once the match  started y/n swifting teleported behind hisoka.
Making her nails in claws but hisoka disappeared in smoke.
"Nice try sweetheart"hisoka said.
"Awwhhh you knew about that trick already.i was excited to show."y/n said.
"You see I am magician too."
"You are a magician?????I thought you were a clown."
After some of there small dodging attacking game. Hisoka started a real match.He threw his bungee gum at y/n ... But  bungee gum got through y/n. It's like y/n was transparent.
Then y/n disappeared in thin air. Everyone on had their gaurds up , and in millisecond hisoka was in middle air , upside down. How was he hanging in the middle air?
With bungee gum of course. But it wasn't he who took control of the gum , it was y/n

Author's pov.
So here is a explanation.
From the moment fight started, the y/n all of them saw was just an mirage of actual y/n. Y/n was actually using her invisibility (psychic ability)now here comes the fun part.
As I mentioned y/n have psychic power such as telepathy, prediction, teleportation, visions, extraordinarily senses. Etc. And along with that she have her Nen which she worked hard to get. So basically her Nen ability was to copy others. But unlike chorollo she didn't had any book. I can't actually call it copying because it's like uno reverse.
So, when hisoka used his bungee gum y/n was intently watching his every move, and she was able to mirage his ability. But it is only temporary. Inorder to use others ability she was have to watch then doing it.

 Inorder to use others ability she was have to watch then doing it

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So in other words, y/n's ability is called DIVINE REFLECTION.
Every move her enemy made. She could reflects it.
(Keep in mind, her psychic ability was born gifted to her but her Nen , she worked on it. Her Nen and psychic ability aren't in same categories)
(Y/n's pov)
After showing my little tricks I came visible again. Hisoka in middle of air , tangled in his own ability. Everyone looked confused. I let hisoka down.
"What was it fruit♠️" hisoka asked.
"Sign why you shall listen to me and fear me" I answered dusting my hands off.
While hisoka chuckled as I walked towards rest of members.
"What is you ability?" Nobunaga asked intensely.
"Divine reflection." I said slightly smirking.
Everyone was amazed but my eyes landed in chorollo.
He seems lost in his thoughts.
(Chorollo's pov)
I was thinking about stealing y/n's ability. But the moment the fight started , something struck me. Why does this felt so familiar. Again those same goosebumps. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't even realized when fight ended let alone steal the ability. Y/n indeed is a trouble.
Time skips
All troupe members made a plan for the party, it would be their last theft  in York new for a while. So after this last robbery they will be in their own path for a while.
So the plan was basically they make neon unconscious make it seems like enemy were after them. And all of bodyguards will take neon to hospital. Or maybe pretend to take her in hospital. While doing that kortopi will make copy of members (bodyguards one) and the fake will go to hospital while the real would stealing of course. But their main objective was the ring of every mafia . As y/n said their will be no chaotic killing . So , Chorollo and y/n will go as fake *french couples*. And attempt to make all of them unconscious, taking their rings.

The next day.
At the nostrade mansion.
"Chiiiiii, I am gonna dress you up for the ball today."neon excitedly said.
However the person infront of her doesn't seems so excited.
"No neon"y/n said.
(Neon calls y/n chi which refers to older sister in Chinese.)
"But why not ?"
"Shall I tell you the truth?"
"Coz you are horrible at it"
"At what?"
"At make up of course"
"Have you ever let me put makeup on your face?"
With that neon dragged y/n to dressing room.
Pakunoda gave her"your turn look.
While y/n frown, which seems cute for normal people of course.
Tricia and amber were in the corner looking or more likely enjoying the show.
Amber: are you going to ball?
Tricia: No
Amber: why not?
Tricia : my target ain't there.
Amber : is it because neon will force you to dance?
Tricia: you should stop stalking people.
Amber just chuckled at Tricia's comment.
Meanwhile with y/n and neon.
* Sighs* for the tenth time neon.
AMBER: I think we shouldn't abandon her like that with neon.
Tricia: don't worry she got troupe.
(Back ground noises of y/n and neon)
"What do you mean?" Amber asked just to avoid silence.
"Haven't you noticed she had made friends with our bodyguards."Tricia answer arranging some paper.
"Oh really?" Amber answers clearly not interested but still talking.
"Anywhores, let's go to the hall, old man is calling."amber said walking towards the door.
"Can we ignore your little speaking mistake it's ANYWHERE " Tricia walked behind amber teaching her some manners as always. But amber wasn't listening,.  As always.

Back to y/n and neon.
"Chii you will look pretty."
"I don't wanna look pretty."
"Ha! Found it"
"Are you ignoring me?"
"Hmm hmm hmm"
Y/n just rolled her eyes.

Time to leave for the party.
Old man ordered all bodyguards to be at mansion by 9pm then they will head towards ball.

At spider hideout.
" So here is the device , it will make you invisible. But try to save it's battery."y/n said handing some small like chip device to all members.
"Put it in your wrist."
Troupe did as she said and then the chip dissolve in their wrist.
"It will move as your command now."
" Now  shall we talk about y/n and boss as french couples thing."shalnark said.
"Yeah what about it."nobunaga said.
"We doing disguise "chorollo said.
" Is there any change in plans?" Phinks asked.
"Boss" machi  said finally trying to ask something that's bothering her.
"What's so special in the rings?"
"Oh that. Y/n Said it contains some magical power to make ones Nen powerful. Some Nen users put the ring every mafia. But of course mafias don't know. Mafia go do a lot of illegal things and go to illegal places. So it will be easier to snuck the rings. Rings are sold in billions."chorollo said.
Everyone was somewhat satisfied.
"Y/n" chorollo again spoke breaking the silence.
"Answer me if you can. I know the reason you are helping the troupe is not for the benefits of the troupe."
"What do you mean exactly"
"I knew the at our mission together. You are not here because of our request."
"That's Right. I am here for my personal benefits"y/n answered.As all the members sent unsure glare.
"Come on guys, there was no rule you can't join troupe for own benefits."y/n defended herself.
"Then there is high chance you might betray us" shalnark said totally chill with that.
"Betray? How can I betray when their is no trust."y/n said.
"Betrayal doesn't come from enemy , so it doesn't have to be trusted."Machi replied.
" If you say so.." y/n said.
Then they later on made a plan to get the rest .


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