How did it happened?

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After some awkward and weird text exchange between them, Vegas started talking to Perth on a daily basis. Now it was not always Pete just leaving messages before sleeping but Vegas was doing the same. They became friends. Though Vegas many times talked about how he wished he could meet Perth in person but Perth was always in disagreement with that. Vegas respected the boundaries.

Just like that Pete was in final year now. Almost 21. And Vegas was 25 and  well settled. He took over his father's position efficiently. It was still hard to understand Macau sometimes. But other than that his life was going smoothly.

He started sharing a lot of things with Perth. There was flirting involved sometimes.

Pete was turning prettier day by day. Guys approached her all the time. But she never gave it up for anyone. She wanted Vegas. Even from far away, as long as he talked to her, she was happy. Everything was going fine till one day.

The day of Pete's Farewell.

After the farewell party at the college, Pete went to the club with her friends. Pete was popular in the college for being pretty, intelligent and an introvert who was always working. Initially she was alone all the time at the college but after a group project at the beginning of third year Pete became friends with a group of three girls and they made Pete as a part of the group. Next year's internship brought stability in her life. Pete no longer was forced to do part time jobs, her Internship was paying well and she was learning as well. At the end of the last year she secured a place in the company she was Interning at. And Pete now was an Interior designer.

Diva, Jane and Pete were busy dancing at the club. All the girls were beautiful and they were getting a lot of attention. After a while they decided on going back to their table where their friend Nat was sitting. When they went back they saw Nat talking to a group of men who were now sitting at their table. As soon as Pete saw them, her heart started beating dramatically.

There, at the chair next to hers was sitting the man Pete belonged to. There he was. Vegas. Pete saw him after 3 years.They were always talking.Pete saw his pictures on a regular basis.  Many times she thought of stalking him, but it was wrong and Pete had to work to keep on living on her own. So she skipped that plan. She never thought that she would ever see him again.

'Ladies, you are back. Look who I met accidentally? The sexiest group of the university.' Nat shouted loudly.

'We were. Not anymore.We are growing old.' one of Vegas' friends, Kim replied. They were 5 men of the same age. Pete has seen each one of them along with Vegas three years back.

'You may be. Well I am not.' Vegas winked at Pete's direction and no, not only her but all the other girls blushed.

'Okay. Let's sit together. We saw you guys last time on your farewell and see what a coincidence today was our farewell. ' Diva replied joyously.

Pete was silent throughout the conversation, some drank a lot, some were just tipsy and then there was Pete. She couldn't drink. She could not. Not in front of Vegas. What if she blabbers something and Vegas hates her.

'Why aren't you drinking….Pete, right ?' Vegas asked Pete and she hasn't been so red.

'You are too pretty. Do you have a boyfriend?' one of Vegas' friends asked.

But before Pete could reply, Diva who was way too drunk for her own well being spoke in between 'Well, she is super shy and quiet like that. And she is the youngest. Can you believe she just finished school at 17 and college at just 21. She got the job with the highest package in the entire batch. She is the topper and isn't the prettiest.' Diva kissed Pete on her cheek and continued with a huge smile. Pete was getting all shy by the sudden burst of compliments coming along her way. But still Diva continued. 'Oh my god! I can't even count on my fingers how many guys hit on her every now and then. But our Pete hasn't even dated a single person in these four years. She has some fictional guy she is busy obsessing over.
So no, no one has any chance. The conclusion is stop hitting on her and focus on one, two, …' She pointed at herself and at Nat, earning a giggle from Pete and all the others '….we are single and interested. Pete is single but definitely not interested. Jane has a boyfriend and he will be coming to pick her up after some time. So don't hit on her as well.' Everyone was laughing but Vegas kept on looking at her. Pete was also looking at Vegas from time to time. But they didn't have any conversation.

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