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Its been almost six months since they were together. No one declared the relationship, no one proposed, still they knew they were really into each other. They were a couple. A beautiful couple. They were very much in love. Pete never thought that there will be a day when she will be living with her secret crush but maybe not all dreams end up as dreams and Pete was living one hell of that dream.

Vegas on the other hand was happy. After meeting Pete he realised that earlier he was not happy in true sense. Pete even being so younger, allowed Vegas to be a child. The child he was never allowed to become because of multiple responsibilities. He was loving this. He was in love. They were in love. But like every good thing, some bad thing follows and so did happened with them.


'Macau, I want you to meet someone.' Vegas was finally ready to make Pete and Macau meet.

'Oh my God! Don't tell me you are serious.' Macau snorted and Vegas if did not know Macau nicely, would have been offended.

'Why are you saying like this? Yes, I am serious. You should meet her. I am sure you'll like her as well.'

'My older brother, I have many reasons to not meet her. And I'm still confused how can you trust a woman after all this time. After what all we have been through.'

'Not every woman is same, Mac. Don't be biased.' Macau laughed loudly, a fake laugh with tear in his eyes.

'Don't you remember, my mother. Your mother? Your girlfriend will have a child in future and she'll leave them to you and run away with your money. I did some digging and found out that she is poor. You know what my mother was also poor. These bitches are gold diggers. She'll also leave you once her motive is compl....'

'Macau.' Vegas shouted so loudly that Macau flinched.

'Wow! So now you can shout at me for that newly arrived bitch.'

'Stop saying.....'

'You know whats funny Hia, you only taught me all these stuff. And now because you have been brainwashed, you are trying to change it. But let me tell you, if that bi... girl or any other woman come into this house I'll move out.'

'You are 15, for fuck sake.'

'oh so you know. I'll live in hostel for three years then. Do me a favour as my half brother, and stay my guardian for three more years then I won't take your time anymore. I will wish you luck with that girl and go somewhere else.' Vegas never expected Macau to be this rude and blunt. Yes, it was his fault. When his father remarried and he met his step mom all his opinions for woman changed completely. He was abused, neglected and manipulated. Vegas eyes got teary.

'Macau, I never treated you like my step brother. Why are you bringing that up. And I'll remain your guardian till I die. Please don't say things like that.' He went to him and hugged him tight. In no time both brothers were sobbing.

'I hate you.' Macau whispered.

'I know. I love you enough for both of us.'

'She'll take you away from me.'

'I'll never go away from you Macau. Maybe we can become a family of three.' This was a trigger for Macau, he pushed Vegas away and moved out.

'Prove to me that she's not after your money. And if she is, you have to choose me or her.' Macau said with an ultimatum in his voice.

'Macau you are not making sense. I know her from so long. She is not.....'

'Dad knew mom for so long, they deceive guys like us. Don't get played. One day you'll go and see that she is sleeping with another guy richer than y...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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