Iron and Blood

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[Third Pov]

Inside of Chryse Guard Security, a private military company located within the Chryse region of the planet Mars, resides a hidden hanger and inside of that hanger a boy with short black hair could be seen on a holographic tablet, beside him was a tan skin, white hair boy was taking a nap.

[???]: "Orga, Y/N"

The boy named Y/N looks up and sees one of his closest friend Mikazuki blankley staring at them, he then turned his to his other friend Orga, who slowly sat up and looked at Mikazuki.

[Orga]: "Hey Mika"

He then looked over and noticed Y/N was sitting next to him.

[Orga]: "Oh your still back here Y/N?"

Y/N nods his head.

[Y/N]: "Yeah it's easier to focus back here."

Orga nods agreeing with Y/N

[Mika]: "You two have been slacking again, you two know what'll happen if they catch us back here again."

Y/N rolls his eyes.

[Y/N]: "What? Beat us like they normally do, I think we've all pretty much gotten use to that."

[???]: "Did you find them Mikazuki?"

[Mika]: "Yeah their over hear."

The three of us look towards the door
and see Nadi at it.

[Orga]: "What's up, old man"

[Nadi]: "Don't give me that crap, Maruba is calling."

[Orga]: "The president?"

Rolls his eyes.

[Y/N]: "Of course he is."

Both Y/N and Orga get up and walk towards Nadi with Mikazuki being close behind. Y/N starts to scratch his neck before handing the holographic tablet to Nadi.

[Y/N]: "I was able find interesting data inside of the big one, it's all on the tablet."

Nadi shakes his head and let's out a heavy sigh.

[Nadi]: "Come you two, I've told you two already, you can't keep sneaking in here."

[Y/N]: "Yeah yeah whatever you say old man."

Nadi let's out another heavy sigh. He looks at the big machine hidden behind a red tarp before look at Y/N.

[Nadi]: "You know you'll probably never be able to use it right? I mean even if we could find and buy the parts we need for it, Maruba would sell it the second it was done."

Y/N looked at Nabi, before shrugging his shoulders.

[Y/N]: "Yeah probably, but hey there's still a chance I'll be able to use it, anyways Mikazuki!"

[Mika]: "Yeah?"

[Y/N]: "Wanna see if we can finally break our tie?"

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