4.Naughty /// WooHo

15 1 3

-Stan SEULRENE, our gay Queens
-I'm gonna cry at my sleep
-My wifue will make everything yknow
-So bottom Woojin 👉👈


Woojin and Minho are a fuck buddies since their training times. They stick to that until they debuted without everyone knowing it but it stopped when Woojin leave the group

Minho didn't move on until now, same as Woojin but someone's gonna know it


Woojin now came back to Korea with the other co-actors; Jinkwon, Minwook and Jaechan but unlucky of them, Sharon followed them. They think that Sharon followed them to ruin their good time in Korea

"Yah Woojina come here dude or i will throw your ass out of here" Sharon screamed from the other room and Woojin just groaned

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Sharon suggested and Woojin and Jinkwon just sighed but the girl noticed it

"Yah mr.grumpys get your asses and stop being lazy" Sharon said ponting at his two leading man who is lazy as fuck

"Fine!" The two said in unison making the other 3 laugh

They started playing and the first victim is Jaechan

"Truth or Dare Jae?"


Sharon grinned as she rethink her plans "I dare you to put a whipped cream in Wook's hand and lick it afterwards"

"wHAT THE FUCK?!" Jaechan and Minwook screamed in unison

"Dare is dare pars"

Jaechan stand up and grab a small pack of whipped cream and spread it on Minwook's hand who is completely red as hell

"I'm sorry" Jaechan mumbled to Minwook before he licked his fingers clean. Minwook isn't gonna lie, it's hot and it kinda turns him on (ehem)

After Jaechan finished licking his fingers that ended with a pop, the three are laughing their asses off that maybe can result to them dying

They continued the game and they just throw a embarrassing dares to everyone and it ended with Woojin

"Wooj truth or dare?" Sharon asked

"Truth since no one picked it" Woojin said not giving a fuck but he knows that she will gave him a question that will hunt him until the rest of his life, it's Sharon Blanche so they know that she will do everything to hunt her friends life until the end of literally everything yknow

"Did you ever had a fuck buddie and if yes, who is it?" Sharon asked excitedly

"SHARONNNNN!" Woojin screamed and the others just look at Sharon wide eyed and jaw opened, obviously shocked at the question she gave. They expected this to happen but they never expected that Sharon to ask this kind of dirty question

"Come on Wooj, you need to answer this. Okay just whisper to me and i will keep it as a secret since i am a good friend" Sharon said patting the free space from her side

Woojin go to that space and sat there and he leaned to her ears before whispering her the answers

"...yes and... it's... Minho" Woojin said making Sharon shocked

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