5.Always /// WooKwon

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-Stan our cutie pies ENHYPEN!
-Special oneshot for my Lesbian readers
-This is my fave since this is also for me
Based from the storyline of Além do Guarda-Roupa and SKZ Family


"Hey Kwon wake up~" Woojin said as she tried to wake the girl up

"Woo let me sleep~" Jinkwon said pushing the girl away but failed

"Bitch we need to go to school"

"But Sir Pablo (we stan) will send it to the GC if someone is absent"

"Well he is absent"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jinkwon screamed

"Yeah and our sub is well... Sir Vhon-" (ehem)



"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Mr.Navarro shouted and the students ran to their own seats

"Yo it's Mr.Set Me Free filipino version again" Woojin joked and Jinkwon just chuckled (trot)

While Mr.Navarro was teaching, no one was literally listening

There are some students who are just doodling at their notebook, some students are using their phones under the tables so Mr.Navarro can't see them, some students are eating under the tables, some are just sleeping, some are gossiping and some are finding a way so they can ditch class and Mr.Navarro

Mr.Navarro finally gave up after 26 minutes and left the class

After he left, the class literally partied at the classroom

All of the students decide to go out and the president of the class, Sharon throw a secret party and all of her classmates is the only peoples there. It was normal to them, Sharon will sacrifice her time just to help her classmates on cutting classes (naol)

"Hey you ready?" Jinkwon asked her partner

"Yas... You?" Woojin asked back

"As you can see"


"YOOOOOO LESBIAN SQUAD IS FINALLY COMPLETE!!!" Sharon screamed and the 4 just glared at her


Jaechan just rolled her eyes "You are so fucking loud. I can't even hear the speakers when you screamed"

"Oh then sorry Mrs.Lee" Sharon shot back

"Yah my name is Yoon Jaechan not Lee and i am still a fucking virgin and i'm still not married at Min" - Jaechan

"But Minwook is planning to engag-" - Sharon

"Planning to what?" - Jaechan

"N-nothing. Just ignore Sha, she's fucking high" -Minwook


"Sharon you're drunk shut up" - Jinkwon

"nNnOoOuUuRrR" - Sharon

"We can't ditch her. She will cause trouble here if we escape from her" - Woojin


The party ended and some of the students are fucking drunk, including Sharon who is fully wasted

The other students help they're classmates to go back at they're own homes safely while the 4 are stuck at Sharon's house

"Now what are we gonna do to this drunk bitch?" Jinkwon asked the others and they just shrugged their shoulders at her question

"Well we can lock her at her room so she can't escape but before that we need to lock all of the windows since there is a possible that she jump there" Woojin said and the others just listen to her

"After that, we can sleep here since no one will take care of her, only us. There have another rooms. Me and Kwon will sleep together while you two will sleep together. We will just use two rooms so we don't need to clean a lot of room. Then tomorrow we will help Sha to clean her house, i will be the one who will cook tomorrow since it's Saturday tomorrow. Goodnight gays" Woojin said as she dragged Jinkwon to the vacant room


"Well what did you think about that two lovebirds being Virgin?" Jinkwon asked out from nowhere

Woojin just stared at Jinkwon before she speaks up "Idk... I think they think the same as us, sex after marriage. I mean it's more okay. At least if anything happens to one couple, same sexuality or not, they will be the one who will take care of their partner until they got okay since it's their responsibility"

"This is the reason i love you my princess"

"Shut up. I'm tired, Sha ruined my night"

"Okay Woojinie... Good night"

"Good night Kwonnie... I love you"

"I love you too"

The End•≈•

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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