3.Noir /// 2Jin

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-Ummm idk
The translation of the scientists end results, Woojin's diary and Hyunjin's PoV & message for Woojin and his late friends at my book 'Red Lights'
Mentions of psychotic things, drugs and poisons, brutally killing, suicide


As Chan and the other's watch the vlog, they got a notification

'The samples contained some types of drugs and poisons and the reason why the teachers at the PYJ University died'

As they read it, Hyunjin grabbed Woojin's diary that he keep when they leave

When he opened it at the last page, it suprise him since when the last time he checked it, it's not completed but now it's finally complete

The scientists said that the things, the evidences that i hide is containing drugs and poisons. Bad luck, our psychotic and shithead Principal used the teachers at PYJ University as his 'subject'

The teachers suicide, not got killed. Except for the teachers that performed for the last time at the cover court

Ms.Park overdosed the drugs while Mr.Kim drunk the water bottle that contains some poisonous powder

The reason why the teachers doesn't want to bring that topic up is that they already know that the principal will kill them and anyone who knows every shit he did, that is the reason why they suicide. They got depressed about it

The principal's bodyguards is also the one who kill my friends and the teachers who performed while the principal is the one who is following me behind at the University before i jumped at the building

Before my friends Bob, Sky, Yongbok, Peter, Sam, Lewis, Rhino and Bahng are brutally killed, they already gave all of the evidences they have to me

I hide the evidences at the one room, hoping that someone will find it and give us the justice that we are finding before i suicide

Until a group try to do a 24 hour challenge at our university and they gave us the justice we are finding for decades

Thank you for them, especially to Hwang Hyunjin who faced his fears just to answer this questionable thing. Actually i remembered my friends at them

Thank you for giving us the justice and for answering all of our questions that we are finding for decades. Thank you for joining us at finding all of the answers. From now we can finally rest, but i would do my best to protect that group

-Kim Woojin


Hyunjin's PoV:

I felt my tears flowing as i finished reading the diary. We did it. I did it. I gave them the answers and the justice they deserve

I felt so proud about myself, i faced my fears and finished finding all the answers

I get the Group Photo Woojin had with his friends, i finally get it why he see his friend Sam at me. We really looked like an identical twins. I stared at Woojin's photo and i softly touch that part where Woojin is standing

To Woojin's friend, i hope i gave the justice that y'all finding at after y'all got brutally killed infront of y'all family's

And to Woojin, thank you, thank you for guiding me the whole time. If you didn't protect us, we are dead now but we are still alive now. I'm sorry if we came super late. I hope you can rest now with your friends with pure happiness only, the crime is now solved so don't worry now. You can finally rest. Thank you. I hope that we can meet in afterlife when my life finally ended

The End^⁰^

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