The Letter

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Gihihi, hi everyone.

Today I'm in good mood because I had read many stories. (I haven't read someone else's stories since I had to write my stories)

I found many amazing GaLe storied. Although some of them I had already read it.

Anyway, please enjoy this chapter.

Gajeel's POV

"Forget about the class. You should take a rest. I will help you"

"Thanks again"

"Now go get some sleep"

"Okay" I quickly fall asleep

"Dear Gajeel. My former student. How can you betray me? How can you betray the Phantom Lord? Now I will kill your family in front of you. But how should I kill them? Should I burn them to ash....."

Gajeel saw his family burned


"No, it's too cruel. I know I should throw them to sea and feed shark"



"NO NO NO NOOOO!!!" the sharks ate his family

"Nah.... I should kill them with sword"

A samurai cut off their head

"No..... Stop. STOP!"

"I will let you know how terrorizing a Phantom principal when a student betrays us."

"I have done nothing!"

"No my dear. You have."

"Then what have I done!?"

"You told p.............."

"Hey wait! WAIT!"

"Gajeel!" I opened my eye "Gajeel, you okay?"

"It's nothing, Levy. Just a dream"

"Is that dream again?"

"A little bit different"

"Mr. Gajeel!" a student shouted


"Mr. Gajeel, an old man told me to give you this letter" He handed over the letter to me. I opened it and I know my face is all white. I felt nervousness, I can't calm down myself.

"Gajeel, what's the letter talk about?"


"Metal head, you are sweating"

"Gajeel, what's the letter talk about!?" Levy said it very nervous. Erza took away the letter from me

"Oh my.... It's from Phantom Lord"


"So it's true, my nightmare comes true"

"It's very dangerous now. We should protect his children so they won't being kidnap by Phantom"

"Erza, we will act like we plan. We don't have time now."

"I guess you are right. Wendy, orginally I want you look after Isabella but now we know it will be very dangerous so you must look after Isabella with Romeo"

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