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Geeheeheehee, the tragedy has finally arrived! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough!*
Since I think my story is boring already, I mean my latest chapter always rewind the plot so I decided to enter the topic. 
Let me told you a secret.... Soon, Gajeel and his family will die! MUAHAHAHAHA! *Cough! Cough! Cough!* 

Metalicana's POV

As soon as I heard about the Phantom Lord, I can't sleep well these few days. I can't concentrate do anythings. I broke my glass when I tried to drink some water, I can't remember the homeworks that given by teachers and I don't even know heard when other people call my name.

Same as always, I wake up in a baaadddd condition. 
"Niisan, you have very funny black circle under your eyes" my little sister, Isabella laughed at me
"Geehee, really?" I said it tiredly
"Hehehe, do you use marker pen to draw it on your face?" 
"Of course no. I just didn't have a nice sleep last night" I pat her head. "Geehee, now get ready for school"
"Okay" she ran into her room. I went downstairs and saw my mother preparing breakfast for us in the kitchen.
"Good morning, mom"
"Good...." she looked at me and I know what exactly she going to say next "Metalicana..." she hugged me "Oh dear, you must be very painful in these few days"
"Don't worry about me, mom. I will be fine."
"I know you will. Your father and uncle Natsu is now finding the principal of the Phantom but he is missing now."
"Missing? Why?"
"No one know. But after they find him, we will live in a peaceful life again. Now get some breakfast and rest a while, I will take you to school after you all are prepare.
"Okay, mom"
After I finished my breakfast, I lying in sofa to get some rest. My mother wake me up after all my siblings were prepared to school and they did, they were already in the car except me.
"Metalicana, let's go already"
"Okay" I said it weakly
After we reached the school, we went to our class liked always. Normally, I am the first one in the class since my parents were teacher in this school but today most of the students were already in the class. 
"Hi Metalicana" Danny greet to me "Wow, dude. You have black circles under your eyes."
"Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night. Can we don't discuss this already?"
"Fine. How about we talk about Nashi and you?"
"I've you two didn't get too close these few days. What happen to you?"
"Dude, if you think I am your friend then you should tell me"
"Sign* I might have some troubles in these few days so I told her that don't get too close these few days."
"What troubles?"
"...." I didn't give him a respond and he knew that I don't want to talk about that. He just said "Hope you solve those troubles" and went to find Ella.
"I hope so." I said it to myself

Nashi POV
It's been a while since I talk to Metalicana. After he heard that he might become Phantom's target, he suggest that we don't get so close in these few days. I realized that after we didn't get so close, my life was very boring and um.... I can't find a word to say that. Just... um... I don't know. Every time I think about Metalicana, my heart just pounding so fast. I can't tell what's happen to me maybe just worried about Metalicana. 

I went downstairs to get some breakfast and my mother asked me about Metalicana.
"I don't know, mom. We didn't speak to each other after dad told him about the Phantom."
"Why?" my mother asked while washing the plates
"He told me that we don't get too close these few days."
"Well, he was right. Now we must go to school already"
"Luke! Stop playing handphone already."
"Hehehe, okay mom."
We went to school after we finished our breakfast. When I got into the classroom, I saw Metalicana talking with Danny. Even I wonder what they talked about I didn't go to their side. I just back to my seat and get ready for the class.
"Hi, Nashi-chan" Ella said
"Hi, Ella-chan."
"Hehehe, how's it going?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saying Metalicana and you" I blushed. 
"Um... Ella-chan, it just nothing special happen to us."
"What happen?" 
"Um... I can't tell you, Ella. Sorry"
"Nah... it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me. It is the secret between Metalicana and you"
Danny then came to us
"Hey, Ella. Hi, Nashi"
"What happen to Metalicana?" Danny asked us while we saw Metalicana lying on the table
"I don't know either. Nashi said she can't tell us" Ella said
"Is that problem very serious?"
"Yeah, sorry about that"
"You don't have to say sorry." Danny said
"Hey guys." Lisan and Vivi ran to us "Do you heard that?"
"Heard what?"
"It's about the sport competition."
"Most of us take part in this competition include Nashi and Metalicana."
"Really!?" I shocked
"Yeah! Metalicana and you will team up in the badminton competition."
"But I thought girl cannot team up with boy in the competition"
"Don't mind that already. Metalicana!" Danny shouted
"What?" I totally shocked when I saw his face. His face was white and sweating. He also had black circles under his eyes.
"Uh.... dude, you take part in the competition."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Here, take it" Vivi handed over the name list and program of the competition "See. Nashi and you will team up together in the badminton competition"
"Wow, Metalicana! You need to take part a lot of games" Danny pointed at Metalicana's name and saw he not just take part in the badminton competition only but also need to take part swimming, football, tug of war and martial arts competition.
"You didn't mention that you even know martial arts"
"I didn't?"
"Whatever. Why should I participate so many games?"
"Um... it seem like the principal choose you" Lisan said
"The teacher has come"

We back to our seat as Mrs. Fernandes came into the classroom. 
"I think you guys had heard about that program and the name list of the competition. Now I have a very important things to tell you, we will have PE everyday until the competition end. For those who have take part in the competition, you need to stay in the school after the school end. I have special training for you"
Most of us were shocked after they heard about that except Metalicana. I stared at him and my heart started pounding.
"What's wrong with me?" I said it quietly to myself

Timeskip to the end of school (Next day)

We changed our clothes to PE clothes in the locker room. After that, we train under Mrs. Fernandes' 'special training'. That wasn't special training at all. It was terrible, it was scary, it was hell.
"Come on, get up already. You can't win Phantom like this"
After the training was end, everyone were exhausted except Metalicana who was act like nothing at all. Even though he had black circles under his eyes, even he looked very tired, he still act like nothing. No wonder why the principal choose him to take part that much of the competition.
After we changed our clothes, my parents told me walked back home with Metalicana since they had meeting. 
"Are you ready to go now?" Metalicana asked 
"Sure!" I blushed a little

We both didn't said any words along the way but I can feel that he was nervous and always stayed alert. 
"Metalicana, do you still worried about the Phantom?"
"Well, of course. There is no way I will..." 

Before he finished his words, the nightmare has come.

Five men appeared in front of us. 
"Are you son of Gajeel?"
"What if I say yes?"
"Then we will kidnap you now!" They rushed to us and attacked us. 
"Run away, Nashi!" He hit down one of them
"How about you?"
"Don't worry about me. Just run!"
"Damn it! Boss was right, this brat sure is tough" I ran away but blocked by two men
"Where do you want to go, young lady?" They grabbed my hands 
"Let me go!" I tried to break free but it was useless since I had no power left after the training
"Nashi!" Metalicana's face full of anger
"Hey, brat. If you just came with us I promise you we will release your girl right now" 
"No, Metalicana! You can't go with them!"
"Shut up" one of them slapped me
"HEY!!! I will go with you but you must let her go. NOW!!!"
"Deal" They let go of me "Young lady, told your boyfriend's father our boss will wait him at the old Phantom school." They get into the van and went away
"Metalicana..." I cried "It's all my fault... *smirk*. I must stay strong now. I have to tell Uncle Gajeel and Aunt Levy" I ran back to school and found them in the meeting room.

Geeheeheehee, the tradegy had started right now and the competition was almost near.
Will Gajeel's family all die like I said before or they will live in perfect live again?
Thank you for watching this chapter
Hope all the readers have a nice day and PEACE!!!

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