Our Unperfect Life Gaiden: Sport Competition

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Hi my sweet readers...
I'm so sorry for no update my stories. I'm so busy recently. I have to study hard for my damn test, I have to prepare presentation, I have to train hard for my taekwondo exam. Geez! The last one I loved it since it is really fun to learn taekwondo but the first two is just so BORING....
Well, I don't want to waste your time anymore. Please enjoy this chapter.

Metalicana's POV
(Finally, today is the day...) I thought to myself as I slowly open my eyes. (Fiore School Sport Competition. I'm so excited!!!)
After having breakfast, my family and I went to the stadium where the competition held.
"Are you ready?" my father asked me
"More than that" I answered (It's true. I more than ready already. After we solve the Phantom Problem, most of the time we trained for the competition. There are no ways we lose here.)
"Yo, Metal head!"
"You're late."
"What!? We still have almost 2 hours before the competition start!"
"I told you we....."
"Sigh~" I almost speechless after seeing them fight again
"Metalicana, you look good!" Danny, my best friend greet to me after he saw me. Of course, Ella was beside him
"Wow, you are so early. Do you guys dating here?"
"Danny, I'm going to the changing room" Ella ran away while blushing
"Why you always like to do such thing?"
(I'm just love to do it)
"Come on. Let's go"
"Looking for Ella and your Nashi, of course" I nod but tried to make a annoying face
We walked to changing room and saw Zoe and Emily came out
"Oh!? Hi Metalicana. Are you finding Nashi?" Zoe said
"Kind of." I blushed a bit
"She is inside the changing room. Ella too" she grinned
"Nashi! Ella! Metalicana and Danny come to see you!" Emily shouted
"Kyaah! Nashi-san, Ella-chan your boyfriend come to see you!" (Well, I  don't know who is it but most likely is Vivi)
"Emily-san tell them come inside. Nashi and Ella is wearing a very cute uniform"
"Shut up!"
"Emily-san, tell them leave" Nashi said in embarrassing
"You heard that."
"Em... thank you" we quickly left

Nashi's POV
I went inside the changing room and took out my cheerleading uniform. (Damn it. How should I suppose to do? It is embarrassing)
"Kyah! Oh it's you." I shocked but calm down after I realized it was Ella
"Hi Nashi!"
"You too." All of my friends came inside the changing room and we started our chat

"Hey, which school do you think will win this time?" Blue asked
"Fairy Tail, of course. No way we will lose, right?" Lisan said while testing her cheerleading uniform
"Of course we won't lose. Not a chance." Vivi said
"I was shocked when Mrs. Mirajane told us to cheer our school." Ella stared at her uniform "Well, at least we look cute. Don't you think so, Nashi?" I lowered my head in order to hide my embarrassing
"Nashi-chan, why your face so red?"
"Um.... I....."
"How about we help Nashi to change into her uniform?" Lisan said
"Wh.... "
"Come on, it look nice" they said while getting closer to me
"N.... No!" They grabbed my hand
"Nashi, dressed it"
"No... it's so embarrassing..." I shouted and tried to resist
"We are coming in" 3 nine years old girl came inside "What are you doing?" Madelyn asked
"We are forcing Nashi to dressed her cute cheerleading uniform"
"Help me!"
"Come on, girls. Don't force her do what she don't want" Zoe said.
(Thank goodness.) I thought to myself and gained some hope
"But we will showing it to Metalicana." Ella said.
"Let's do it!"

"You look cute"
"Um...." I covered my face "It's so embarrassing"
"Hey... Do you think Metalicana will like it?" I blushed
"He must totally love it and confess his feeling to you"
"Maybe he kiss you as well" I blushed even harshly
(Well, I don't know. What if he really confess his feeling to me? What if he suddenly kiss me? Is it good? What should I do? Do I really look cute? What if he doesn't like me? What if.....)

"Nashi, your face are so red" Madelyn said
"Emily, we should go buy some drinks to them"


"Maybe the boys will give us the medals they get"

"And Nashi will get it from Metalicana" Ella teased


"Nashi! Ella! Metalicana and Danny come to see you!" Emily shouted
"Kyaah! Nashi-san, Ella-chan your boyfriend come to see you!"
(What!? He came!) 
"Emily-san tell them come inside. Nashi and Ella is wearing a very cute uniform" Vivi shouted

"Shut up!"
"Emily-san, t... tell them leave" I said
"Why?" Blue asked
"Shut up!"

After a while, all my friends had came and we gather at our resting room. The competition is almost start and we were doing our final preparation.
"Listen up everyone...." Aunt Erza said "... I know these past few weeks you had trained very hard so thank you. Now let them know the strength of Fairy Tail!"

"...Now let us greet to our participants. First, Fairy Tail!"  The host shouted
"Let's go!" Metalicana shouted

The applause of the audience is very loud. Their clap are greeting to us. We waves our hand to them and our opponent came out followed by us.
Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Quatro Cerberus, Mermaid Heel and the most important opponent.... Phantom Lord.
Seeing our opponent let me feel I'm very weak. I started panic a bit and my hand was shaking slightly but then Metalicana grab my hand.
"... Um... What?" I tried to not see his face because I always think about will Metalicana give me his trophy and what happen if he give them to another girl.
"I know what you think about but I'm also know you are strong so don't panic."
"Em...." I reply (He is right. Now all I can do is win) I smiled "Thank you Metalicana"

The night that the competition finished,
"Dear diary, today I was very happy. We won the competition! Not only that, the thing that Ella and the others said when the first day of the competition comes true! I can't believe it. Metalicana gave me his medals to me after he received it which cause me blushed a bit and today everyone were very happy. I hope we can always be happy and live in peaceful day."

Sorry again for the story being boring and don't have detail about the competition. (I don't have any ideas about it since I had write half of the chapter before my test so lots of the ideas had lost and I don't have any interest to continue the story already.)
Anyway, I will continue my other stories or probably start a new one so hope you like it.
Thank you for watching my story. Hope you guys peace and have a nice day.

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