The Real Ending

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Hello everyone!
It's great to have my original greeting back.
The latest chapter wasn't a real ending but HEY~ here you goes, a real one.
Yeah~ maybe somebody will prefer the 'Fake' one but I want you to read this chapter too.
Anyway, it may be a ending of this story but I will write a side story.


Third Person's POV
"What should we do now, Mr.Jose?" 
"Yeah...." Jose remained silent. Perhaps he was thinking about what should he do next but silent was broke after a few minutes. 
"I think I will live in peace now."
"Okay....." Sol said as he prepared to leave as well as Totomaru and the others
"But...." Jose took out his pistol "... I won't live in peace if you guys still alive. Die for my peace!"

He was shot down. But it wasn't Sol nor Totomaru or someone else, it was Jose being shot down by his own former underlings I should say. 
"Urgh....." After he took that shot, he was fall down. He look at Jose angerly as if he has chance he will kill him without doubt.
"Hey, don't look at me like that. You're the one who betray us first." Sol walked to Jose's side "I must thank you for helping us kill that Gajeel. He knew our secrets too much."
"How dare you betray me!? Urgh!" Sol kicked him making him spit blood.
"I already said that you're the one who betray.... now I get it.... You're right. Let me tell you a truth." The words made Jose seem very confuse "What the hell you mean?"
"The one who call the police to catch your son wasn't Gajeel, it was me. He just passed by that day. He doesn't even know what happen."
"'re the one who call the police!?"
"Yes...." Sol took Jose's gun and pointed Jose's head "I think you have know the truth. At least let me give you a final blow. Any last word?"
"You damn b**** !"
"What a memorable last word. Now die!"
So I'm not the one who control everythings. I think everything will go like my plan. I think I finally revenge for my son. Now I kill a bunch of innocent person and the one who kill my son still alive. I wish I could back to the past... back to the day I spend with my son... I wish that day I listen to your advise so you won't fall into 'darkness' and killed by him. I regret what I've done though it was too late. I hope I will see you in the hell... if you was there...

"Nothing is too late" Sol shot Jose's head but he was unharmed
"What happen? I suppose to die..." Jose touched his head and wondering what's going on
"This magic only works on the one who finally know his own sin and regret what's he done" Mavis stand in front of them
"Former principal of Fairy Tail!" They shocked but not her appearance but her magic
"It also work on the one in Fairy Tail."
"Damn it. That was a close one. Are you okay Luce, Nashi?" Natsu get up and walked to his family
"Yeah~ we are fine"
"That is impossible! How could a..." Sol was punched down by Gajeel who was 'revived' just now 
"Shut up! Are you okay?" He turned his head to Levy and Metalicana
"I'm okay but Metalicana..."
"Hey wake up, Metalicana!" 
"He just lost his conscious from the pain that they caused to him" Mavis explain
"Totomaru, call the others come out and kill the one who get in our way!"
"It was useless..." Gray and the other Fairy Tail staff came into the house "... We already finish them off before we come in"
"........" Sol fall down as he realized his plan was fail
"One thing you should remember..." Makarov stand in front of him "Don't mess up with Fairy Tail!"

After about 10 minutes, the police had come and capture all the former Phantom as well as Jose. 
"Give me a minute." Gajeel told to the police before Jose get into the car. "Jose, I know you think I'm the one who...."
"I already know the truth. Sorry. I am very sorry..." Jose said it as he started to cry "All the thing I've done to you."
"Nevermind. I forgive you. Actually I should give you this few years ago." said Gajeel as he took out a letter and a picture. "These is from your son. He gave me before his death." He handed to Jose 
"Let's go" They get into the car and left.
"Things finally over." Levy said as she embrace Gajeel tightly
"Not all the thing" Gajeel looked at Levy and gave her a kiss 
"What does that mean?"
"Mean I was worry about you just now but I was calm down after I saw you and Metalicana were fine"
"Not that! I mean what are you mean not all the thing?"
"Don't just laugh" Levy pouted
"I mean I finally can train the kids now. For the competition."

A few days later
All things was back to normal. A normal peaceful life. 
"Are you sure you are okay?"
"I'm fine, mom. I was rest in the house almost 5 days" Metalicana said as he changed his clothes to school uniform "I must train hard now. The competition will start next two weeks and I only have two weeks to prepare"
"Not enough?"
"Of course not."
"Hey, Metalicana is diligent than you" said Emma as she teased her older brother
"Shut up."

They went to the school like always and went to their own class
"Metalicana!" Nashi shouted "Are you okay?" She grabbed his hand
"Yeah... I'm fine" said Metalicana as he was shocked a little by a sudden action of Nashi
"Metalicana-kun, I'm grad to see you back" The trio girl said 
"Yeah. You better get ready for the competition" Thompson said
"I will. Where is Danny?"
"Miss me?"
"No. Just little shock. My best friend wasn't the first one who greet me"
"Come on. It doesn't matter who is the first one who greet you, right?"
"Fine. I guest it was just because your girlfriend" said Metalicana as he looked at Ella who was stand beside him
"Hey!" they shouted in unison

Things just like that everyday. Metalicana and the others train very hard for the competiton. And finally......... The day has come

"WELCOME to the the Fiore School Sport Competition! All the school of Fiore will attend this annual competition. The competition will be held almost 1 week. You can see how big is the competition is. Okay, don't talk nonsense already. Now let us greet to our participants. First, Fairy Tail!" The host shouted

"Let's go!" Metalicana shouted

You like it? I hope you enjoy it. 
Now I finally finished my third story so I will focus on my fourth and I was plan for creating a new one. Most likely Gajeel and the others will use magic like manga. 
Even though this was an ending but I was plan about having a side story which is about the competition.
Last but not least, I decided to cancel the thing I called it parallel universe in this story. I can't help it, I love this story so much. Honestly I didn't think I will like it when I started the first chapter. Thanks to AniaLovesBooks -san. 
I hope you love it and don't miss out the side story. I will update it when I am free.
Hope you guys PEACE!!!

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