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A small dragon is all caged up. This small dragon was also all alone, it couldn't fight back because as a Nestling it couldn't fire it's fire yet.

Right now it's sleeping in its cage. But that was disturbed by the smell of fire and by sounds of fighting and cages being opened.

The small dragon couldn't see much. It's night, plus as a nestling it didn't have a good sight as dragons older as toddlers could.

As cages around it are already empty its cage was still untouched. As an darker dragon it wasn't seen good since it's dark.

A older male noticed the still closed cage. For far away people couldn't see a small dragon but he took a look anyways. He also noticed dragon hunters running his way.

"Toothless, hold them off while I get this last cage!",the guy ordered a night Black dragon. The dragon listened and holds off the dragon hunters.

The man arrived at the small dragons cage . Now that he is nearer the cage he could make out a small dragon form inside the cage.

"Hey little one, everything is gonna be alright now. " he said while taking a closer look at the dragon.

He needed to take off his mask and saw what kind of dragon it is.

"Wait a minute, you're a-" he lost words. Because he never saw another...

"Night Fury!"

He quickly opened the cage and kneeled down Infront of the young dragon. He slowly took the chaines and muzzle off of the smaller dragon.

"There, don't that feel better?", He asked the nestling. He holds out his hand for the smaller dragon to smell it.

The nestling looks at the hand and almost gave in. But that was cut off by a loud thud. The little Night Fury bit the male human's hand and ran out of the cage. Clearly not knowing how to fly yet.

"Woah! Ow!", The human hissed in pain. For a nestling it's not good at firing off it's fire but it's very good at biting. It's a strong bite.

"Wait, where are you going?", He yelled after the dragon while standing up and turning around.

As the smaller dragon is running it could make out a bigger dragon figure. It stopped running before it runs into the bigger dragon. Turns out the bigger dragon is an adult Night Fury.

The adult Night Fury looked down at the smaller dragon and the smaller dragon is looking back at the adult Night Fury.

The older dragon is sniffing curiously the smaller dragon. Meanwhile the human was watching the two dragons with a smile on his face.

The older Night Fury picked up his paw and hiccup was confused on what his best friend would do now. The dragon smacked the smaller dragon with his paw. The smaller dragon jumped back with a small and weak roar. The human made a "-_-" look and walked up to the two dragons.

"Come on little one, let's get you home-", he picked the smaller dragon up while being cut off by its small roars. Trying it's best to get out of the human's hold.

The small dragon looked at the arm from the human and-

Another Dragon rider walked by with her dragon, a deathly Nadder. The Nadder stopped walking.

"Hiccup, what's taking so long? It's time to go!", The female human yelled over to the male human, named hiccup.


What she is seeing is the bigger Night Fury trying to get at a smaller version of himself but hiccup is holding him back. While the smaller dragon is bitting hiccups arm.

"Heeeeeeey Astrid!",he says while side eyeing the adult Night Fury, then he looks at the smaller Night Fury who is still having a strong bite on his arm, then he looks back at Astrid.

"This is fine.",hiccup told Astrid with a thumb up.

"Clearly.", Astrid said as she continues watching.

Hiccup looks at the adult Night Fury.

"Toothless it's okay, it doesn't even hurt.", He lied at his dragon friend. The dragon, named toothless, calmed slightly down but is still on alert if something happens he jumps in.

"Thank you.",hiccup said.

"And as for you, ya lil Biter.",Hiccups attention is now at the smaller dragon.

"I'm sorry for picking you up.",he started apologizing while peting the small dragon. But it didn't calm the nestling down yet.

"I shouldn't have done that so fast. That must have been scary for you.",he basically sweet talked. He noticed the dragons bite is slowly getting weaker.

"There, what a brave one.",he said. Now watching as the nestling let go of his arm. The small dragon looked at the wound with guilt and licks the wound. Toothless was now calmer then before.

"Look Astrid, Toothless isn't the last one anymore!",Hiccup yelled happily over to Astrid. As Astrid ,who saw everything, smiled at hiccup.

This what I have written above is from the video I put above the title. Credits to the creator (on YouTube : @eeriedan)
Now under this is my own. Nothing from someone else! (Except pictures I might use.)

Hiccup tried again by picking the small Night Fury up. But he didn't pick it up like lest time. He showed it his open arms. Showing the nestling what he wants. But the Nestling growled, clearly saying a no.

Toothless saw that it is uneasy with hiccup. After all this hunters caged it up and left it all alone. So Toothless did what he had to do and moved closer to the nestling.

"He's not gonna hurt you.",Toothless purred. The small dragon still had an uneasy look. But it also trusted the adult Night Fury.

It walked closer to hiccup . But it saw Astrid come closer with stormfly. Now the dragon once again felt uneasy and ran behind toothless his leg and hides.

Toothless looked down behind his leg.

"Don't worry. That's just Astrid and her dragon Stormfly.",Toothless explained to the nestling.

"They won't hurt you. "

Hiccup sighs.

"Go and tell the rest of the team that we'll be coming in a while.", He ordered Astrid. She nods and jumps on Stormfly.

"Will do", she answered. And Stormfly started flying away.

"You can come out now. They are gone. Just you, me and Hiccup.",Toothless purred while lifting his leg were the smaller dragon is behind.

Hiccup once again tried. He showed his open arms to the smaller dragon. This time the nestling ran into his arms. A little more comfortable with hiccup.

"See? Not too bad.",Hiccup said quietly.


Just you see

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Just you see.. I got allowance to use the video as inspiration!

"𝔹𝕒𝕓𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝔽𝕦𝕣𝕪" (httyd Xfemale!Dragon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now