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The darkness of the night covered the whole town; the stars remained behind the clouds and the moon shone through the darkness. A lone male hedgehog stood in front of an opened window, his gaze was on the moon. Ruby orbs held vacuous thoughts that traveled with the night's air. Deep in his mind the image of a pink hedgehog danced through his head; a smile that represented her upbeat personality was planted on her face and her emerald eyes shone with warm passion. Shadow shook those thoughts out of his head; never had he had so much trouble concentrating on his real objective.However, the dark hedgehog couldn't stop thinking about Amy's words earlier that day; simple words that traveled deep into his consciousness and begged for a change of heart. She spoke the same words his precious friend, Maria, once spoke. Their words were alike, but were their goals the same?For now Shadow would only deny her requests and pleas; he couldn't trust the rose hedgehog or anyone else, he was alone. He no longer believed in hope or dreams, they were all crushed in his past.The ebony hedgehog walked away from the window and headed to his bed. Tomorrow would be a new day and it would bring new opportunities for his new plan. Vengeance was so close he could taste it.Why would he have a change of heart after all the things that mattered to him were already lost...Espio's office door shot open revealing a streaked hedgehog."Do you always have to make a big entrance?" the chameleon pointed out."I try," Shadow grinned in response."What happened yesterday? I only saw you come inside the house and go straight to your room.""You know how much I hate to be kept an eye on," Shadow replied. "But if you must know... something inconvenient happened yesterday when I went to the grave.""They didn't tell you his location, did they?" Espio implied."No," the dark hedgehog paced around the room."I was prepared for that," the purple male pulled out a list of documents."What are those?" Shadow sat on a chair in front of Espio's desk."These are documents I recorded with all of his past locations," Espio searched all of the papers on his desk. "I'm going to study them and try to find a clue or a pattern about his location.""How long are you going to take?" the ebony hedgehog said impatiently."Around four months, or more..." The chameleon pulled a pen and a magnifier out of his drawer, "I don't think he would make his location obvious.""Knowing him, he's going to keep us guessing.""Exactly.""He will keep moving around so we don't find his location; he's such a coward!" Shadow said with hatred emanating from his cold voice."By the way, I sent her a message, just in case something like this would happen," the purple male said with his eyes glued on the documents before him.The dark hedgehog grinned, "So, she's still after his trail.""I wouldn't blame her," the chameleon's gaze rose to his dark companion. "She wants her freedom as much as we do.""Espio," Shadow's voice was low, "why do you want to get rid of him? Is it only for your freedom, or is there something else to it?"Espio's eyes widen, "I never expected you to ask me such a thing.""Don't answer it if you don't want to," the ebony hedgehog started to walk away."I'm doing it for them, not for myself," the chameleon released the objects in his hands. "And I won't rest until he's gone..."Shadow continued to walk away, "I'm going out and I'll be back later.""That was their last wish," Espio whispered once his companion was out of the room.'Is there something else to it?'Anger and chaos were all part of Shadow's revenge, but ever since that pink hedgehog entered his life he wondered if that was what Maria wanted... Was that what he really wanted? Why did he doubt the revenge he planned ever since then? But his revenge was all there was to it, right?That was his wish, revenge...But was it hers as well...?"Is there something else to it?""Talking to yourself again, huh?" a cheerful voice called out.Shadow's gaze turned to a lone pink female who was running towards him, 'Great...'"It's you again," the ebony hedgehog rolled his eyes."I have a name you know!" Amy fumed.The black hedgehog just ignored her."I'm Amy, Amy Rose!" she said with a bright smile planted on her face.Shadow didn't know whether to leave the petite female talking to herself or just continue playing her game. The dark hedgehog never thought he would see Amy again, and so soon after their previous encounter. Didn't the girl get his message? He didn't want her near him! She was as stubborn as... 'Damn it!'Even though the ebony hedgehog hated to admit it, she made him wonder- where did Amy get all the courage to face the cold hedgehog?What Shadow didn't know was that the rose girl was pulling out all the courage she had to face him. Sure, she was stubborn, but she wasn't stupid! The girl clearly knew that he didn't want her close to him, but she couldn't help it, her heart guided her every move. The pink female only meant good! She wasn't scared of the big and bad male hedgehog! She was scared that... he wouldn't talk to her again. Seeing that he actually said something to her made her heart happy."Well, Miss Rose," Shadow frowned, "I'll recommend you stop stalking me.""I-" Amy's cheeks turned pink, "I'm not stalking you!"The streaked hedgehog stared at her, still pondering upon his thoughts of leaving her, and she stared at him, fuming on the outside but happy inside. A few seconds passed before the pink female started chuckling, she closed her eyes and small tears formed."Why are you crying?" Shadow said lifting one of his hands in the air motioning to stop her flowing tears but stopped when he realized what he was doing."It's just that," the female sobbed silently. "I... I was scared that... you wouldn't talk to me again..."The ebony hedgehog was taken aback by her sudden words, 'She was scared that I... but why?'"This may sound silly, but..." the pink hedgehog opened her eyes and locked them on the ruby orbs before her, "I didn't want to loose you."Shadow was speechless, he barely knew the girl before him, yet she grew attached to him in such a short time. His body was motionless, but he had the sudden feeling of hugging her, and telling her not to worry. Why did she have that power over him? The power to make him think beyond reason, and act with something more than intuition.Amy rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands, erasing all trails of the salty rivers, and wore the brightest smile on her face. Just like that, like a cloud passing by the sun, her face lit up with and her eyes revealed her never ending passion.The petite girl turned around and looked at the sky, "There's no need to be gloomy in such a wonderful day, huh?""Hn.""And not in front this wonderful audience!" Amy said while staring at the roses that surrounded both of them.It was then when Shadow realized that he was at the rose garden, the place where they had met for the first time. He picked up a white rose and stared at it deeply, 'This was how it all started.'What led to the faithful day of their meeting? Could there be something else at work, something that no human or living creature could understand? And if there was such a thing, what would it be called...? Was it faith...? Or perhaps... destiny?Whatever it was, it could never, and shall never be understood by any mortal or immortal alike, for that would bring chaos to the order or that which is life.Faith, destiny, and life... there shall always be more than what the living being can understand."Don't waste your tears on a fool who doesn't know what he has," the ebony hedgehog handed the rose to her.Her emerald orbs stared deeply at the perfect white rose on her hands. She rose her gaze to Shadow, but he was gone."Is there something else to it?" the rose hedgehog whispered to the wind.The desire to know more and discover the truths of life, time, hell, heaven, and earth...Shall forever remain...Forbidden...And thus, time passed for everyone; Shadow searched for clues of his enemy's location and Espio studied all the clues they had at hand. Cheerful Amy Rose remained living with her friend Rouge, who seemed to have developed a relationship with the rebellious echidna, Knuckles. Sonic and Amy remained friends, they had come to the conclusion that life goes on, and so do the people living it. Her heart was healing slowly; after all, time heals all wounds.The relationship between the rose girl, and the ebony hedgehog grew over time. Amy decided to help him with anything she could, and they would meet at the place where the buds bloomed and the sun never left the sky. Her influence on the cold hedgehog was slowly melting his heart, but he still kept his distance from her- Shadow knew the consequences a relationship with anybody would bring.Indeed...Three months flew by, and the time of judgment that will throw their lives away was coming closer than they thought.Wind blew hard and threw sand everywhere it went. A shadow ran through the stormy weather that was forming, the thunder and lightning didn't affect its speed. It would leave footprints on the sand that was beginning to get went by the falling rain from the sky.It was heading towards the small town, and the storm was right behind it.oOo"Shadow!" Espio called out."Hn?" the ebony hedgehog walked down the stairs."I'm going out," the chameleon took a trench coat from the coat hanger."With this weather?""Yes," the purple male opened the door, "I have to greet someone.""She's finally here?""Yes," and with that final answer Espio walked out the door.The wind blew hard against the windows, making them silently bang against the wooden window frame. The thunder grew louder by the minute, and the lone house remained in complete darkness.Shadow disliked that type of weather, it brought back bad memories. He walked to the living room and sat on one of the wine-colored couches that decorated the room; the ebony hedgehog took a wine bottle and a cup from the coffee table and proceeded on pouring some wine inside the cup.The rain began to fall harder from the sky making loud noises when the small drops hit any object. The dark hedgehog remained seated, thinking about the past events in his life and those that were to come. A gust of wind blew outside the elegant mansion, and somehow all the candles inside the residence blew out.Shadow stood up from his seat, feeling a new presence in the house. He checked every room of the mansion, but he found no one. Once he made it back to the living room a person was seated on one of the couches with a cup of wine on its hands."We meet again, Shadow."The ebony hedgehog snarled in response."Let's not get aggressive," the silhouette stood up and walked to the window; the light entering from the lighting outside revealed it to be young man with green eyes. His cheeks had red markings that looked like claw marks from a wild beast, but they were no scars. His hair was short and wild, forming spikes on top, and it was of a fiery red color."I will kill you!" Shadow hissed and ran towards the newcomer, his hand formed a fist.oOoEspio walked through the city in a hurry, the sky became darker and the rain didn't stop for falling. His trench coat was soaking wet, but he kept walking towards the main gate of the town.'Who in their right mind would arrive when there's a storm!' the chameleon shouted in his head.It was almost impossible to see with all the rain that fell and the purple male accidentally hit someone. The person dropped to the ground and he extended a hand to assist it, "Sorry.""Espio...!" the person on the ground called out."Yamaira...?" the chameleon responded recognizing the voice."Great! I found you!" the female said taking Espio's hand. She pulled her hood off, revealing her black eyes; Yamaira was a dark purple hedgehog with quills that passed her shoulders, the color of the her quills faded to black at the end. She was wearing a black robe on top of her clothes."I can say the same here.""Espio, where's Shadow?" the female hedgehog said with urgency."He's back at the mansion." the chameleon replied."Damn it!""What's wrong?""Nicholai's here...!" Yamaira started to look around, "Where's the mansion!""What is he doing here!""There's no time to explain!" the female glared at Espio. "We have to find Shadow!""Come this way." Espio started running towards the mansion.oOoNicholai chuckled, "That temper of yours always got you in trouble, Shadow."The newcomer rose his hand and stopped Shadow from coming any closer, "Damn you!""Now, Shadow, this wouldn't have happened if you listened to me once in a while.""I will never do your bidding again!" Shadow snarled. "I prefer to die first!""Aww, that's no fun," Nicholai started to close his hand slowly, causing Shadow to cry out in pain.oOo"He found out that you were planning something against him again!" Yamaira said as she ran with her male companion."Why didn't you tell us that sooner!" Espio questioned the female."I just found out a week ago!" Yamaira replied angrily. "And he's grown more powerful than ever after he sent everyone that mission three months ago..."oOo"You're turning against me for the second time," Nicholai grinned. "Didn't you learn anything from last time?""I- I will never listen to you again...!" the ebony hedgehog tried to stand the pain he felt. "I will kill you!""Tsk, tsk, you're as stubborn and arrogant as ever," the red head dropped his hand, causing Shadow to drop to the floor."You will die here!" the dark hedgehog stood up with all the strength he had left."On the contrary," Nicholai chuckled. "Someone else is going to die here, and it's not you or me.""Leave everyone else out of this!" the male hedgehog snapped."I sent you a mission 3 months ago," the red head walked towards Shadow, took him by the neck, and rose him in the air. "And it's about time you do it.""Agh!" his ruby orbs shot open and he glared at the man before him."I told you, if you don't do it," the man chuckled again. "I would take matters into my own hands...!" his grip grew stronger against Shadow's neck, and his eyes stared at his deeply, "You will do my bidding! Weather you like it or not!"Time stopped for Shadow, and he found himself lost in complete darkness.'You will do my bidding!'His head started spinning and his whole body ached. The ebony hedgehog dropped to his knees with his hands on his head; the pain he felt throughout his body was like a thousand daggers cutting through his skin. His eyes widen, the pain increased every second. One of his hands dropped to the floor, and then he fell to the cold floor. His sight was dark, and he couldn't tell anything apart."Shadow!" a voice called out from the darkness. "Don't give up!""Ma- Maria..." Shadow responded with the small amount of strength he had left."Please Shadow! Don't give up!" The female voice urged."There's nothing... I can do...""Shadow, fight it!" Maria's figure appeared before him and she held her hand out for the hedgehog to reach. "Take my hand!""I don't have any strength left...""I know you can do it!" the female's eyes were flooded with tears, "Do it for me! Shadow... I beg you, don't give up!"Shadow reached out for her hand; his finger tips touched it, "I'm sorry... I failed you, again..." His hand dropped to the floor, "Forgive me."The dark hedgehog closed his eyes slowly; the last thing he saw was the crying face of Maria.My soul spoke unto me and counseled meto quench my thirst with that winewhich may not be poured intocups,Nor lifted by hands, nor touched by lips.Unto that day my thirst was like a dimspark laid in ashesTo be put out by a draught from anyspring;But now my strong yearning has become my cup,Love has become my wine, and lonelinessmy joyMy soul counseled me and charged me toseek that which is unseen;And my soul revealed unto me that thething we grasp is the thing we desire.In other days I was content with warmthin winter, and with the cooling zephyrin the summer season;But now my fingers are come as mist,Letting fall all that they have held, tomingle with the unseen that I now desire-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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