My Heart

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" I guess we found a weak spot," a malicious grin was planted on the black hedgehog's lips, "We could use her to control him when the right time comes.""Wasn't that part of your plan from the start?""Hmph," Shadow took a sip of the wine, "we have... company."The door of the mansion busted open revealing a person dressed in a black cloak; he wore a hood and his face couldn't be seen. The mysterious newcomer looked around and spotted the two companions in the dinning room. He entered the dinning room and was received by a warm welcome."What the hell do you want with us?" Shadow demanded the reason for the newcomer's visit. He placed the cup of wine on the table and paid full attention to the mysterious person."It's been a while since we saw one of you..." Espio narrowed his eyes towards the mysterious person standing before them. Both, Shadow and Espio were unhappy to see the newcomer."I can see you two are pleased to see me... but don't worry, I'll make this quick." The newcomer's voice was dark and deep, "I've brought news from our master."The ebony hedgehog's expression became darkly solemn, "After all this years he decides to boss us around again?""He can do what he wishes to do with you! You don't have a word on this," the newcomer informed Shadow as if he wasn't aware of the circumstances. Both Espio and Shadow were under control of their'Master,' whether they liked it or not; the reason was unknown to everyone, and the answer was hidden in their past."Why did he send one of his puppets to tell us our 'mission'!" the dark hedgehog's voice was full of rampant anger, "Can't he do anything himself?!""That doesn't concern you, the Master's been busy." Two red sparks were seen under the hood of his cloak, "I don't understand why the Master has kept you alive. You're a bloody traitor who doesn't deserve to be used by the Master.""Look who's talking! You're the worse excuse for a messenger I've seen!" Shadow grinned."Instead of wasting our time, tell us what he said," the chameleon interrupted the quarrel."He told me to give you this," the newcomer handed a letter to Espio, "And he said that if you refuse... he'll take matters into his own hands."The newcomer headed out of the mansion, but he was stopped by Shadow. The black hedgehog took him by the collar and raised him in the air, "Tell him that next time I see him, I'm going to shove him to the very pits of hell." After saying those words, Shadow threw him outside the mansion, and then shut the door closed.Espio had already read the letter when his companion came back; his expression was unpleasant, "I think I'll help you... I'll open the gates, and you throw him in."Shadow grinned when he heard the chameleon's remarks. The black hedgehog took the letter from the table and the cup into his hands. The grin was quickly erased, only to be replaced by a bitter frown. The grip on the cup tightened, and he crushed the cup in his hands. The dark liquid and shattered glass fell from his hand to the floor; the wine dripped slowly through his fingers, and there were still remaining of the shattered glass on the black hedgehog's hand. Shadow's hand formed a fist, causing the shards of glass to cut through his skin. Soon, blood started dripping to the ground, combining itself with the wine on the floor."Espio," the ebony hedgehog called, "I think it's time to confront him again, once and for all.""Understood," the chameleon confirmed, "What shall I do?""Remain in the mansion just in case he sends more information about this mission." Shadow started walking away, "I'll get some information about his location."The sky became cloudy, and the wind blew hard. Shadow walked out of his mansion with a determined look on his face. His mind forgot everything and anything; it only concentrated on one thing: the person who made his life miserable. The black hedgehog didn't want to take any orders from the 'Master,' especially after all those years he suffered. He was going to catch and kill that bastard, even if it meant risking his own life, all he wanted was revenge.The streaked hedgehog walked inside the graveyard he had left earlier, but this time, he was there to deal a serious business. He passed a number of graveyards until arriving at the end of the holy ground. Shadow stood in front of a tombstone, the letters on it weren't legible. He kneeled down and placed his hand on the letters; his lips started moving, chanting something in a whisper; the letters beneath his hand started glowing and the ground behind the tombstone opened in two, revealing a stair case to an underground path.The black hedgehog stood up and walked down the staircase. Not far from his past location, in front of the tombstone, stood a certain pink hedgehog. Apparently, Amy hadn't left the holy ground after he left earlier. Emerald eyes trailed to the staircase in curiosity, her feet started moving towards it. Making sure no one was around, she took the stairs to the mysterious underground passage.Amy placed one of her hands on the wall to support herself. As her body moved down the stairs, her hand moved along the wall. Her fingers ran through some carvings on the wall, making her stop for a moment. Her hand started moving along the part of the wall where she found the carvings. Her eyes couldn't tell what it said because of the darkness of the passage; with no luck on finding out what it said, she continued moving down the stairs.The passage was pitch-black, and she couldn't see where she was going, resulting on taking a false step. The pink hedgehog was about to fall down the stairs when she held on to something on the wall, it was some sort of candelabra. She pulled it down by accident and candles along the passage started to lit. Her hands released the candelabra, and her feet continued to move carefully down the stairs.oOoThe passage led to a dark room with four blue torches in every corner. In the middle of the room stood a black hedgehog with red stripes, his arms were extended along his sides, "Hear me shadows of the underworld, I command you to rise before my eyes." His hand punched the ground beneath his feet, and lights lit the many carvings in the room, "Come out you bloody bastards..."Black figures appeared from the shadows on the walls and from beneath the ground. They had no human or furry features, only two red sparks that seemed to be eyes. The dark figures gathered around Shadow, for it was him who summoned them. "It's been long... Shadow," the largest of the figures, the leader, spoke to him."There's no need to tell me," Shadow crossed his arms, "he put a seal on the grave, making it impossible for me to enter.""The Master didn't want you to interrupt him," the leader of the shadows moved his claw like fingers when he talked."Interrupt him from what?!" Shadow's hand formed a fist, "Doing his dirty work?!""What is wrong? You did not deny his orders before..."Those words made him flinch, "Things have changed; I think it's time I pay him back.""Pay him back?" The black figure chuckled, "You are planning to rebel against the Master, again?""And you're going to be part of it this time," ruby eyes locked on the dark figure.Another chuckle escaped the dark figure, "No, no, no my boy... you do not remember the punishment he gave you last time?""I think I'm living proof of what he did," Shadow's eyes closed in concentration, "Tell me his location.""Shadow, we are no longer under your command."The black hedgehog's eyes shot open, "What...?""The Master... he ordered us to refuse any of your requests.""Figures..." the ebony hedgehog headed back to the passage. If they weren't going to help him, he was getting the information another way."We are afraid we cannot let you go, Shadow." The dark figures surrounded Shadow, blocking his path, "Not with those plans to rebel against the Master.""Try to stop me," the dark hedgehog kicked the figures, but his kicks only went through their dark bodies, "Damn it."The dark figures laughed at the sight of his reaction. They all leaped towards Shadow and covered him with their bodies, forming a dark mantle. Under the mantle, he was crushed against the floor; the mantle was heavier than he thought, "The Master will love to deal with you again."This time, a chuckle escaped Shadow's lips, "Tell him that this time it's going to be the other way." Under the mantle golden lights were seen inside, "Chaos Spear!" The lights hit the shadows, making them back away. He ran to the passage, but this time someone was standing in the way, "It's you!"The dark figures surrounded a clueless rose hedgehog, "Wha-!" Their claw hands took a hold of Amy, "Let me go you creeps!""Who is this girl, Shadow?" the leader of the dark figures inquired.The streaked hedgehog snarled, "That's none of your concern."The leader signaled the others to bring Amy to the opposite side of the room; the dark figures submerged in the floor, and appeared at the other side, "You know what happened last time... Shadow are you not concerned about the consequences of your actions?" One of the shadows stood in front of Amy, its hand formed a dagger and it pointed to her heart.Small tears formed on the pink hedgehog's eyes, "Shadow...""Now, Shadow... if you turn yourself over, we may let the girl go."The ebony hedgehog didn't take long to answer, "Do what you want with her." He walked towards the passage, ignoring the frightened girl.Amy's eyes widen in shock, tears started flowing, "Shadow... please..."Shadow heard her words and turned to see her. Her ever cheerful face was full of tears, and that made him feel uneasy. Why should he care? After all, he gave her a warning, but 'pinkie' didn't listen. 'It's her damn fault for following me,' even though those words flowed through his head, there was a strange sensation in his mind; a sensation that he couldn't make out, but he knew it told him to save her. An irritated growl was heard before he ran towards Amy, "Chaos Spear!"The golden spears hit the shadows, sending them flying against the wall and releasing their grip on Amy, "Shadow...!" Her face held a relieved look, as well as a happy shine on her eyes."What are you waiting for?" The dark hedgehog took her hand almost dragging her to the exit, "Let's go!"The room started shaking and dirt fell from the ceiling; Amy gasped at the sight of the current state of the room, "This place is falling apart!"As they reached the passage Shadow let go of her hand and turned back, "You keep going, I have something to do!"The streaked hedgehog ran back to the room and Amy stood motionless in the passage, 'Shadow... please be careful...' After a few moments of staring at him, she kept going up.Shadow went back to the room and spotted the dark figures that were submerging in the floor. He ran to the leader who was still in the surface, "Tell me his location!""I told you Shadow, I cannot do that."The dark hedgehog's eyes closed and an idea struck him, "I'll make a deal with you then.""A deal you say?" his voice was thoughtful."If you tell me his location, I'll give you your freedom," the room was about to collapse under them, but Shadow waited patiently for the answer."He is-" a rock fell on top of the dark figure, the black hedgehog growled in irritation."Damn it!" seeing that he wasn't going to get his answer, he ran back to the passage. As he ran up a shrill cry was heard further in the passage, Shadow ran faster, knowing it was Amy who was probably in danger."Shadow!" the young female cried out as she saw him coming towards her."What is it?" the black hedgehog inquired."We can't escape...!" Amy pointed at the rocks in front of her that were blocking the passage's exit."Chaos Spear!" Shadow shot the rocks down and cleared the way.oOoAfter a few minutes of running, they reached the graveyard and the passage fell apart before their eyes. They both stood in front of the tombstone, no words were exchanged. Amy felt the awkwardness of the moment and decided to break the silence, "Shadow... I-""Shouldn't have followed me," the black hedgehog finished off her sentence. His face never turned to see her, and she felt her own fall in shame.The rose hedgehog was agitated, "I'm... I'm very-""Sorry...?" a chuckle escaped the male's lips."I-""You never listened to me," his ruby eyes turned to see her, "it's your own damn fault for following me."She felt pressured by his crimson eyes, "I was-""Curious?" a small grin appeared on Shadow's face, contrasting his piercing eyes, "You were so eager to die?""No... I was-""Well if that wasn't the case why didn't you listen to me? I told you before, if you follow me, if you insist on knowing more about me, be prepared to die," the dark hedgehog crossed his arms. "Don't you understand?""Shadow...! Don't you understand? I want to help you!""Why must you insist on doing so?"Her eyes locked on his, "I want to help you find your purpose in life...! I want you to be happy!"Shadow was taken aback by the determined remarks. A small memory played on the hedgehog's head...-Flashback-The wind blew by the ravishing garden behind a mansion; a cherry blossom tree stood in the middle of the garden, petals fell from the great tree as two young figures sat under it. Maria, a young blond girl, sat besides the dark hedgehog, enjoying the breeze of the day. She smiled as the wind played with her face, and Shadow smiled at the delightful sight of his friend. They both shared a nice conversation about the wonders of the world as Shadow explained how small things worked around them."Thus, color is formed in the petals of the cherry blossom tree.""Wow..." Maria praised Shadow's knowledge, "You know a lot of things Shadow; you're really smart!"The black hedgehog simply smiled, but his expression was artificial, "I suppose you're right...""Shadow, is something wrong?" Maria inquired as her sight was taken by the dark hedgehog."It's just that I don't remember how I learned all this... I just know it... without a reason..." Shadow cogitated."Shadow..." Maria threw her arms around the small hedgehog. The young girl didn't know what to say to him because she didn't know the truth herself, but she wished she did, just to see him happy. Her friend's happiness meant a lot to her, much more than anything else in the world."Maria... why am I here...?" the hedgehog's voice was low."I don't know Shadow... but I want to help you find your purpose in life!" The blond girl pulled away gently and gazed at her friend's eyes, "I want you to be happy!"Shadow stared at her deeply, her words were like an angel's touch, and they healed all the wounds in his heart. Deep in his mind he confirmed a single sentence, 'I exist to make you happy, Maria.'-End of flashback-Shadow turned around, giving his back to the pink hedgehog. He had enough listen to the girl's unreflective remarks; it was just a waste of his time. As he started to walk away, Amy threw her arms around him, signaling him to stop and listen to her. His body tensed at the contact it made with her warm body."Please... try to understand," her embrace grew stronger as she said those words."I have nothing to sympathize."His hands removed hers from around his body, and he gave her one last glance, this time his eyes were dark and distant. Amy's eyes widen as she realized that it seemed almost impossible to reach his heart. That last glance made her loose hope for more than a second, because that last glance revealed the truth about his heart. His heart was not only crushed, it was forever wounded. Was it really to late for her words to reach his heart?The rose hedgehog doubted herself deeply, but her strong heart told her not to give up, because she was the only hope he had left. She knew that if she tried, the dark hedgehog would eventually realize the truth about himself and find all the answers he sought; those answers that only his heart could respond to.-Amy's PoV-The stars are hidden behind the clouds tonight, afraid to show their beautiful glow, and the moon is covered in complete darkness, all by itself... alone. I, too, feel like the moon, lonely and lost; Lost in the confusion of my thoughts and the beats of my heart. Trying to figure out what's wrong and what's right. I'm stuck between two worlds, not knowing the right path.I take a stuffed animal from my bed and I ask, "Tell me... what's right?"Its mouth doesn't move but the crystal eyes look at me, yet nothing is seen inside them; it has no feelings, no heart, no real expression. My question can't be answered because it's merely a stuffed animal. What would it know about life? It's lifeless... its existence is practically unimportant; just a regular material object, with the sole purpose of entertainment. No words can come out of its mouth; no feelings can be expressed through its eyes.I look deep inside the crystal orbs; the only thing I see is limitless darkness; that of which reminds me of him. He's a mystery covered by a bewildering haze that can't be moved by anything or anyone. I want to be the one to see through the haze; the one to discover his concealed secret. If I found out that secret, I would be able to free him from his self-punishment. I want to be his cure; I want to be his salvation; I want to be the amnesty to his heart.His crimson eyes always attracted my attention; they're deep pools of red that reveal his true feelings. The first time I saw them there was nothing but deep darkness. The day at the dance I began to see much more inside them; but today my heart ached every time I saw them. The solitude that he lives in makes his eyes even darker; I fear that if he continues to live the way he is right now, he'll eventually become a heartless soul. Those crimson eyes weren't far from their death, and his heart was close to the final punishment."The final punishment..." my sight became blurry, and my eyes burned. I looked at the stuffed animal one more time, before embracing it. If you could only feel my warm embrace; if you could only feel the fear in my heart; the fear to know that he wasn't far from becoming just like you...

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