the graveyard

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The ebony hedgehog walked towards her and then took her hand. He pulled her closer to him and held her in his arms closely, "There is something you could do.""What is it...?" the young girl said almost breathless.Shadow grinned and whispered in her ear, "Getting out of my life before it gets dangerous."The young girl began feeling dizzy and almost lost her balance. She lost sense of time and everything turned black.The ebony hedgehog held her in his arms, "Such a problematic fool."The moon illuminated them with a silver-grey glow. He took a glance at her face and spotted a small smile. The pink hedgehog looked happy and peaceful. Seeing her like that reminded him of someone that he had met in the past, Maria. A sweet smile was always planted on his friend's face. There was nothing that could make her think negatively about anything or anyone.It wasn't just the smile that bore a resemblance, her curious, cheerful, and positive nature was similar to that of the blonde girl. The rose hedgehog seemed almost like a reincarnation of her. Shadow shook those thoughts of his head; no one was like Maria, she was one of a kind. But pinkie here closely resembled her, and he couldn't change that fact.The ebony hedgehog gazed at the young girl in his arms once again. He couldn't hurt her, even if he tried. She was saved by her smile, and someone she didn't even know.The dark hedgehog placed her on a bench located near them and made sure she was in a comfortable position. He looked up at the sky; the stars were brighter than usual. It was then when he realized that an angelic glow covered Amy.Shadow's ruby orbs locked on the girl's sweet smile. He leaned down and whispered to her ear, "I think it's better if you don't see me again." His voice became dark and grave, "It's for your own good... and mine.""Amy!" a female voice called out, "Amy where are you?"The black hedgehog heard voices people coming towards his location. "I think it's time for me to leave," he stood up and jumped off the balcony, landing safely on the ground."There she is!" Sonic pointed as he saw the pink hedgehog on the bench."What is she doing here?" Rouge examined the young girl. "It's cold! If she was sleepy she could've gone to her room.""What if she didn't get her on her own free will?" the blue hedgehog said as he took her in his arms."You mean..." dismay was expressed by her the woman's voice."Yes," Sonic looked down at Amy, "they were after her.""But she looks alright," Rouge examined the rose hedgehog again, "just look at that big smile on her face.""It seems we arrived just in time.""That's good," the white bat was relieved to hear those words."We're going to have to keep a closer eye on her.""I agree; we don't want her to get hurt." The older woman began to walk back inside, "Sonic, take her to her room, I'll take care of the rest.""Alright." The blue hedgehog walked inside the house and headed straight to Amy's room.oOoHe opened the door of the room and placed the young girl on her bed. Afterwards he looked at her happy expression, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so happy. I don't know what I would do if I lost you... again."Silence traveled through the atmosphere."From now on I'll keep an eye on you; I don't want you to get in any sort of trouble." Sonic closed his eyes and remembered what he saw earlier at the party.-FLASHBACK-Sonic was talking to his friends, enjoying the conversation, when they told him to look at the couple dancing. Everyone was amazed at how they danced; they were following each other perfectly, never missing a step. The girl danced gracefully, and the guy danced perfectly to the beat; he was her guide while they went around the dance floor. Her eyes never left him and his eyes never left her, they didn't realize there was a world around them.The blue hedgehog walked closer to the dance floor to see the couple dance, then he realized it was Amy and Shadow dancing. His hand formed in to a fist, not only was he making his life impossible but he was stealing what he cared about the most. He was about to walk up to the ebony hedgehog and punch him, but a certain chameleon put a hand on his shoulder and signaled him to stop."If you put a hand on that guy, you're going to ruin that girl's party." Espio glared at the young male, "Do you want to make her unhappy?""..." Sonic looked at the dancing couple once again. He hit the chameleon's hand off him and walked away."I told Shadow not to get in trouble," the purple male mumbled.-END OF FLASHBACK-"And I think I know who your threat is," the male hedgehog's hand formed a fist. He didn't trust the dark hedgehog, and knowing she was with him made him worry.Shadow walked through the lone streets. The only thing that illuminated the streets was the moon and stars, but he tried to walk in the shadows so he couldn't be seen by anyone. It was good that the streets were alone; he didn't want to see any faces around him.The black hedgehog walked with his head down, thinking and wondering why he stopped. Usually the curse would drive him to do it without stopping, but he stopped this time. He stopped... he controlled the curse!oOoShadow arrived at his mansion and opened the door, everything was dark and nothing could be seen. He assumed that Espio wasn't home yet, perhaps he was off somewhere else.The black hedgehog walked upstairs and went to his room; he took off his trench coat and placed it on a chair. He opened the window by his bed, putting the curtains aside, and making the light from the moon come inside the room. His ruby eyes stared at the moon, it was bigger than usual, and the clear sky made it stand out even more.The ebony hedgehog walked towards his bed and laid down, still looking at the beautiful silver moon. He let a sigh escape his lips and then closed his eyes, wondering deep into his mind.A field of white flowers surrounded him. Butterflies flew around the field enjoying the sweet sent of the flowers. A blond girl stood in the middle of the field, she was sitting down with a flower on her hands. She was wearing a white dress that made her glow in the light of the moon. The wind played with her golden hair, and it danced on the wind."Maria...?" Shadow questioned the girl sitting on the field. He recognized the girl standing before him, but his eyes couldn't believe it. Was his mind playing tricks on him?"Shadow, I'm glad you're here!" She smiled, "I've been waiting for you.""Maria...!" Shadow ran to see his friend; he missed her throughout the years. "It's been so long... I-""I'm glad to see you're okay," the young girl gave him a warm hug and he gladly returned it."Where are we?" the male hedgehog looked at his surroundings, wondering where he was."A special place," the blonde girl said with a simple smile on her face."Is this heaven?" Shadow looked around, "It can't be... am I dead? But... I can't go to-""Please don't worry... It's not your time.""It'll be better if it was..." Shadow mumbled under his breath; that was the wish the guilt of his sins caused."Please Shadow, don't punish yourself. It's not your fault," her blue eyes were sad to see her friend act that way. The Shadow she once knew wasn't like that, but the years weren't kind to him. She could see the effects all those years of solitude were doing to him."That doesn't change the fact that I'm still guilty for all of those things..." the black and red hedgehog took a glance at the moon. His ruby orbs were full of all sorts of emotions."I want you to enjoy life and be happy," Maria took one of his hands on hers and signaled him to turn to her."I don't think that's possible..." he closed his eyes in pain of the dark memories of his past, "This curse torments me.""What if there's a cure out there?" the young girl said with hope in her voice."There is no cure!" Shadow realized that he yelled at his friend and turned to see the floor, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you...""It's okay, I understand what you're going through," the blonde girl gazed at the beautiful moon, "You can try your best to fight it, I know you can be cured.""..." Shadow looked up at the sky, "It's beautiful isn't it?""Shadow, try to make up for all that guilt you feel, don't punish yourself like you do... Perhaps is time to find him and your cure."Shadow's eyes narrowed in disgust, "I've tried looking for him and I couldn't find him. I thought that he would be in this town, where everything started."Everything was quiet for a while. The butterflies continued to fly gracefully through the field. Some stopped in the flowers and stayed for a few seconds before flying off."Remember the time I fell in the river?""Yes, I got scared when you fell in.""But you rescued me!" she beamed, "I'm so glad I met you, Shadow.""But because of me you-""Don't say it... it wasn't your fault. Shadow, please try to be happy." The grip on his hand tighten, "I hope I see you again someday...""Where are you going?" her hand caressed the ebony hedgehog's face; he closed his eyes at the touch.There was no response..."Maria...?" Shadow opened his eyes and turned around to see that he was alone, and Maria was nowhere to be found. His face darkened and his hand formed a fist.Was there a cure for his curse? If there was, he had to find him as soon as possible, so his sins would be forgiven."Shadow..." Amy opened her eyes slowly and found out she was in her room. "Huh? I thought I was at the party...!""You were, until you fell asleep outside," Rouge was sitting on a corner of the room reading a book."I-"'There is something you could do... Getting out of my life before it gets dangerous,' The pink hedgehog remembered Shadow's last words."Yes, I was tired, and it was pretty nice outside, and I..." the young girl looked at the ceiling, "fell asleep.""Alright, I'm going to go eat breakfast.""I'll be down in a while," Amy told the white bat before she walked out of her room.The pink hedgehog closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. The memories of the previous night played on her head like a broken record. 'What happened after everything went black?' she questioned herself, trying hard to remember the events afterwards. Nothing came to her head; knowing that it was no use, she stopped thinking. A sigh escaped her lips in disappointment.'Why would Shadow not let me close to him?'she wondered. Was he hiding something from her and everyone around him? The questions kept coming to hear head, but the answers never appeared. Only the mysterious black hedgehog knew the answers, and he wasn't willing to tell her anything. His attitude towards people revealed that he wasn't very trusting, and that meant that in other to get the answers, she had to win his trust. But that was easier said than done, since the dark hedgehog didn't want her around. If there was a way to change his mind... how terrible was it for her to be around him?oOoAmy got ready for the day and walked to the dinning room. She ate breakfast quietly, not a word escaped her lips. Her head was in the events of the previous night and the reason Shadow told her to get away from his life. His eyes revealed pain and sorrow, and that was the reason she wanted to know more about him. What happened in his past? She had to know, she knew that deep inside of his heart he wanted some help."Did something happen yesterday?" Rouge asked as the rose girl pocked her breakfast.The pink hedgehog shook her head."Then why are you so quiet today?""I don't know... I just feel tired," Amy didn't look at the older woman's face, signaling her that she didn't want to talk about it.Rouge read the signal perfectly, and changed the topic, "I'm going out today.""Where are you going?" the young girl rose her gaze to meet her friend's face."To see some business plans.""Oh, okay.""Be careful while I'm gone.""Yes, I will."They both finished breakfast, and Rouge left afterwards leaving Amy alone.Amy wondered around the house in the early morning with nothing to do. Later that morning, she looked at the door and walked out; she had no destination in mind, but she wanted to get some fresh air.The pink hedgehog walked, and walked, looking around to see if there was a place that interested her. She finally stopped at a graveyard, and walked inside the holy ground. She looked at all the graves and the flower arrangements in them. Why did she stop at a place like that? She wasn't very fond of graveyards, but there was something that made her stop. She walked deeper and further inside, until she spotted a certain black hedgehog in front of a grave."I'm sorry, Maria... I can't do what you told me, it's almost impossible to lift this guilt I feel for your death. If it weren't for me you wouldn't be here, 6 feet under." Shadow placed a single red rose on top of the grave, "I wish I was in your place, resting in that grave. You lived your life to the fullest, and were always happy, you deserved to live." The ebony hedgehog's words were melancholic, "Why am I still alive? Many have been hurt for my existence. It's not fair that you are there and I'm still here! Wondering this world, never being at peace, hurting so many... I would give anything... anything to go back and save you!""I don't think she wants you to feel guilty," Amy stood behind him, "I think she would like for you to be happy and live her part of life.""..." Shadow kept his eyes on the grave, never turning to see the pink hedgehog. He didn't feel surprised to see her; after all, she had a thing for finding him."Everyone is alive for a reason, a reason that you must complete. If you're still here, that just means you haven't completed your mission in life." The young girl walked closer to the black hedgehog. "You need to find your reason for being here, alive and breathing! She completed hers, and I'm sure she was proud of what she did," She didn't know what she was actually saying; she only talked with her intuition. The words came to her lips naturally, she spoke with her heart."Sacrificing herself for someone like me... that wasn't her mission," Shadow's hand formed a fist. 'She isn't right; Maria didn't deserve to die for me.'"It probably wasn't in your eyes, but it was on hers." Amy looked at him with worried eyes; she didn't like to see him, or anyone for that matter, like that."..." no words escaped the ebony hedgehog's lips. The pink hedgehog's words traveled deeply into his head, making him think what the real truth might be. The truth he denied; the simple truth that he detested with all his heart."She died to protect someone dear to her; I think that's an honorable reason. Whoever she was, I'm sure she didn't have any regrets." Her worried expression changed to a small smile, "When you truly care for someone, you would give the world to them. Perhaps she gave you another chance in life to be happy and enjoy what's around you.""You sound like her," ruby eyes trailed to the person behind him."What do you mean?" Amy was surprised he would say such a thing."Always positive, never noticing anything negative.""..." the rose female was speechless, she felt flattered."Why are you still following me? I told you to get out of my life," Shadow had a hint of annoyance in his voice. The sympathetic conversation was over, and he had no intention on carrying it on. He didn't want to hear her words, especially because she knew little about him and the problem."I don't know what it is, but there's something that makes me cross your path," Amy only responded with the truth of her appearance."If you continue to be around me, you're going to regret it," the ebony hedgehog turned to see her, his eyes were darker than usual."I don't see anything bad on seeing you.""If you want to die, you're welcomed to follow me," he wasn't going to worry about her safety anymore. The only reason he spared her life was because of Maria; nothing more, nothing less."I'll do what I wish to do," the pink hedgehog responded displeased by his remarks."You're very stubborn," the black hedgehog glared at her."Everyone tells me that.""Next time you see me, don't butt in into conversations that don't concern you," Shadow walked away and left her in front of the grave alone."Was he always this negative...?" her eyes wondered off to the grave and she read the name carved into it, 'Maria Robotnik.'Shadow walked out of the graveyard and into the streets, someone saw him and followed. His mind was confused, and he couldn't analyze anything. Ever since the previous night, he had been thinking of Maria more than usual.'It was all the doing of the pink hedgehog, why did she have to appear all of the sudden?' his guilt felt heavier than usual, making him angry at himself for all the sins he had.'Everyone is alive for a reason, a reason that you must complete. If you're still here, that just means you haven't completed your mission in life. You need to find your reason for being here, alive and breathing!' Amy's words were still in the black hedgehog's head.'It's like you're still here, making sure I take the right path,' a small smile played in Shadow's lips, but just for a small second. A second that for once made him happy in decades... just a second... of hope.The ebony hedgehog arrived at his mansion and opened the door. A purple chameleon was leaning against a wall, waiting for the black hedgehog to arrive."Where were you?" Espio asked Shadow as he walked inside."Do you have to keep an eye on me every time I go out?" the male hedgehog was irritated by his companion's actions."I told you that I don't want you to cause any trouble," the purple chameleon knew that Shadow didn't like being watched. However, he did it for their protection, not only them, but the people that lived in that town."I was visiting someone," the black hedgehog walked further inside the mansion and headed to the dinning room."You mean, Maria?" the chameleon inquired.A small chuckle escaped his lips, "Whom else?""That pink hedgehog," Espio's eyes narrowed as he waited for his companion's reaction. He probably thought that he wasn't aware of their connection."Why would I see her? She's annoying and can't keep her nose out of my business," the ebony hedgehog took a bottle of wine on his hands, and then a cup."Is that how you really feel about her? That's not what I saw yesterday," the chameleon took advantage of the events in the previous night to tease Shadow."What are you talking about?" the black hedgehog glared at his companion."The dance, I was there to see everything and stop a fight," the chameleon emphasized the 'fight' part of the sentence to get Shadow's attention."A fight?""Sonic seemed pretty pissed after that dance.""He needs to get over himself," the ebony hedgehog poured some wine in the cup and stirred it."It was because of that girl.""I guess we found a weak spot," a malicious grin was planted on the black hedgehog's lips, "We could use her to control him when the right time comes.""Wasn't that part of your plan from the start?""Hmph," Shadow took a sip of the wine, "we have... company."

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