I've Returned

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Amelia just departed the airplane and is now in New York, where she was born, she left New York at the age of Eight because of some personal reasons, she feels she can overcome the past after Eighteen years.

She just had a call with her mother about protection but she likes her privacy more than anything which is why she hates the idea of having bodyguards.

She made her way out of the airport with no luggage, everything already set for her in her new apartment.

Amelia hailed for a taxi not thinking the slightest what will happen when she looks alluring and expensive, the taxi driver parked in front of her and got out to help her with the door, if she could just listen to her mother.

The taxi driver bowed and greeted her "Good day ma'am, I hope you enjoy your ride", He closed the door and smiled at his new customer. Amelia was thirsty and saw two bottles of water, the taxi driver got in and she asked "Are these for the customers?"

The man turned back and gave a slight smile before replying "Yes, ma'am". Amelia didn't waste a second before taking a bottle and drank it empty. She rubbed her face and felt the car already moving.

Amelia dropped her head on the window looking at the beautiful city she didn't remember, she started to reminisce a particular past she thought she had forgotten, this was why her parents took her to Los Angeles because they thought she would lose it and keep having her non-stop nightmares

When she left New York, It surprisingly became a memory she doesn't easily remember, she slept most of her nights in Los Angeles without nightmares.

She is in New York again and she wants to bolt again, she mentally calmed herself as she was feeling dizzy, then she heard.

"I can't believe you drank the whole bottle" She looked at the taxi driver who immediately locked the doors and she asked with a weak voice "what did you do to me?....You don't even know where I'm going"

The man smiled and said "Don't worry, we'll just rob you and leave you stranded", Amelia furrowed her brows at the word 'We' and tried to open the door but she was to weak and besides, the doors were locked.

'Just take a nap princess' and a slight chuckle were the last things she heard from him before loosing consciousness.

Read next chapter to continue this, I hope it is liked by you and let me know about my mistakes in the comment section. I hope this book goes on so I can create new ones.

Thank you.

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