The Divine Intervention

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Beep Beep...

Phayu's breathing remained ragged as his eyes turned bloodshot from all the crying. He still remembers the devastating call from earlier.

"I'm calling from Palm tree hospital, am I talking to Varain's family?"

"We are sorry to inform you - he was in an accident on the highway. The patient is very critical and needs a surgery immediately. Please hurry."

Phayu had ran out of the conference without another word not caring about anyone in the room or the office. He ran to his baby, to be with his Rain. Phayu had broken down in his twin's arm, begging him to give him his Rain back - that he'll never annoy him with PDAs and that he'll use the gym after him and that he would cook over the weekends and that he'll let Saifah be mae's favourite - just please bring his baby Rain back to him.

Watching Phayu break down like this had left even the hospital staff in tears.

Even now Phayu hadn't completely stopped crying - how could he? His ever bubbly life was lying completely still, surrounded by so many wires and pipes going in and around him.

He hated this sight. His tiny boy was pale & lifeless on the huge hospital bed. The surgery - well the doctors were able to control the bleeding & take care of the concerned organs but nothing was definite.

His Rain needed to survive tonight to guarantee any success of the surgery.

"Phayu, Sky cooked you your favourite soup come, let's have it before it gets cold."

"I'm not hungry Pai."

"You haven't eaten anything since morning. Don't do this to yourself."

"I said I'm not hungry!"

"For Rain's sake, please."

Phayu's eyes snapped from his boyfriend to his best friend of decades. Angry tears filled his bloodshot eyes, fist clenching but he didn't act on it rather he silently got up from his bench and walked out of the room.

In the back of his mind knowing that Pai was only trying to take care of him.

Phayu's heart thumped heavily against his chest, he has been away from his Rain for too long. He had tried to finish his food as fast as possible, too afraid of leaving his Rain for so long. He was glad that Pai didn't comment on his fast eating, thankful that Pai had let silence be their companion. Phayu's feet picked up its pace - he just wanted to be with his Rain right now. However, what he saw left his body numb.

Someone covered in entirely black had his Rain in his arms and was walking towards the exit.









Phayu's voice cracked, his feet hurt but that didn't stop him from neither screaming nor running behind the someone in black. Still unable to understand why someone was stealing his baby and why no one was stopping him and how he couldn't catch up to him even when that someone was walking while Phayu was running at his best. He didn't care if it made sense or not he just wanted his Rain back in his arms. His baby was critical and him being away from the hospital only made the chances of his survival less - NO! - He won't let that happen!

With a new vigour, Phayu finally caught up with the someone in black. His fist on his hood-like thing - NO ONE can take his Rain away from him.

"Give me back my Rain"

Death do Us Apart & Life brings Us Together ~ PhayuRain story.Where stories live. Discover now