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For Rain life had taken a drastic turn – suddenly he was an entire semester behind his friends and classmates. He had to relearn how to speak and walk and worst of it – hide his face. The accident has left a huge and ugly scar on his left cheek. The scar started near his ear and reached up to his lips. Worse of all it was healing on a rather slow pace – the scar looked as if it has been infected but every doctor they consulted said it was infection free. Whoever visited Rain kept staring at his scar, some were subtle in their disgust and some just would straight up verbalize how disgusted they felt and how ugly now Rain's idol like face had become. So he had started hiding his face – all the time, because as much as others didn't like looking at it so did Rain. He hated his face, he hated himself and most of all he hated showing it to Phayu. For everything under the sun Rain knew the few times Phayu had seen his scar, cleaned it for him, he had no disgust on his face but just pain and concern and that pained him. He doesn't know the reason but he feels even more pathetic when Phayu still looks all lovingly at him. He shouldn't, he should hesitate and backtrack his steps just like everyone says. After all Rain never was good-looking enough to stand next to Phayu as his boyfriend and after the accident he only made Phayu a topic of gossip. At some point Rain had started agreeing to everyone's opinion of how Phayu should find someone else – someone not defective.

"Rain, baby are you ready?"

Rain quickly covered his face with a hoody and mask.

"Yes P'Phayu, I'll be down in 2 minutes."

"I would like to go down with you Rain. Will you let me baby?"

Rain's eyes snapped towards the door – turning misty. Why was this man so perfect? For the last 5 months out of the half year – Rain hasn't really been with Phayu physically. To Phayu's annoyance Rain had shifted back to his parents' house and limited his meeting with Phayu. He really didn't want his Phi to be a joke. Yet his Phi found a way to be with him. Sitting outside his room, after a long day, just to tell Rain about his day and make sure that Rain had his medicines before he left for his home – at or after midnight.

Although his scar was completely hidden right now he still couldn't do this – he couldn't see love shining in his Phi's eyes while he questioned his position next to Phayu.


"It's okay, Darling. I'll be waiting for you downstairs okay."

Phayu spoke over Rain's broken voice, soothing his boyfriend in his own way. A sob broke out of Rain. He really was lucky in love but what ate him up was whether Phayu could say the same.

Rain climbed down the stairs – smiling at the achievement of doing it without anyone's assistance.

"There's my child"

Rain looked up to find Phayu's mom, Ivy, looking at him with adoration and patting the space next to her on the sofa. Rain took a deep breath before he walked (limped) towards mae. Some of her friends had insisted on visiting Rain to wish him a sooner recovery. It wasn't unusual but Rain was still anxious after all this was the first time he was being introduced as Ivy's son's boyfriend. He wanted to be at his best despite the scar, the last thing he wanted was to disappoint Phayu and mae even more.

Phayu was in the kitchen preparing some snacks for the guests when he felt something next to him – Mother Nature & sister Eternity stood next to him in full glory. Smiling at him but something dull still radiating around them.

"It's time for the last stage of Test 1, my child"

Nature spoke – the pain of putting her own child through challenges was very visible. But for achieving something so valuable – the road taken is even more difficult. With that Nature made hand gestures, like playing air piano, and air zapped around her fingers and something entered in all the friends of his mae.

Death do Us Apart & Life brings Us Together ~ PhayuRain story.Where stories live. Discover now