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Rain hates this – hmph! For god's sake it was a Sunday why was he up at 5:30 am,


Oh yeah this is why!

He hates it even more now.









"Phi this won't help"

Rain was plastered against his hubby's chest, arms around his waist holding him tightly in his place as his hubby continued to abuse his cheek.

"I'll be back before dinner sweetheart, I promise."

"But it's a Sunday – our day and now you are going away on that stupid site visitation. How am I supposed to go through my day alone?"

Rain's lips naturally set into a pout making Phayu kiss him again – multiple times in succession.

"Sky, Fah & Pai will be here to keep you company darling, you won't be alone."

"Without you I'm alone in a crowd. Do you get it? So please don't go."

Phayu's arms tightened even more around Rain, pulling him closer – if that was even humanly possible at this point. Nuzzling into his wifey's cheek softly, Phayu tried his best to not cry.

"I love you to Beyond, baby."

"Great then throw me on the bed and show me the said love – like you used to hubby.

Rain gave his best innocent baby puppy eyes, the one that got his daddy growling.

"Keep those eyes at bay baby. Muah. You still haven't fully recovered for that kind of intimacy so keep it in your pants."

Rain frowned.

"I'm far more than fine now P'Phayu. Aren't you horny, I mean we used to do it almost – almost – every other day before, aren't you missing me hubby?"

Rain nuzzled Phayu's neck, trying to remind him of the feels but before he could actually accomplish his motives Phayu pulled him back from his nape and softly – ugh – kissed his lips.

"Your health prioritises over my needs any and every day, Rain. Now be my good boy and behave today okay, I'll be back by dinner time."

"Hate you 3000"

Phayu laughed at the timid effort of rebellion.

"Take a break we got lunch."

They heard P'Pai call out from downstairs.

"C'mon Rain let's go – you need to take your medicines too."

"Aye Aye Captain."

Rain replied with a fake salute.

As promised Sky and P'Pai had showed up by noon, while P'Sai and P'Pai got busy with race-related business, Sky and he got busy catching up with the current semester. After all the models won't make themselves although he would have preferred making them while sitting on his Phi's lap and being showered with kisses and 'smart boy' at periodical intervals. But no he had to go to work on a weekend – annoying!

"I know it's annoying."

Rain coloured red realising how maybe his internal thoughts weren't very internal!

Death do Us Apart & Life brings Us Together ~ PhayuRain story.Where stories live. Discover now