The Ivory Dragon's Awakening

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(Also, the music at the top is what I think suits this chapter.)

Two Dragon Cookie's, Santol Dragon Cookie and Kumquat Dragon Cookie looked in excitement as they watched their orange-white coloured egg slowly hatch bit by bit. Around that egg, there was prized treasure of the Longan Palace, such as some fantasy stories written by cookies, such as some dessert animals protecting a forest with sweets, and a story about living a tropical life.

Suddenly, the dragon burst out of their egg with, surprisingly, a straight face on. "Awwww, Santol, our Longan Dragon baby-waby just got born!" Kumquat Dragon Cookie said, adorable as can be.

"Don't call me baby-waby." A mysterious voice said.

As a suprise, Longan Dragon spoke! Even though it was only a few days (While it was fully developed in the egg) old!

The parents were shocked, but was also pleased, as their "son" was talking, at this young age!

"Son, how can you speak? Me and your father are very interested." Santol Dragon said with pride.

Well mother and father, it is clear to see that this is because.....

And before he could finish his sentence, The 5 legendary's appeared right in front of them.

(This AU is set in more modern Cookie times, that's why the 5 legendary's (And later on, the 5 others) are here.)

"Hello Fully majestic dragons" the Almighty Sea, Sea Fairy Cookie said first. Who followed after her was the Shiny Moon, Also known as the not announced queen of the City of Wizards, also known as a sister to a Cookie who could turn into a bird, and lastly know as the Sea's girlfriend, Moonlight Cookie. "We are pleased to announce that your dragon son is one of the 5 legendary dragons. But you can just call them the important dragons."

Next in line, was a cookie made out of fire himself, Fire Spirit Cookie.
And these 5 Dragons have powers! Looks like yours have the power of knowledge."

"Amazing as always!" Kumquat Dragon said.

After the fire, was the wind, Wind Archer Cookie. We can show you. He then pasts some paper to The final one, Millennial Tree Cookie, who then pasts it to Longan.

"Ok Longan, draw yourself." The 100 year old tree said. Longan then drew himself with crayons, and in a few minutes, they were done. "Ohhh, let's see what you've drew!" Santol Dragon smiled.


Longan has drew a very detailed version of themselves in only 4 minutes!

"Wow, that's very good art skills for a few days year old!" The fire said, shook.

"Yes, very good" Wind Archer agreed.

The old tree then reminded them with "Oh, look at the time! We got to go now!"

The Moonlight replied with an "Ok! We gotta tell this to Timekeeper, Dark Enchantress, Abyss Monarch, Frost Queen and Black Pearl Cookie!"

The Alluring Sea saw everyone go into a magic Portal, then, she then said a single sentence to Santol Dragon and Kumquat Dragon. "Hope you have fun with your adult Hatchling." Then, she disappeared, into the swirling blue portal, and the portal disappeared with her, exploding into a drop of water, a prism of light, a spark of fire, a gust of glorious wind, and a little tree that Faded out.

"So, I guess I don't need to explain then." Said Longan a short while when they were gone.

"Yes, you do, now is there anything you want to watch you Walking Baby?" Santol Dragon Cookie guessed.

"adult comedy's. While I play with my toys. I don't care if they are babyish or not." The baby cooed.

She then said to her husband, "This "Adult Baby" thing is going to take us on a wild ride."

"Yes." Kumquat Dragon Cookie agreed.

And neither does these Cookie's know that is going to be a even wilder ride that.

(Wow, 661 words in one chapter! Hope you enjoy the rest of this story!)

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