The last Violet Dragon is born

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Now, this day, Longan Dragon Cookie was just having a fun time watching TV with the Hatchlings. It was generally a good show, to be honest. They were just at the credits, when all of a sudden, there was crying nearby.

It was the 5th baby.

The Young Dragon had dark purple scales, and short, white hair.

The 4 Dragons flew over to the basket of the Dragon, and Longan read a note to them. It said "Dear Longan Dragon Cookie, we are Pulasan Dragon Cookie and Bayberry Dragon Cookie. We recently gave birth to the last legendary Dragon, Lychee Dragon Cookie. And as you said that you're adopting all legendary Dragons, we sent Lychee Dragon to you. She also comes with all their baby stuff, and her pet Lycheye, as it seems she loves it. Take good care of them, love, Their parents."

After Longan read the letter, he reminded himself that it was time for the babies' nap, so, he put all of them down with their little things in their cribs, and left, planning to watch a marathon of a new show.

Lychee Dragon POV:

So, I've just been put down for what my new parent called "A nap", but I don't know exactly what a nap is, so I just layed in my crib, on my own, when someone said, out of nowhere "Welcome to the family Lychee!"

I was shocked by that, and turned my head to where the sound came from. It was a red dragon, with Black eyes with white lines, fluffy white hair, and some dark red pyjamas to go with his scales.

"Um...who are you?" I said, shuttering slightly.

The baby replied with "Well, I am Pitaya Dragon Cookie. I am your older brother. Well, one of them, anywaysss. I wasss the 3rd born out of 4. The one with blue scalesss and a long, green dressss behind me isss Lotusss Dragon Cookie, the 2nd oldessst, and next to her, the yellow one with green PJ'sss, is Ananasss Dragon Cookie."

I of course, replied with "Wow, I have older brothers and an older sister? Cool! But what about the lisp?

Red answered with "Oh, the lisssp? Oh, I was just born that way."

"Yes, it's true. But when I growl, or I am in my dragon form, I expand my R's." Yellow continued.

"Well, at least I got my milk with me." Blue said, absolutely going off what we were talking about.

I replied with "Well, can we just go to sleep please, because I'm sleepy."

"Ok". Red at least try to say. Because I'm feeling pretty much sl...." And then he went to sleep.

And then the others did the same, until I finally went to sleep.

Then, this buffer, bigger one of us came to pick me up, with all the other Dragons in his hands!

I was very scared about this.

After that, he plopped us down on the couch, and said "Hello everyone, happy from your nap?"

I was definitely not happy.

As what I saw, the others were happy, so, I began to smile.

Suddenly, the bigger Dragon walked away from us, leaving us to watch TV.

Everything was very nice now, the others was introducing themselves to me, and I'm introducing me to them, while watching adult TV. This is where I belong.

End of Lychee Dragon POV.

While the hatchlings were playing, Longan decided to give their pets, Pineapplemur, Lotus Polliwog, Lotus Dragon Scale, Dragon Fruiting, lycheye, and Dragon Eggshell Clam some food. But then, he looked back at the babies, and said,

"We're going to have some good memories together."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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