Finding tape 1 and tape 1

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Vanessa's POV

Gregory and I were told to clean up an attic and, being the nice people that we are, went up and we cleaned it. During the cleaning, Gregory called my name. "Hey Vanessa, I found something" Gregory said. "What is it?" I asked. "Uh... it looks like a tape" Gregory handed the tape to me and I red the title of it. "Hmm..... it says "The Daycare Attendant" I read. "Shall we get Freddy? Maybe he knows something about this" Gregory suggested. "No, I have a better idea" I said. "You wanna watch it?" I, then, laughed. "You guessed it" I said. "Ok. Let's do it" Gregory said, and he put the tape in the TV we found in the attic. It showed the title, a humanoid and a wolf. "Hey, I'm the daycare attendant." The daycare attendant said. "Sun for short" He added. "And I'm Roxanne Wolf. Roxy for short" Roxy said. "And I love apples. Do you like apples?" Sun asked, and a blank box popped up. "What?" I asked. "I guess we answer" Gregory said. I, then, typed in, "Yes" "But Sun," Roxy started to say, and Sun looked at her. "I'm allergic to apples" She said. "That's alright. You should never be afraid to try something new" Sun replied. "What?" Both me and Gregory were shocked. "But we don't even know where the store is" Roxy said. "Do you know where the store is?" Sun asked. "What happens if we do anything wrong?" Gregory asked. "Let's find out" I said and pointed to the house. "Do you know where the store is?" Sun asked again. I pointed to the house again. There was static, and the house and playground got taken away. "Do you know where the store is?" Sun asked with a bit of an attitude. "What just happened?" Gregory asked. "I don't know" I responded and pointed to the store. There was static again, and the house and the playground reappeared. "Yea, that's right. Let's go" Sun said. "We're at the store" He added. "It sure looks crowded" Roxy commented. "And look, there are apples. Can you say apple?" Sun asked. 'Why so many questions?' I thought and typed in,"Grape" instead. "Say apple" He said. I typed in "Grape" again. "Apple" Sun said. I typed in, "Grape" but something made me type, "Apple" "What!?" I yelled. "You typed Grape, didn't you?" Gregory asked. "Yea, I don't know what happened" I said. "Good job. Now we can make apple pie" Sun said, then the tape ended. Then, another one appeared when I turned around. "Hey, look" I walked over to the tape and picked it up. "It's a new tape" Gregory said. I put the new tape in the TV.

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