Making the pie and tape 3

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Vanessa's POV

"What?" I asked. "Do we have to make it?" Gregory and I turned around to see an oven with a pie tin and a bunch of fruits. "Apparently" Gregory said. Both he and I walked over to the oven. He placed the apple on the pie tin and put it in while I preheated the oven and set the timer. Gregory closed the oven and it made a tape. "Huh?" Gregory asked and grabbed the tape. "It's a new tape" He said and put it in the TV. "Hi there, I'm the daycare attendant. Sun for short" Sun said again. "And I'm Roxanne Wolf. Roxy for short" Roxy said again. "What do you like best about your neighborhood?" Sun asked. No blank box popped up. "What?" Gregory asked. "That's great. I love that there are so many friends in my neighborhood" Sun said. "Today, I want to send something special to my friend. First, I have to go to the store to buy them a card" He added. "Do you know where the store is?" Sun asked. I pointed to the bakery. Sun giggled. "That's not the store, silly" He said. I pointed to it again. "It says "store" on it" Sun said, a little annoyed. And again. There was static and the stores closed. "I'm kind of in a hurry here" He said in his current tone. I sighed and pointed to the store and the stores opened again. "Great job. Let's go to the store" Sun said. "Let's pick out a card. My friend helped me when I was sad, what kind of card should I send them?" He asked. "What?" Gregory asked himself. "I don't know. This one, it's a birthday one, so.... this" I said, pointing to the birthday cards. Sun giggled. "It's not their birthday" He said. I did it again. "Do you think that's what they need?" Sun asked. I pointed to it again and the cards except the "thank-you" cards were sold out. "What do you say when someone helps you?" He asked. I pointed to the "thank-you" cards. "Great, I found the perfect card. Time for the erran-nd" Sun said along with the tapes glitchiness. "When friends do nice things, it's important to thank 'em. I wanna get my friend a special treat" Sun said. "Ooh, can I have one?" Roxy asked with stars in her eyes. Sun looked at her, then looked back. "I wanna get my friend a special treat" He repeated. Roxy looked away, 'Savage. Why'd you do that?' I thought. "Where can I buy a treat for my friend?" Sun asked. "Just for that,.... treats are at the post office" Gregory said and that was my cue to point to the post office. "Wow, your friends must love your treats from the post office" Sun said, sarcastically. I pointed to it again. "I hope the treats aren't stale by the time we get there. Can you show me where to go?" He asked. I pointed at the bakery. "Good job, let's go get that treat" He said. The tape, then, froze. "What? What happened?" Gregory asked. Then, it resumed. "Mhmm. Everything smells so good" Roxy commented. "I want to buy my friend some-" Sun said, then the scene changed to Sun vomiting and Roxy standing there nonchalantly, then it changed back. "Buy my friend some cookies. Can you show me where the cookies are?" Sun asked. I pointed to the cake. "I don't think my friend will like that" He said. "Well, tell your friend to try it, Sun" I said and pointed to it again. "I can't mail that to my friend" He said, getting angrier and Roxy stepping back. "What about cupcakes? Can you mail that?" Gregory asked. "Let's see" I said and pointed to the cupcakes. "I-... I WANT THE COOKIES!!!" A different voice from Sun said and Roxy jumped back. "Wh-wh-what was that?" Gregory asked. "I don't know, Gregory. But I will protect you in case something goes wrong" I said. "Thanks" "No problem" I pointed to the cookies. "Those look so tasty, we just have one more stop in the neighborhood" Sun said, in his normal voice. "The package is ready for my friend. They live pretty far from me, so.... we need to mail it" Sun said. Roxy looked up and behind her. "Wow, it's getting late and most of the stores are closed. We probably can't send that now" She said. "I have to send this to my friend. It's time to go to the post office" Sun said. "Let's send this package to my friend. Their name is-" Sun cut himself off. "Wait, I don't remember. Can you help me?" He asked. "Well, we can come back tomorrow. We don't have to send it now" Roxy said. "No, I have to send this to my friend. Help me, who does the package need to go to?" Sun asked. I typed in "Fred" "No, that's not my friend's name" Sun said. I typed in "Greg" "You have to know their name" He said. "Ok, we really don't" Gregory said. It made me type "Foxy" "The name is Foxy" I said. "Wonder why" Gregory said. "Great work, now we can send this package to my friend. I hope he likes the cookies" Sun said and the tape ended.

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