Biological Imperative

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Barbara and Kara had been watching the fight unfold, though Kara had to carry Barbara so that they could keep up with the chase. Barbara winced every time that Bruce hit Mark, he didn't stand a chance in a straight fight, hell even though she was probably better than Mark and would've beaten him had she not underestimated him.

"Your boyfriend is doing better than I thought he would" Kara commented as she watched the fight unfold.

"He's not my boyfriend!" She shouted up at her making Kara giggle.

"I thought you said you used to date?" Kara replied.

"That was a long time ago, not anymore," Barbara said back before looking back to the fight unfolding.

She just watched Bruce mount Mark as he threw punch after punch, and she couldn't help but since every time "Should we do something? He seems to be going a bit far" Kara said with a frown.

Barbara agreed, though she knew this was what Bruce did, if they didn't give up he'd beat them down into submission until they did and Mark was no exception, especially since he was powered "Take us down there maybe I-" However before she can finish the sentence she's surprised when she sees Mark catch Bruce's fist and lift him off of himself.

"Wow, your boyfriend is pretty cool huh?" Kara comments as she sees him smash around Batman on the truck. Barbara doesn't even answer her as she's completely shocked at what she's seeing 'He wasn't this strong before! And if he was why did he let Bruce smack him around so much? why did he even humour her when they fought?' All these questions raced through her mind.

They watched as Mark batted away two Batarangs which exploded to the side of the truck making Mark lose his footing, Bruce pushed off his hands launching a backwards kick straight to Mark's chin, they both winced, that kind of blow could put someone into a coma and yet Mark just rubbed his chin and proceeded to beat down Bruce again.

Though they both become uneasy when Mark grabbed Bruce by the throat and punched him in his stomach, they both felt the shockwave from where they were and Kara frowned "He's gone too far Barbara..." she told her friend, Kara knew better than anyone how dangerous it was hitting regular people when you had super strength, had it not have been Bruce who wore top grade body armour then he might've caved in his chest.

Kara swoops down and places Barbara on a nearby roof "I'll try not to beat your boyfriend too badly" she says confidently as she speeds off the roof catching Bruce who had just been thrown from the building, and placing him on the roof next to Barbara, she then zooms back down crashing into Mark and carrying him off into the sky and out of sight.

Bruce coughs as he falls to his knees spitting some blood, he looks to Barbara and she shrinks under his gaze "What are you both doing here..." he asks in a neutral tone not conveying any emotions.

Barbara inwardly panics, there was no way she'd be able to get away with lying to the Batman "I-I just wanted to make sure you didn't go too far" she explains telling a half-truth.

Bruce narrows his eyes even further "Who is he" he asks though it's less of a question and more of a command.

Barbara can't tell him, she didn't want to ruin Mark's life just for a few mistakes, she knew she could get him to stop she just needed to talk to him "I won't tell you" she says to him composing herself.

Bruce stands up to his full height intimidating her slightly before he grunts and then walks away pressing a button on his suit to call the Batmobile back to him. Barbara breathes a sigh of relief believing that Bruce would have been a lot more insistent on finding out Mark's identity.

Batman jumped off the building grabbing onto a nearby pipe to slow his descent, as he reached the ground the Batmobile rolled up and he jumped inside.

"Batman to Watchtower, Mark Grayson is Active, Supergirl has engaged him"

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